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Grounding Ideas for Empaths

Go Barefoot

Being an empath means that you are likely a highly sensitive person. As an empath, you need to make sure that you are grounded and balanced. If you want to keep growing, you have to make sure that you are strong in who you are.

Many empaths feel that they are restless and often will feel overwhelmed. They will feel like they have no one that they can count on and they depend a lot on themselves. There are different things that you can do to get yourself grounded so that you can live your best life.

Even though many grounding techniques take a lot of effort, these are techniques that aren’t that hard. These are things that you can do everyday and you will see that even if you are busy, you can stay strong.

Understanding Grounding

Grounding is also something that people call earthing. This is when you connect to the earth, and you pick up the energy around you.

Science says that grounding and allowing your skin to touch the earth can help to make you strong. Sometimes you can go out and be barefoot in the soil and this can make you to feel full of energy and to feel recharged.

When you are grounding your energy, you are able to use the planet to help make you strong. People walk around on their electronics and there is electricity everywhere. Because of these energies, your body might not feel grounded or safe. Once you use the planet to help you, you can be grounded.

As a spiritual person, you might want to ground your mental energy. You can do this when you connect to the earth and the nature around you. There are different grounding techniques that you can do to get you where you want to be.

Benefits of Grounding

There are a variety of health benefits that can help you to be grounded. Here are some things that grounding can do:

  • Increase the energies you have.
  • Help you to sleep.
  • Get rid of muscle pain.
  • Decreases headaches.
  • Eliminates chronic pain.
  • Helps you to feel calm and less stressed.
  • Increases your blood flow.
  • Gets rid of inflammation.
  • Helps with hormones.
  • Balances the nervous system.
  • Helps to heal wounds.
  • Gets rid of jet-leg.

There are more benefits that aren’t listed here but the ones above can make your life even better.

How to Ground Yourself as an Empath

Once you understand how important grounding is, you can do things to make this happen for you. Grounding in nature is one of the most important forms of grounding and you can do this outside. This will help you to feel better and help you to have peace and calmness.

Go Barefoot

The first thing to do is to go outside and be barefoot. Take your shoes off and walk in the grass, the soil or even on the beach. You can do this and you will get the energy from the earth to your body.

Bathing in the Forest

Forest bathing is a way that you take time to listen to all of the sounds, smelling the smells of the forest and becoming one with it. You are able to go into the woods and go for a walk, take time to sit and meditate by a tree. Pay attention to the animals and the plants and trees around you.

Lay in the Grass

Laying in the grass can be so relaxing. Many of us did this even as children. This is one of the best grounding techniques around. Go outside when the sun is shining and lay in the grass. Be calm and collected.


If you have a garden, going out and working in your garden can keep you grounded. This can help you to feel better and help you to pull the energies around you to yourself. Your garden will look great, and you will feel better.

Hug a Tree

You can even go out and hug a tree. Touch it with your hands and sit by it. Hug it and show it that you have love for it. Just allow your bare hands to touch the tree.

You can even visualize doing these things if you don’t have any way to go out and do them. This can also help to ground you if you need to do it that way.

Grounding with Water

Water is a great way to be grounded. You can use water for earthing. Here are some things you can do to ground with water:

Go in the Rain

The rain is one of the purest kinds of water. It is filtered by nature and it is very grounding. It doesn’t have toxins and all that in it. You can collect this water and use it to wash your body or you can just stay out in the rain.

Washing Hands

Washing your hands can be very cleansing. It can wash away any negative energies that you have. If you want to get rid of unwanted or negative energy, wash your hands. Even simply doing this can get rid of negativity and you can imagine them going down the drain.


Just like washing your hands, washing your body can ground you. The shower will get rid of negative energy. No matter what kind of dirt you have on your body or in your emotions, let the shower fix that.


One of the best ways to use grounding with water is to swim. Go out in the pool or in the lake or ocean. Let the water surround you. See how you feel refreshed and alive when you are swimming.

Let Your Feet Swim

You can allow your feet to go into the water if you don’t like to submerge yourself. Just sit by the bath with your feet in the water, or by the pool. You can even get your own bucket and put your feet int.


Bathing is one way to get rid of negative energy. You can make this even stronger by adding salts like Epsom salt. Relax and listen to music while you wash away your negative energies.

Mind and Body Grounding

There are ways that you can ground your mind and body and here is how:

Method of Numbers

The method of 5-4-3-2-1 is a grounding method that allows you to feel better. This means you take five things that you see, four things you feel, three things you hear, two things you smell and one thing that you taste, and you do those things.

This can help to get rid of stress and anxiety and will calm your nervous system. This can make you have positive energies.

Being Positive

Another way that you can ground yourself is by allowing your body to focus and to be more aware. Redirect your negative thoughts and think of ways to embrace your body.

Mental Thoughts

If you are overwhelmed, you can change your energies. You can spell your name backward or count to 100. You can even sing a song about counting or do whatever it takes to get your mind off of your stress.


Journal whatever you are thinking and feeling and see that you can get rid of negativity. This is a way that you can embrace your thoughts and bring peace to your life. This is great to do if you are an empath or if you are overly sensitive. Here are some things you can journal about:

  • Why am I worried? What can I do to get over this worry?
  • What energies do I need to let go of?
  • What energies do I have around me that are someone else’s?


Meditation is healthy for everyone, and it can bring calmness to your mind and body. You can start with guided meditation, or you can do your own. There is no right or wrong way to do this meditation and you need to do whichever you feel is the best for you.


Try breathing exercises and focus on your breathing and nothing else. When you are stressed, breathing deeply can calm you and help you to focus on good things. This can help you to ground yourself.

Try to breathe in for a count of 4 and then hold it for a count of 5 and then let it out for a count of 4. Do this over and over until you feel better.


Yoga is considered a sport and it can be something that can ground you and be healthy for your body. You will feel more fit and you will feel that you are stronger and healthier in your mind, body and soul.

If you don’t want to go to a yoga class, you can do this on your own. Look online and find different yoga classes that you can do right from your home.

Grounding and the Environment

Grounding can work with nature and with other things, here are some things you can do that will make you feel better no matter where you are:

Play with Your Pet

Take time to hug and play with your pet. This can ground you. Animals are there to support you and hugging them can change your life.


Use crystals as a way of grounding. This can increase your energy and make you feel calm. Try tourmaline, jade or pyrite to start.


Eat foods that are healthy and try to eat some root vegetables. This will help to keep you healthy and to keep you grounded. Trying carrots or potatoes are a great start!

Essential Oils

Essential oils such as Lavender or Cedarwood can help you to feel calm. They can ground you and work for many other purposes as well.

You can put these oils in your diffuser or you can put them in your room. Make sure that you aren’t allergic to them.


Sometimes lighting a candle can keep you grounded. It can help you to relax and feel better. You might love to watch the flame dance and this will keep you focused and calm.

Grounding Mat

There are things called a grounding mat that helps you to connect with the ground. If you live in an apartment or you don’t have a yard, this mat will help you to have a mat of the yard right by you.

A grounding mat can be plugged in and you can put your skin on it. This can help you to feel grounded and strong.

How Grounding Helps

You can enjoy your life better when you are grounded. If you try any of the techniques above, you will see that they can help you. If you are a sensitive person or an empath, grounding is an essential for you. Try and see what works best for you and stay healthy and grounded.

Letting Your Spirit Guides Help You

Spirit Guides

Each person has at least one spirit guide and many people wonder about their spirit guides. Your spirit guide is someone that has crossed over to the other side and they are there to help you to reach your higher self. You can see these spirit guides are part of your life but one thing to remember is that your spirit guides cannot help stop bad things from happening to you.

Even if you have a spirit guide, their role on the earth is there to help you but they are not able to control things. Even in your life, you have free will and your spirit guides can only warn you and give you signs.

Warnings of Danger

A spirit guide is able to give you information and to warn you of danger. Even though they have control over things that other people don’t, there are some things that they can and cannot do. One thing that a spirit guide can do is to warn you of danger. This means that when something is coming at you that could hurt you, your guides can help you to know the signs.

Understanding Spirit Guides

Spirit guides will work the same way that your intuition works. They will do what they can to get you to listen and to warn you of things that are going on. When you are tuned into your own intuition, chances are that you are able to listen to your guides more than others who aren’t.

You will meet new guides sometimes and when you do, they will try their best to warn you that something isn’t right. If you choose to ignore it, the bad things can happen to you and the warning will just be ignored.

Can Your spirit Guide Hurt You?

No spirit guide would ever try to harm you. A guide is there to protect you and to guide you and they would never do anything negative to you. Sometimes when your guides are ready to reach you, they will send something like your spirit animal to you to give you a sign.

You might even have dreams of your spirit guide and the guidance that they want to show you. They will help you to see when important things are going on in your life.

Spirit Guide Journal

When you want to remember the messages that your spirit guides are giving you, you can try keeping a journal. This journal can be used so that you can remember the good, the bad and even the signs that your guides show you. This can help you to see if there are any repetitive patterns or ideas.

Your spirit guides are there to help you and to guide you and they will help you to know when you need to be careful of danger. They are also there to just give you encouragement and to make you feel that your life is full of love and hope.

Embrace your spirit guides and let them know that you are interested in what they have to show you and to tell you.

Connecting with Your Twin Flame

Connecting with Your Twin Flame

Everyone knows what a soulmate is, and they are people that get a lot of attention from everyone. They are seen in movies, books and more. They are someone that is meant to be destined for your life. This can be a best friend or even a partner.

Maybe you have met someone that you have a strong connection with. A soulmate is someone that is different than a twin flame. Some use soulmates to relate to love and romance but a twin flame is supposed to be someone closer to you than a soulmate.

Twin Flame Thoughts

A twin flame is more than just a soulmate. The soulmate is thought of someone that is romantic, but a twin flame is someone that can be different types of relationships. Twin flames don’t always connect like a soulmate, but they have a natural connection.

Twin Flames Versus Soulmates

A soulmate is someone that is known as far back as mythology. They are people that have a spiritual concept, and they are meant to represent the other half of your soul. They are the real soulmate and when two people come together and live a healthy life together that ends in peace, this is probably the twin flame.

Twin Flames and Living

When you have your soul ripped in two, part of your body goes to someone else. This is a separation, and it has many steps that happen along the way to get your other half back.

Love and Twin Flames

Unconditional love is one of the most powerful things that twin flames bring. When you connect with them, you will see that they are part of you, and you crave to be with them. You want to grow with them and you long for them.

Pull of the Twin Flame

The twin flames will have a special pull towards each other. This is a connection where the two halves become connected, and they become whole. This can be hurtful and if you haven’t met your twin flame yet, you will see that you might be moving in their direction once you understand. Or, you might not have met them yet. Once you meet your twin flame, you will feel the connection like none other.

You will feel that you have a strong intuition when you meet your twin flame. You will think about things the same way that they do and sometimes you will finish each other’s thoughts. You will know things about your twin flame that you never imagined or things that they have never told you. When they are hurting, you will hurt too but when they are happy, you will have those same emotions.

Twin Flame and Romance

Not all twin flame connections are romantic. Some can be friendships, and some can be outsiders that you connect with that make your life better.

How Long Do Twin Flame Relationships Last?

Twin flame relationships will last forever. They may not be together forever, but they are there to teach you lessons that never end. They will help you to reach your higher self and your higher place. They will help you to live your new life and to transition into places you need to be.

The relationship will be so powerful that you will trust them, and you may even be intimate with them. The relationship will be a strong attraction and there will be undeniable trust. The trust and the pull will allow the relationship to last forever.

Twin flames can be friendships or romantic relationships. They can also be friends that are there to understand you and to help you to be more motivated to do the things you need to do. Twin flame friendships are friends that will last and help each other through thick and thin.

Rejecting a Twin Flame Relationship

Twin flame relationships are your other half. The connection will be strong, and this might mean that you want to reject your twin flame. You might not love yourself enough to accept this person in your life. You might even share the same similar traits with this person, and they will help you grow if you accept them.

Why Have a Twin Flame?

The twin flame is part of your life to help you grow. They will help you to live your best life and they will support you in your religious growth. As you look for your twin flame, you will see that you both have to mature, and you have to go through hard things.

Twin flames will show you what love looks like and they will help you to reach your higher self. They will help you to live a strong life and when the relationship comes together, they will inspire you and love you.

Growing and Loving

Even though twin flames are like soulmates, they aren’t the same. The twin flame will help you to go through different changes in your life. They will be a strong connection with you, and they will help you to reach your higher spiritual self. They will be the other half of your soul.

If you have past trauma, you need to work through this so that you can have a healthier life when your twin flame comes to you. Your twin flame can cause you to see the world differently and they will help you to live stronger in your mentality, your spiritual self and your emotions. They are more than a connection but a way of life for you.

What it Feels Like When the Crown Chakra Opens

Crown Chakra Opens

Chakras are important in many different religions, especially in the Hindu religion. The chakras are part of your body and the energy center that works to keep you strong and intuitive. The crown chakra is one of the chakras that can help you to connect with your spiritual self.

As your crown chakra becomes open, chances are that you will experience many different situations. You will be emotional; you will have sensations in your head, and you might even have a hard time sleeping.

As the crown chakra opens, this is called Kundalini. This is an experience that allows your spiritual being to find unconditional love and to be wise in what is going on around you. People will have different kinds of sensations and symptoms as the crown chakra opens.

Here are some symptoms you might have when your crown chakra opens:

Opening the Crown Chakra

The Sahasrara or the crown chakra is the chakra where you can reach your spiritual self. This is the seventh chakra, and it is found at the top of the head. When you go through your spiritual enlightenment, this is where it starts.

You can work on all of your chakras and get them balanced and this can help you to open your crown chakra. As your other chakras get balanced, you will see that your crown chakra will open.

People are different and not everyone will have the same experience as their crown chakra opens but here are some of the biggest symptoms:

Sleeping Changes

Some people stop being able to sleep and others will sleep longer or at different times. This is one symptom that happens when the crown chakra is opening. If your sleep pattern is changing, pay attention to what else is going on around you or in your life.


Many people that are opening their crown chakra will have strong dreams. Some will have dreams that are very detailed, and others will experience lucid dreaming. The crown chakra will help you to understand your dreams better.

Emotional Feelings

One big symptom of the crown chakra becoming open is that you will become more emotional. This can include being sensitive or it can mean that you might feel stress or anxiety. Some people even go through a bit of depression. You have these emotions, but you will learn to face them.

Strong Gut Feelings

As your intuition increases, chances are that your crown chakra is opening. This can mean that you are reaching your higher self and finding your spiritual path.

New Psychic Gifts

There are people that don’t even know that they have psychic gifts until their crown chakra begins to open. If you have gifts that you have been developing, they will get stronger, and some will find that they have gifts they didn’t know about.

Physical Situations

There can be physical situations that happen as your crown chakra opens. You might feel sick such as being nauseous or dizzy. You may even feel that you are experiencing shocking in your head.

Some people will have these feelings and sensations and they will be uncomfortable for a time, but these feelings will ease up as time moves on.

Spiritual Situations

Beyond the physical situations there are spiritual things that you might go through. This can be the time that you begin to connect with the universe.

Is It Good for the Crown Chakra to Open?

Opening your crown chakra is very important. It can help you to have more wisdom and to be able to see into the spiritual world. As you are motivated to reach your higher self, you will see that your crown chakra will bring you love and empathy to yourself and others.

You will connect to the divine and be more aware of what is going on. You will understand things and you will see that there is good in the world.

Signs of a Blocked Chakra

Any of your chakras can be underactive, overactive or blocked. Here are some signs of having problems in your crown chakra:

Overactive Crown

As the crown chakra is overactive, it will cause you to experience different things such as:

  • Dizziness.
  • Confusion.
  • Having no empathy for others.
  • Being depressed or stressed.
  • Having a hard time dealing with self-love.

Underactive Crown

When the crown is underactive, it can cause you to experience things such as:

  • Having no purpose.
  • Having no inspiration.
  • Make you want to sleep a lot.
  • Feeling down or negative.
  • Not able to make decisions.

Opening Up the Crown Chakra

If you have a blocked, under or overactive chakra, there are things that you can do to fix it. One thing that you need to do is to learn to calm down and relax. You need to take time to figure out what is going on in your life without adding extra stress.

Love yourself and take time to go out in nature, read a book or to relax and sleep in.


Meditating can help you to open up your chakra and keep it healthy and strong. Imagine white light surrounding you and that it is helping your crown chakra to open. Here are some ways that you can meditate:

  • Find a quiet place.
  • Sit comfortably.
  • Concentrate on your breathing.
  • Imagine a white light filling you.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Let the energy come into your crown chakra.
  • As you feel whole, end the meditation.

Positive Affirmations

Here are some positive affirmations that you can say to get your crown chakra opened:

  • I am part of the universe.
  • I believe that the universe has my back.
  • I have divine wisdom.
  • I have divine light.
  • I can reach my higher being.
  • I am complete and whole.
  • I have peace and love.
  • I have love for myself.
  • I believe in my intuition.

Crystals and Stones

There are some crystals and stones that can make your crown chakra stronger. Try stones like the Herkimer diamond and the amethyst to help you open your chakras.

Ask for Guidance

You can talk to your angels or your spirit guides and ask them to guide you. Ask them to help to keep your chakras open and to balance the ones that are blocked. As you ask for help, you might see signs that the universe is giving you, pay attention to them.

Final Thoughts

Opening your crown chakra is an important step in growth. If you want to strengthen your spiritual journey, then you need to make sure that all of your chakras are unblocked and strong.

You can talk to a psychic and see if they can help you if your chakras are blocked or if you don’t know what step to take next. Let them guide you and help you to clear out your chakra energy.

Raising Your Vibrations

Raising Your Vibrations

Everyone has the power inside to raise their vibrations. The universal law tells you that everything is made of energy, and we know that energy is everywhere. Energy moves at different speeds and even inf your own life, the energy is constantly moving.

Maybe you have never thought about having a vibrational frequency on your own, but the truth is, your vibes are what attract others. Your energy is like a magnet, and it can bring goodness or repel it. There are things that might seem like coincidences, but chances are that your vibes are strong and that good things are coming to you.

Having strong vibes and being positive can help your mind and your heart to feel happy. When you feel good, your vibes will be stronger. The universe is there to give you the power to change your vibes and to get your positivity flowing.

Be careful with how you think, what you eat and drink and what kind of drugs that you take. Make sure that you are living your good life and learn how to raise your vibrations now:


One of the best ways to raise your vibes is through meditation. Science has proven that meditation ill strengthen your human brain and can help you to be more positive, calm and creative.

No matter what kind of religion you are, you can meditate and be calm. Do this a few minutes a day and find that you are able to change your mindset. This can help you to feel better and will raise your frequency over time.


Get off of your phone and your computer and go out in nature. Being in EMF’s all day can decrease your vibes and can cause you to feel drained.

Limit the time that you are on your electronics and never take them with you when you need to sleep. Take time to detox from your tech and feel better!

Take a Bath

People that want to feel healthier will often take a bath. They will then have more creative thoughts while sitting in the tub. If you want to make it even better, add Epsom salt or sea salts to help detox your body.

People can also use organic soap and other things that can help their body to be stronger and healthier.

Spend Time with Positivity

Find people in your life that are positive and that are uplifting. They can help to increase your vibes and to make you feel better.

Be true to who you are and true to others and if you have a friend that uplifts, you and makes you laugh, hang out with them.


Get physical exercise and move. If you are busy, just do a few minutes each day. Doing yoga and other exercise can help your mind and body.

No matter how much you do or how hard you do it, just moving around can help you to feel better. Go outside in nature and walk around in the grass. This can help you to reach your higher self-faster.

Get Organized

Take time to organize your home and your office. Having clutter can cause stress and can cause you to be less happy. Do things that are small at home such as making your bed and vacuuming. This will help to boost your energy.


Go out and serve other people. Go to a vet and help with the animals or go to a homeless shelter and feed people. By doing this, you will feel fulfilled and at peace.

When you feel upset or overwhelmed, go out and volunteer your time. By sharing your time with others, you will raise your vibes.


Try to eat things that are good for you. Get rid of processed foods and sugar and learn to eat healthier. Eat fruits and vegetables and find chickens and other meats that are free-range.

Besides just being healthier, you will see that you can raise your vibrations and your energy. Even if you don’t want to give up on things like meat, find meat that is healthier for your body.

Stop Watching the News

The new can be depressing and if you watch and read it often, you might find yourself getting down. The purpose of the news is to get a profit and so they aren’t always showing you things that are best for you.

Try to refrain from watching or reading the news for a few days and see if that makes you feel better in your life.

Be Thankful

One of the best things that you can do to raise your vibes is to be thankful. Be thankful for the people around you and learn to show gratitude for what people do for you. Never be beyond showing thanks for what people do that make your life better and easier.

Body Language Signs He Likes You

Body Language Signs He Likes You

Do you always wonder if a guy you like is attracted to you? You can look at his body language and find out if he likes you. Guys aren’t always good at telling you what they are feeling, and this can leave you feeling confused and having mixed signals. This could be happening because he isn’t sure what to do. Maybe one day you are around him and he makes you feel fun and funny by laughing at all of your jokes and the next day he keeps looking at you when he thinks you aren’t aware.

Even if this guy doesn’t tell you that he likes you, chances are that his body language will be able to give you a clue that he is or isn’t attracted to you. Body language is one of the ways that you can understand people even when they aren’t speaking.

Body Language Signs He Likes You

Guys are the best at hiding what they are feeling, especially from the opposite sex. They will never tell you exactly what they feel about you, especially if they aren’t quite sure yet. Women are able to use their intuition to pick up on certain cues, but this can still leave them questioning. If you want to know if a guy likes you, the best way to find out is to look at his body language. Body language can tell you a lot!

Women like to hear what a guy says more than paying attention to body language but if your guy isn’t spilling the beans, you can find out if he likes you by his body language. Body language is something that happens subconsciously and so even if a guy is trying to hide his real feelings, his body will give it away. Here are some of the biggest clues!

Eye Contact

A guy that cannot take his eyes off of you probably likes you. When men are attracted, they will stare you in the eye and make strong eye contact with you. You can also tell other ways by looking to see if his pupils dilate or if he looks at you longer than a blink. This might be a sign that he likes you.

Men will look straight into the eyes of women that they like and if you are having a deep conversation and he is intensely staring at you, chances are he likes you. Eye contact can mean that he wants to know more about you. Eye contact isn’t just with the eyes, but he can look you over, looking at your eyes, lips and even hair and then back to your eyes. This can be another sign he is attracted to you.

One of the most common signs is eye contact. A guy that likes you will notice all of the small details about you, and he will want to gaze at you. He will give you a powerful stare and this can let you know he likes you.

Acts Embarrassed When You Catch Him Staring

When a guy acts shy when you see him making eye contact, this might mean he likes you. He might feel shy, and he might give you a small smile to show that he is embarrassed. He probably is interested in you, but he just doesn’t know what to do next.

Even if the guy doesn’t tell you or say the right things to show his attraction, you will be able to tell that he has an attraction to you when you see him staring at you. A guy that is interested will have a hard time looking away from you, but he will not know if you will say yes if he asks you out. He will keep being shy until he makes the move.


If you want to know if he likes you, find out by telling a joke. If he smiles or laughs, especially if the joke is bad, he probably likes you. Another body language that you can read is blushing and smiling. A guy that really likes you will smile at you and cannot wait to see you and to agree with things you say. We smile at things that we like and if a guy likes you, smiles at you and laughs at your jokes, you have your answer.

This is one of the first signs that a guy likes you. He will smile at you, and you will be able to see his smile all over his face. You will see that he is interested in you, and you should smile back if you are interested in him as well.


We pay attention to people that we like. We will focus on the person, and we will give our utmost attention to them. If you see a guy, you like out with his friends and he leaves them to come and talk to you, chances are that he likes you.

Guys don’t notice things that they aren’t interested in and so if he is pointing out things about you such as a new haircut or new boots, he is noticing you. Pay attention to the things he is noticing about you and see if he mentions them again.

Deep Breathing

Another thing a guy will do if he likes you is to deep breathe. He will talk some and then take a deep breath. This can mean that he likes you. If he keeps letting out deep breaths when you go by him, this is a subconscious sign that he likes you and you are taking his breath away.

He might have a hard time breathing around you because he likes you and this happens at different times. He might think you look so good that you take his breath away. A sigh is a body language that is an expression of physical attraction. If he does this when looking at you, he is interested in you and thinking what it would be like to be with you.

Fixing Up

Men will not always fix their hair and look nice when they go somewhere but when they know that the girl that they like will be there, they will. They will fix their hair and always make sure to smell good and look good. Fixing their hair can be a sign to get your attention and they want you to notice them.

Guys pay attention to hair and when they go out of their way to fix their hair for you, this means that they are attracted to you. They will also touch their hair sometimes because they feel supported and comforted by this. This can be a huge sign of attraction.

Touching His Face

A guy that is flirting will be nervous and will sometimes touch their face a lot. If you notice him touching his cheeks and smiling or acting nervous, this can mean that they are interested in you. Guys are self-conscious just as girls are and this is how a man that is shy will act.

They will feel the skin in their cheeks stretching when they start to get nervous around you and when they touch their cheeks, they are making sure that they look good. They will also dress nicer when they know that you are going to be around and put in extra effort to look good.

He Wants to Be Noticed

Everyone knows that when you like someone you want to be noticed. When a guy is interested in you, he will do things to make sure that you notice him. He wants to impress you and make you remember him.

Some guys will do things like talk loudly or will laugh to get your attention. He wants to make sure that you notice him, and this will make him act differently sometimes.

Looking at the Lips

A man that is attracted to you will look at your lips. This is something that they have a hard time hiding but it is also an involuntary motion. When he is talking to you, he will look down at your lips without meaning to.

This can mean he has deep feelings for you and that you make him turned on. He probably wants to be with you.

Pointing His Feet

When a person is attracted to you, their body will be in a posture where their feet are facing you. This is part of the body language that shows you that he wants to be close to you and that he is interested in you.

When we like someone, we subconsciously will point our feet in the place where the person we are attracted to is. If you look down and see his feet are facing you, there is a good chance he likes you.

Leaning In

Having a good talk with a guy can be a good thing if you want to know if he likes you. His body will do things to be close to you such as leaning in. This can create a feeling of chemistry between the two of you. Even if he isn’t close to you, he will reach out towards you, and this can mean he likes you.

Fixing Clothing

He might not be sure if you like him but if he likes you, he will make sure that his clothes are pulled down right and his shirt is tucked in, or his tie is straight. Whatever he is wearing, when a guy messes with their clothing, they probably like being around you.

He might even go as far as asking about things that you like and paying attention to the things that you are interested in. When he sits close to you, he will fix his clothes and he will sit up tall.

Eyebrow Raise

One big sign that someone is attracted to you is that they will raise their eyebrows when they talk to you. This is a sign that a guy likes you. When someone raises their eyebrows, it can mean they are attracted to something or they like something. Guys will sometimes do this when they walk by women, they think are pretty.

If he raises his eyebrows around you a lot, he finds you interesting and he is attracted to you. Pay attention to see if this is happening when he is around you.

Parting the Lips

Another sign that he might like you is that he will part his lips. This can mean that he wants to be with you, and he is imagining being close to you. This is a time when he might be daydreaming about you and fantasizing about you.

Touching Accidently

He might brush his hand against your hand or put his hand on your back when you are talking. When he laughs, he might touch your leg. These are “accidents” that he plans out so that he can touch you and be close to you. He wants you to know that he likes you.

When a guy likes you, they will be touchier, and they will do this because they want to be close with you.

Checking Her Out

Checking out someone is interesting and when a guy is doing this, he will sometimes be secretive. But, when a guy likes you, they will let you notice that they are checking you out. They will let you catch them staring at you or catch him smiling. They do this because they want you to notice that they like you.

As you get to know a guy more, he will be more apt to allow you to notice the attraction that he has towards you.

Flaring Nostrils

Sometimes a guys nostrils will flare when they like you. Even though most guys would hate this, it is part of the body language that just is part of life. This isn’t something that most people find attractive, and most guys don’t even know they do it, but if you see his nostrils flaring, this is a good sign.

Putting the Phone Down

If a guy really likes you then he will not pick up his phone when you are out together. He will give you all of his attention and he will make sure to not be bothered by the phone. He will probably even lay the phone down on the table in silent mode so not to be disturbed.

This should be a big way that you know you are important to him. He will want you to know that you are more important than what is going on around him. If he is someone that is always on the phone and he never even looks at you, he probably doesn’t want to connect with you at all.

Final Thoughts

A man can make you feel special and let you know that he is attracted to you by all of these body language signs. If you still aren’t sure, ask him. Let him know that you are interested and see where things go. Go with the date and don’t worry what happens next.

By paying attention to his body language, you can pretty much sum up if he is into you or not and if he wants to date you or take things further.

Have You Met an Earth Angel?

Earth Angel

An Earth angel is known by different names such as a lightworker or a crystal child. Some are known as indigos or starseeds. The thing about an Earth angel is that they are here to make the world a better place and to bring positivity to the world.

The Earth angel is one that sees good in people, and they show others love, compassion and kindness. They want the world to heal. They have a hard time dealing with people that are angry or that are violent, and they want to set free those that are oppressed.

Some Earth angels are known to be powerful and gentle, and they are known by how kind they are to others. When they are around you, they make your personality shine.

Signs You Met an Earth Angel

There are some signs that you might see that can prove that you have met an actual Earth angel. Here are a few of them:

Deep Heart Feelings

Maybe you are in a place where you feel dark and sad. When you meet this person, they make you feel better instantly. They turn your darkness into light, and they make you feel whole and wanted.

This person might help you to grow and help you to shine your own light to the world. Whatever it is, they help you get through the hard stuff.

Spiritual Awakening

When you meet this person, you might be in situations that have been hard on you. At this time, you might feel stuck but when they come to you, you become inspired about who they are and what they bring. You instantly feel better and that your energy is stronger.

They might smile at you and make you feel that life is worth moving forward and make you feel loved.

Opening Up the Senses

This person might make you feel different in your heart and might suddenly let you have a clear and calm mind. They make you feel calm and collected where you have felt uneasy and stressed.

Being around this person can make you feel joy and make you see the good even in small things. They bring you joy and make you feel that you are strong.

Feeling Younger

An Earth angel can help to take away some of your age that comes with stress. This happens because they are able to lighten your mood and make you laugh. They make the world seem lighter.

The kindness that they show you makes you have a softer heart and allows you to open up to them and to have fun. They make you feel young again because they bring so much peace and joy.

Admitting it All

When you meet this person, you might just want to tell them all of your faults. They make you feel safe and that you can talk to them. They will listen to you, and they really do care.

Once you talk to them you are able to forgive yourself and others and move forward. You are able to get the support you need.

Healed and Whole

The Earth angel can help to heal you. They are there to make your darkness turn to light. They want to heal your heart wounds and the wounds in your spirit. You will feel better and more energetic around them in your mind, body and soul.

They might touch you and it makes you wonder why they have so much love. They will be soft, and their hug will take away all the pain that you have been feeling. If you need some kind of healing, you will feel it when they are around you.

They Accept You

Maybe you have never felt accepted, but you meet this person and all of a sudden you believe in unconditional love. The love and accept you for who you are, and they tell you its all going to be okay.

These people comfort you and they will give your energy back to you. They will bring light into your life, and they will not judge you. They will help you to accept yourself and others.

Final Words

If you have ever met an Earth angel, then you are lucky. Let them know how thankful that you are for them and how much you love them being a part of your life!

What are Chakra Symbols and Meanings?

Chakra Symbols

Chakra’s are the energy centers that fill our lives. People have embraced their chakras for years and with the chakras come different elements and symbols that can help people as they move through life.

Some studies have shown that the different colors in the world can affect how we feel. So, our moods are affected by things around us, and the interesting thing is that the chakras are embraced by different colors. What colors help you to feel balanced and good?

Each chakra has a different vibrations and meaning and each one is associated with some kind of color or symbol. These colors, symbols and vibrations can help affect our life and who we are.

Elements of the Chakra Symbols

Chakras have different elements in the spiritual realm and a different vibration. This is helpful to know because when our chakras are balanced, it can allow the energy to flow through the body, making us strong.

Circle Symbol

The chakras are symbolized by a circle because it is a life flow that goes throughout the body. There are seven chakras from the crown which is at the top of the head to the root which is at the feet. These things are there for all eternity and they are full of energies that our bodies use.

The circle is also a representation of the moon when it is full, and it represents how life continuously cycles and that life is eternal such as space and time.

Square Symbol

The square is another symbol that is represented by the chakras. This is a base sign, and it shows solidity and strength.

This is a foundational symbol and represents the foundation of the body and allows all of the chakras to be able to work with the square to be strong and to reach the level of our mind and body that we need to move forward and to reach our higher self.

Triangle Symbol

The triangle is one shape that has three points. These three points can represent things such as being connected or being one or in harmony. Since the mind, body and soul are all one, it can show you through the triangle how this is an open spiritual connection with who we are. We are connected both in the spirit world and the physical world.

When a triangle works with a chakra, the point faces down because it means you can get the information from the universe that is needed to teach you and connect you. The only one that is different is the heart chakra.

Lotus Shape

The shape of the lotus is how we grow and represents our spirit man elevating. The mind, body and soul allows us to awaken and reach our highest spiritual shape.

The petals in the lotus represent the energy of the chakras and can also mean fertility, growth, awakening and more. When the lotus has more petals, it can mean that the energy is shifting and flowing correctly.

Hexagram Shape

This shape is very high in the vibrations because of the fact that it means both masculine and feminine energies. These energies are strong and can bring balance to life. Without either of these energies, the world would be confused.

Spirit Animal Shapes

When the chakra is associated with a spirit animal it means that they have the same kind of balance. The powers in the chakras and the animals are used with symbols that allow people to know to meditate so that they can connect with the spirit world.

Energy of the gods and goddesses

The chakras work with the Hindu gods and goddesses, and they take power from these different qualities. Here are a list of the gods and goddesses with each chakra:

  • Crown: Kundalini and Shiva.
  • Third Eye chakra: Sadashiv and Shakina Shakti.
  • Throat chakra: Sadashiv, Shakina Shakti.
  • Heart chakra: Rudra, Kakini Shakti.
  • Solar Plexus chakra: Vishnu, Lakini Shakti.
  • Sacral chakra: Brahma, Rakini.
  • Root chakra: Ganesha, Dakini.

Colors of the Chakras

The colors of the chakra can help us to know what we are feeling and can raise or change our vibrations.

When you use the different colors when you need to open up a chakra or when you are meditating, you will see that this can give you power to open up a chakra and to get rid of blockages that are bringing you down.


There are different mantras that can be used such as a seed syllable or a Bija mantra. These can be used when you are meditating and can help you to be able to move energy through the body. This can activate and balance your energy and allow you to connect with the vortexes.

As you connect with the chakras and the syllables, they will help you to see the energy move correctly and will help to get rid of blockages. Some are silent syllables while others are used to bring peace, calmness and a higher consciousness in your life.

Use these sound vibrations to reach peace:

  • Crown chakra: silence.
  • Third eye chakra: OM
  • Throat chakra: HAM
  • Heart chakra: YAM
  • Solar Plexus chakra: RAM
  • Sacral chakra: VAM
  • Root chakra: LAM

Meanings of the Root Chakra Symbols

The root chakra is the first chakra and is often called the Muladhara. This is found at the spine and is the foundation of the chakras. It uses the syllable LAM and is a spirit animal of the elephant.

Red Root

Red in the root chakra works with the energy of the cosmos. This is a powerful energy, and it allows people to evolve and to grow.

This is a color that means passion and can bring order to your mind and body.


The triangle that points down is the one that works to move the energy with the root. This can mean you are grounded with the earth and that you are like a seed that is ready to sprout.


The square means that things are secure and stable. This is a solid shape and can bring energy moving in a free atmosphere. This can help with your passions and allow you to be structured and reliable.


The lotus with the root has four petals and means birth. It can also mean:

  • Intellectual: Buddhi
  • Mind: Manas
  • Consciousness: Chitta
  • Ego: Ahamkara

Sacral Chakra Meanings

This is the second chakra and is one that means Svadhisthana. This means to be established and strong. It works with the color orange and the animal of the crocodile and uses VAM as the syllable. It works with the water element.


The color of orange of the Sacral chakra means to have joy and peace and can mean excitement. It can also mean you are able to be creative and strong.

This can mean you are free, and you can have good ideas.

Moon Shape

The moon shape that faces upward or the crescent moon is part of the feminine power. It allows the flow of energy to take place. It symbolizes fertility and being powerful and having strong energy.


The lotus of the sacral chakra works with six petals. It means that you can get rid of things such as anger, desire, cruelness, pride, jealousy and hate. The petals represent having a strong mind and living a good life of goodness.

Solar Plexus Meaning

This is the Manipura and is the third chakra down. It is found in the stomach and represented by the color yellow. It works with the RAM syllable and uses the ram as the spirit animal.


The yellow of the solar plexus represents having power and light. It can mean you are strong in who you are, and you have good self-esteem. This is a feeling of being part of the world but rising above it.


The triangle that faces down is part of the sacral chakra. It can mean that you are illuminated and that you are strong and vital.

This can also mean that you have intelligence and inner power and that you are able to let the universe guide you.


The lotus of the sacral chakra means that you have ten petals. This can mean that the vibrations are high and that you are able to overcome everything to reach the highest being. You will get rid of things such as:

  • Jealousy
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Shame

These negative things will hold you back and you have to overcome them.

Heart Chakra Meaning

The heart chakra or the Anahata is found in the chest area. It is the fourth chakra and uses YAM as a syllable. It is associated with green and the deer animal.


Green shows that you are able to grow and that you want to be part of nature. It means healing and it shows compassion to others. This is the place of love and compassion.


There are two triangles in the heart chakra, and this makes a hexagram. This shape means that you are able to be one with the universe. You can also connect with the earth, and you see that they work together to bring intelligence. This represents being in harmony and having the yin and yang or the masculine and feminine symbols.


The lotus for the heart chakra is twelve petals. This means that you have qualities that are good such as:

  • Peace
  • Clarity
  • Pureness
  • Forgiveness
  • Love
  • Unity
  • Kindness
  • Compassion

It also means that you have to overcome things such as discrimination, stress, lust and fraud.

Throat Chakra Meaning

The throat chakra or the Vishuddha is the fifth chakra. It is associated with blue, space and HAM as the syllable. It is part of the white elephant.


The blue of the throat chakra means that you are smart, and you are able to express who you are. It allows you to speak truth and to be pure in your heart and mind.


The throat chakra is represented with a circle and a triangle. This means full moon and having a clear mind and a clear heart.


The triangle faces down and means intelligence and can mean that you are able to get messages not only on the earth but from the spirit world. It means you can speak and understand truth.


The lotus of the throat chakra has sixteen petals. This means that there are sixteen different Kalas and abilities that you have to develop as you live your life. This means being who you are meant to be and to be able to talk about things easily.

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra or the Third eye or Ajna chakra is found in the middle of the forehead. It is represented with indigo and command elements and the white elephant. It uses OM as the syllable.


Indigo is a connected color and means that you can connect with your mind and body. It allows you to understand the magic of the world and to find mysterious around you.


The triangle for this chakra points down and means that you are smart, and you get intelligence from a different place. It means that you can be wise and that you can channel things to your life with your third eye. It points down to represent a seed of wisdom that you can reach.


The lotus is a two petals when representing the third eye chakra. It means that your conscious mind and your self are connected and that you have power of the moon. The Lunar power allows your brain to work and balances you are bringing harmony, peace and a clear mind.

Crown Chakra Meaning

The last chakra or the Sahasrara is found at the top of your head. It extends past your head and is beyond any element. It is a silent mantra and works with the cosmic egg.

White and Violet

The crown uses white and violet because they represent the highest power you can have. It represents your awakening and reaching your higher conscious mind. It is a neutral color that can also mean being pure and being divine.


The circle works with the crown chakra and means that you are able to reach your spiritual awakening and have divine power. This is an eternity thing.


The crown chakra lotus has a thousand petals and there are twenty rows of fifty that are in an equal order. This comes in different colors and pure white. This is the power of the Kundalini and your connection with the universe.


As you look at the chakras you can see that there is a connection between the physical and the universe. The mysteries that you see allow you to discover who you are and to see the power that you have.

While you go through your awakening, be strong and let the powers of the chakra bring you peace and hope along your journey.

How to Date Other People and Have Love

How to Date Other People and Have Love

People are not much about commitment now. Even though there have always been a lot of people that you could date, now you have all of these dating sites right on your phone where you can take your pick of someone that you want to date. You don’t have to put much effort into dating, and you can use emojis to be intimate.

You can say good morning or goodnight on text, and this can make you feel that romance is dead. Maybe romance isn’t dead, but it is something that we need to do over. Maybe romance now means that someone needs to put their phone down and spend time looking and talking to each other. Maybe romance means getting rid of your dating apps and going out on a date with someone or going out to meet a real person. Romance is still there; most people just have forgotten what it looks like.

Committing to Someone

If you choose to commit to someone, you still have the option to look at other people. There are many girls and guys that are amazing to look at, but this is by choice. The choices that people make are killing their relationships and making it hard for people to have good relationships. Everyone seems to think that having an opportunity is a good thing, but the truth is, that it causes us to never feel satisfied. We don’t know what satisfaction feels or looks like because we always want more, and we always think that love doesn’t even exist. We want to have a thrill or excitement or to be pleased right away.

Facing What is Inside

We often distract ourselves and we have to face the things inside of us. How can we expect to find love when it is not easy to love someone? When we fall out of love, we leave, it is easy. We do not see love as a commitment but something that has no limits. We look at pictures, we do what we ant and we see that we have as many options as possible open to use that exist.

What You Missed Out On

When we look at our lives, we often see the things we don’t have, the places we haven’t been and the people we aren’t dating. We wonder why we aren’t satisfied in life, but we forget to look at what we have instead of always looking at what we don’t have.

Can You Commit?

Even if we find love, are we going to be able to commit and be intimate? Will we be able to give our lives up for someone else? Will we put pictures on social media to make it look like our lives are perfect? Will we worry that we will lose who we are and that we will never have the right conversations to really have love?

Comparing Love

Then, if you are with someone, will compare your love to other couples Will you compare your life and wonder if your relationship is good enough? Will you think that you are not ever going to be as happy as someone else and you will work to measure up and to be better than other people?

What to Do Next?

Will this cause you to break up with your partner because you feel that they aren’t good enough or you aren’t good enough/ Will you feel that your life and your relationship, your job, your friends, and everything in your life is not good enough? Then you will download your dating app again and find someone else, living the cycle with the good morning and goodnight texts and think that you are finding a partner that will give you a happy life. Then you will compare, become dissatisfied, fight, and then you will break up. This will be a never-ending cycle for you.


You will begin to search more, and you will send out images and you will set your attention on making yourself feel happy and even though you don’t know what you want, you will keep looking.

You will finally see that you want more and that you want to slow down and live a simple life. You will want to know what you want, and you will want to really connect with someone. You will want people in your life that will be there for you. You may not know what you want yet, but eventually you will see that you want more.

Grounding Yourself, Having Hope as a Psychic

Grounding Yourself

Being a medium means that you have a spiritual gift. It means that you are able to make a spiritual connection to the other side. If you want to connect with your loved ones or the spirit guides, seeing a medium can help you to do that.

If you have been given the gift of mediumship, you need to make sure that your mind, body, and soul are cared for and that you are living a healthy and positive life. This is a gift that you will have that will not just help yourself but will help others along the way. You will make a huge difference in the lives of those around you.

Connecting to the other side is not always easy and if you are a medium, you know that you have to ground yourself before you try to reach the other side. Sometimes people will connect with themselves and will reach their astral realm.

A medium is on a different vibrational frequency than other people and they have to increase this frequency if they want to connect with the spirit world. Spirits are different than humans and they have a much higher vibrational frequency.

When a medium wants to increase their frequency, they can do this just by doing a simple reading or by doing an oracle or a tarot reading.

When a medium ground their energy, they might do different things such as:

  • Sage their home
  • Use crystals that are protective and grounding crystals such as onyx or selenite
  • Create other energies
  • Light candles
  • Meditate
  • Use white light

Mediums will do these different things to open up their chakras or to increase and ground their energies.

Body, Mind and Soul

A medium has to keep their mind and their body working correctly. They have to always pay attention to the energy that they bring in rather it is negative or positive.

A medium has to be careful when picking up energy because this can affect the spirits that the medium channels and it can cause physical manifestations to stop and cause stress to the medium.

If a medium becomes overstressed or ungrounded, they can feel sick or they can have issues sleeping.

When you are a medium and you release your energy, you can see that you can meditate easier and that you can do different exercises to be stronger. If you want to recharge your energy, ground your chakras and be stronger, you can do deep breathing exercises and you can go out and walk in nature. You can even take a salt bath and use essential oils for extra help.

Eating a healthy diet when channeling will help you to be stronger. Avoid unhealthy food and drink lots of water.

Physical Space

When you are going to do a reading, make sure that you ground your area by using sage or by burning incense. You can light a candle and say a peaceful mantra when you start.

You can use crystals that are charged by the moon, or the sun and they can help you to be strong in your spirit.


Make sure you keep your spirt peaceful and that you have outlets when things are hard. You can use reiki or get massages to help you relax and have a strong spirit.

Do different meditations, take up yoga or go out on nature retreats to recharge your spirit. Your spirit is there to serve yourself and other people.

Mediums ground themselves differently and if you are a medium and you want to connect with the spirit world, make sure that you stay grounded and strong and that you put self-care in your everyday routine.

Connecting with the spiritual world is never boring.