Cosmic Meditation and the Benefits

Cosmic Meditation and the Benefits

Is your life a mess and chaotic? Do you feel that something is missing, and you aren’t sure what? Sometimes we get stuck in life and it seems that no matter what happens, we cannot seem to find any help.

When you learn that you have cosmic energy and that it comes out when you meditate, you can learn to have a better life.

Cosmic Energy

Cosmic energy is all around us. Everything is made up of energy and there is a place between space and the galaxies that we get energies from. This changes our conscious thinking and can help us to have peace in our lives.

It is amazing to have cosmic energy and it can help to give you joy and peace. Cosmic energy helps us to take action of our lives and can help us when we are sleeping or awake. It can give you peace while you dream and is good for many reasons such as:

  • To keep your life in order.
  • To help you have good health.
  • To keep you happy.
  • Giving you knowledge.
  • Help with situations you are facing.
  • Expanding your conscious mind.

Philosophy and Cosmic Energy

Hindu philosophy calls this kind of energy Kashmir Shaivism or Prana. This is cosmic energy and is also called Kundalini. This can be known as new age energy which is called quantum zero or orgone energy.

Benefits of Energy and Meditation

Our mind and body are full of energy and we are surrounded by energy all around us. This is cosmic energy and it is good energy that helps to heal our bodies and mind. This energy gets rid of negativity and helps to heal your mind and body and give you harmony in your life.

Here are some benefits of cosmic energy in your life:

  • Helps your blood flow correctly to the heart.
  • Lowers cortisol levels.
  • Lowers lactate levels.
  • Helps with mental stress.
  • Eliminates free radicals.
  • Takes care of depression, anxiety and brings joy and peace.
  • Helps to heal the heart and skin.
  • Improves memory.
  • Enhances self-esteem.


There are things that you can do to channel your energy and you can do this by healing the chakras. You can do breathing and meditation to help with this.

Here are some positive things that can happen when you meditate:

  • Helps to heal the mind.
  • Keeps you calm and focused.
  • Opens up the chakras.
  • Takes away fear and negative thinking.
  • Helps the mind and body become one.
  • Brings energy healing.
  • Meditation calms the inner body and soul.
  • Brings inner peace.
  • Focusing on breathing can help to bring energy from the earth.
  • Uses Reiki to work on getting more cosmic energy.

Cosmic energy can help you and it can be brought to your mind and body through meditation. Learn to practice meditation daily so that you can increase your cosmic energy.