Are you trying to buy a place for your business or to purchase a new home? Or maybe you have a place that makes you feel really happy. You can find out what kind of vibes these places have by using numerology. If you are in a place that makes you happy or a place that makes you depressed, find out why.
Understanding Basic Numerology
Basic numerology is easy to understand. You can find out your birth number by using the exact birthdate that is on your birth certificate. Numerology can get complicated, too, and if you want to find out about where you are living or where you might want to live, you can find out by using numerology.
The best way to find out the numerology of your place is to know the street number and the address.
Office Number or Address
Here are what the vibes mean once you find your office or your home numerology number:
- 1: Original, a great job for someone that wants to start a new life or someone who is single.
- 2: This is happy and cooperative number. This address will help you to find love and help you to make good friends.
- 3: If you want to have people in your life, this is the number that you want. You will be more open to communication with this address.
- 4: Four is a number that is a true number and means security and stability.
- 5: This is an inspiring and exciting number. It works good for those that work and those that want to go on adventures.
- 6: This is a great address for people that want to have a family and is a nice home for people recently married. It is loving and cozy.
- 7: This number in your address means to have peace and to have a spiritual home. This would be a great address for psychics.
- 8: This is an address that can help you to manifest money or success. It is a showplace.
- 9: This kind of home is one that is for people that have their souls evolved or someone that wants to have a home that they can live in forever. This is also one that is for humanitarians.
- 11, 22, 33 and 44 Master Numbers: These Master Numbers can make your home address more powerful and stronger.
Actual Address
The number or letter, which is the address, is normally found on the door or the mailbox. You can use the street name to see if you feel that the address will have a good personality. Numerologists tell you to use the exact street sign name but others tell you to drop the names street or avenue and just do the actually street and number.
Compatibility of Addresses
There are some numerologists that will tell you to add the number 4 to your date of birth and find out what your home number is. If you have a 7 then you would be most compatible with a 2. If you add the number 4 and your number is 4, the best address for you would be one with an 8 in it. You can also find numbers that are compatible with your last name or your birthdate number.
You can also use numerology to find out what kind of environment would work best with you. If you have to travel to and from your workplace, find out what the address is and see if this is going to be a career that is best for you.
No matter what you do though, finding the right number in an address might not mean that you are able to live or work there. The magic of numbers is one that some people canât resist. Numerology will help you to know what you need and will help you to be able to find out what is going to be best for you.
Final Thoughts
No matter if you are moving to a new home or a new country or if you need to find a new business, the best thing that you can do is to use a numerology location to find one that is most compatible for you.
Great overview of basic numerology! It’s interesting how each number can represent different energies and vibes for homes and offices. Definitely food for thought!
‘Master Numbers’? Sounds like they should come with capes and superpowers! ð Who knew my apartment could be an Avenger?
‘Find your vibe through your address’? This feels like the plot twist in every reality show ever! Can’t wait for the next episode where they figure out if their couch matches their numerology number. ðĪŠ
‘Couch matches numerology’? Now that’s some next-level design thinking! ð What’s next, numerological color schemes?
Seriously? Numerology? This is just pseudoscience dressed up as wisdom. There’s no way a number can dictate how happy I feel in my home. ð
This article is a breath of fresh air! I never thought about how numbers could influence my living space. I’m definitely going to check the numerology of my home! ð
$uccess through numbers? Count me in! I’ve been looking for ways to manifest some positive vibes in my life. Time to crunch those digits! ð°âĻ
‘The magic of numbers’? More like the trickery of gullibility. If only life were that simple, right? Just pick a house with an ‘8’ and you’re set for success! ð
While I appreciate the idea, isn’t it a bit simplistic to think that a number alone can determine the atmosphere of a place? There are so many other factors at play in our emotional well-being.