Phone Psychic Readings

Phone Psychic Readings

If you are new to the spiritual world or if you have had more sessions than you can count, do you ever think and ask yourself if phone psychic readings really work?

How Do Readings Work?

The internet exists and doesn’t have a physical location.  It has a lot of energy and portals and you can access it with your phone or your computer from anywhere in the world.  You have an energy field and other references that a psychic can access just like the internet.

It is a field of energy that can be accessed anywhere.  It is like the internet because it is out there and the psychic doesn’t use it or might not even know  about it so if you want to get the most out of your reading then don’t ask random questions, they won’t know what you are wearing or what you had for lunch yesterday.

How Do They Connect?

When it comes to a psychic reading that happens on the phone, each one has their own log on rituals.  They have a language of there very own.  Here is an example of what they can do:

  • See visions
  • Hear things
  • Have intuition
  • Energetic areas
  • Spirit guides
  • See Angels
  • Do Tarot readings

If you have a psychic that is giving you information, you don’t have to receive the information from their guides.  If they are working with different guides, the guides will be there and can be in more than one place at a time.  It can be similar to a conference call.

If they psychic is using Tarot cards or other tools, they are tuning into their intuition on your behalf and telling you what they are finding on the phone.  There is no need for them to be there to do this for you.  A medium can do their method from the phone and provide you with clarity and knowing.

How Does Birth Data Work?

Birth data is necessary if the psychic is working with astrology or Akashic.  This is not necessary for a read and the energy field will work for healing.  Your energy body doesn’t exist with your regular body and it can be accessed from different dimensions. Sometimes if a psychic is conducting a long distance reading then they are with you in the astral dimension and they can see your aura as if they are with you.

Can All Psychics Do Readings

You don’t have to be present for a psychic to do a reading for you and a phone reading is just as effective as if you are in person.  Many psychics will tune into their energy through the voice of their client.  A psychic won’t do this kind of reading if they aren’t able to.

Benefits of a Phone Reading

Sometimes advisors feel that readings over the phone are more effective because there are less distractions and they are not influenced by how someone is dressed or what they are doing.  This isn’t saying that in person readings don’t work, but sometimes a phone reading can be more effective.  Remember that  psychics can tap into your energy all around the world and can give you advice.  Consider always having a smartphone in hand if you need a reading.


  1. So, basically psychics have their own version of Wi-Fi where they ‘log on’ to our energy fields? Maybe the next step will be psychic apps with instant notifications. ‘You’ve got an astral message!’

  2. Oh sure, because who doesn’t want to discuss their life issues with someone who claims to be seeing visions through a ‘conference call with spirits’? Seems perfectly legit to me. Not.

  3. This article provides fascinating insights into how phone psychic readings work. It’s incredible to think that energy fields can be accessed remotely and that psychics can offer guidance without being physically present. Truly a modern marvel!

  4. The concept of energy fields being accessible like the internet is intriguing. It seems to draw a parallel with quantum entanglement in physics, where particles remain connected regardless of distance. This could be an interesting area for further exploration.

  5. I’m sorry, but the idea that someone can read my energy over the phone just sounds like a scam to me. You can’t possibly convince me that these so-called psychics can tap into my life without ever meeting me.


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