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Use Yoga to Get Stronger


The world is so busy now that people don’t remember that they need to move their bodies to build strength. The great thing about yoga is that there are different poses that can help to build up the body, mind, and spirit.

Using yoga can help you to channel your inner strength and can help you to be stronger to face challenges that come to your life.

  • Tadansna

This is also called the Mountain Pose and it is one that you learn to be aware of your posture and how you stand. This pose can help you to have better posture and to be grounded. It helps you to ground your feet into the floor and to get energies from the earth. Always deep breathe and close your eyes when doing this pose.

  • Virabhadrasana

This is called the Warrior I pose and can give you inner strength. It is a posture that helps you to be flexible and to have strength. It can set your mind, spirit, and body in stance together. Hold this pose and count to 10 as you breathe, and you can get stronger.

  • Anjaneyasana

This is the Crescent Lunge, and it will give you power in your legs and hips. It is one that can benefit you by opening up the heart chakra. This is a way that you can get your heart to have unconditional love.

  • Vrksasana

The Tree pose is one that grounds you and will help you to be balanced. If you need to have a strong spine, do this pose. Imagine that you are a tree, and you are swaying but staying grounded at the roots. This will help you get in touch with your inner being.

  • Balasana

The Child’s pose allows you to feel that you are in the womb. This is a time to relax and let your brain be at rest as you let your stresses go. Exhale and release all anxiety into the earth as you do this pose.

Understanding Astrology


Astrology helps you to understand yourself and people around you more. Astrology uses the stars and the planets to help you to understand things from the day that you were born until where you are not.

You can look at your different charts to find out where the planets were when you were born, and the locations can show you things about your life. If there was tension between different planets at that time, it can mean that your life might be full of challenges. The thing with challenges though is that they will make you stronger.

There are two kinds of planet interactions that astrologist show that will cause challenges and this is the squares and the oppositions. An opposition is when there is one body that is on the other side from the zodiac planet. The moon and the sun will oppose each other each month and this is what makes a full moon. The opposition can also happen when there are planets moving in the sky and then another body is recorded on the birth chart. After six months of your birth, the sun will be halfway around the zodiac signs and there can never be two suns that are opposing each other. If the sun was opposing when you were born, this can happen with any two combinations of the planets.

The square is a time when two planets are tense with each other. The two planets can be 90 degrees apart and the circle that circumnavigates the world around you. The square can be half way to the place of the opposition. When there are two hard angels, the square is one thing that agreed to show you a bigger challenge.

When the square is in an opposition and it happen in regards to your birth chart, it might not be as negative as you think. There can be challenges that are common such as chaos, anxiety, and destruction but you can sometimes control what is going on in these circumstances.

Just because there is a situation in your life, it doesn’t mean that you have to give in to it or to surrender and it can mean that you can avoid certain things or alter things to get rid of the negative energy.

All the bodies in the heavens have different challenges and when there is an opposition or a square in a planet, it can show your astrological chart.

Hard angels that happen from the moon mean that you have a deadline that you need to make, and you need to be creative. This can also mean that you are doing your best at your job and that you need to be aware of what is going on around you.

Solar oppositions can be challenging for your ego. The squares that happen by the sun show that you have two paths that are held at equal places.  It can be a burden to make big decisions at this time.

  • Mercury

Mercury is a planet that can make it hard for you to communicate and this is one reason that there are sometimes oppositions or squares. When you have an agreement during an angel that has to do with Mercury, look for challenges in the future.

  • Venus

Venus is one that can mean that you have relationship problems that are being seen. You need to see how the hard angles can bring goodness in your love life. Venus angles that are hard can mean that you don’t have to commit to people and that you can be monogamous.

  • Mars

When Mars is at a hard angle you will see that there might be short tempers and it might be a time that you say things that you don’t mean. It can also mean that you will sometimes be at war.

  • Jupiter

Jupiter can mean that you are in opposition or a square and these can last for weeks. When one thing happens that is bad, it can be many other things that pile up on this and it can leave you having to clean up a lot of messes.

  • Saturn

Saturn can have a square or opposition in the zodiac. When it moves into its position, it can last for months. This is a planet that is visible and works with the solar system that evolves each person. When Saturn is in this position, it can mean that the changes are final. This isn’t always a sad things, but it is something that is monumental and permeant.

  • Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

These three planets can be far out from the square or opposition. This can be a time of weakness that people adapt to. This is a time where you can change your attitude and you can see who you are as an individual.

Uranus will have tension, and this can mean shifts. This is a forced change that will be needed. Neptune can rule society and it can be a time of addiction. Neptune will be one that forms squares and oppositions. Pluto is a planet that can mean total change and the end of an era.

Opening Up Your Chakras


Your chakras are the energy centers that are inside of you. They serve as your life force and there are seven main ones that are found in the body. They go from the bottom of the spine to the top of your head, and they are what controls your physical and spiritual being.

Chakras can be blocked because of things that have happened in your life. When this happens, it can cause the energy to go too fast or too slow. It can cause your chakras to be out of balance and this will affect your mind, body, and spirit.

Having open chakras is important and there are things that you can do to make sure that your chakras are open and balanced.

Knowing the Chakras

If you have never heard of a chakra before then chances are it might seem like a strange thing to talk about. Chakras are located all over your body, and you can do exercises to learn where they are.

Find a quiet space to start in where you won’t be distracted and be comfortable. Sit and take time to meditate for a minute and let out any negativity. Once you are ready, imagine that there are chakras in y our body and imagine seeing each one of them. Start with your spine and work through all the areas where the chakras flow. Imagine each one as you see them in your mind’s eye.

  • Root Chakra

The first chakra is the root chakra. This is associated with the color red, and it helps you to be grounded. It is found at the spine. If it is blocked or not working right, you will feel worried, paranoid, fearful and you won’t get things done that you need to get done.

You can open up this chakra and it will help you to feel secure and safe. Start by standing with your feet apart and focus on the ground and how it feels under you. After a few minutes, sit down and cross your legs and put your thumbs to the tips of your index fingers. Rest your hands on your knees and focus on the energy of the root chakra. Say the word, “lam” as you chant and open up with positivity.

  • Sacral Chakra

This is the second chakra, and it is associated with the color orange. It is found at the bottom of the navel. It is connected with the desires that you have and your sexual experiences. This is a chakra that is blocked when you feel emotional, and you can’t keep your emotions in control.

Open this chakra by sitting on your knees and focusing on the color orange. Put your hands on each other with the palms up and chant the world, “lam.”

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

This is the third chakra and is associated with the color yellow. This helps you to keep your emotions in check. It is found above the navel. It helps you when you keep it open, from being angry and from being hateful or frustrated. If it is blocked, it will cause you to not feel your life purpose.

You can open this chakra by sitting on your knees. Put your fingers and your palms together and cross your thumb over the other while you chant the world, “ram.”

  • Heart Chakra

This is the chakra that is associated with the color green. It is found in the center of the heart and has everything to do with love and compassion. When it is blocked, you might not be able to love yourself or others.

Open this chakra by sitting with your legs crossed and your thumbs and index fingers lightly touching. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on y our chest. Say the word, “yam.”

  • Throat Chakra

This chakra is found in the throat and is associated with the color blue. This chakra helps you to be honest and to be able to communicate. When blocked, you might not be able to tell the truth or to be creative.

Open this chakra by sitting with your legs crossed and putting your hands together with the palms facing upwards. Lock your fingers together and focus on blue energy while you chant, “ham.”

  • Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is associated with the color indigo and is found in the middle of the forehead. It is the chakra that helps you to reach your higher spiritual self and it is where your dreams and your intuition lies. When blocked, you might feel depressed and not be able to see what the world has for you.

You can open up this chakra by sitting down and putting your hands in front of your chest. Let your thumbs touch and then your knuckles and then chant, “om.”

  • Crown Chakra

This chakra is found at the top of your head and is violet in color. This helps you to accept yourself and those around you. This is where your acceptance lies and if blocked, you might have psychological problems.

You can open this chakra by putting your hands in front of your stomach and expanding your fingers while you chant, “ng.”

Final Thoughts

If you feel that you are out of balance and you are struggling, find out if your chakras are blocked. Take time to open up the energy centers in your body and find out how you can connect with your higher self and live your best life.

Cleansing Your Spirit and Karma

Find Forgiveness

Just like taking a shower, it is important to cleanse your spirit and your karma. There are different things that you can do to cleanse your body such as drinking a lot of water, drinking tea, taking a shower and other methods to remove toxins from your body. When you eat foods that are high in preservatives, you might want to eat healthier things in order to cleanse your body and to prepare it to live stronger.

Just like doing this, you need to take time to cleanse your spirit and your karma from toxic energy. This is energy that has come into your soul, and it happens to everyone. People will get in different situations that cause them to deal with negativity, but this negativity can connect to you and make you feel unhappy and stuck. The decisions that you make can cause you to have positive or negative energies.

Karmic cleansing will help to get rid of these things. As you nourish your body, nourishing your soul will help to cleanse you and help you to get rid of a negative karmic cycle.

How to Cleanse Your Karma

Karma isn’t just something that happens, but this is something that happens because of something that you do. This is an action that you take that comes back to you. This means if you have been kind to someone then kindness will come back to you and the same things happen with negativity.

The sum of your karma happens in each of your lifecycles, and you can have a lot of karma that adds up and gets stuck. Cleansing your karma helps to reset your life. Here is how you can cleanse your karma:

  • Find Forgiveness

The first thing that you need to do is to work to have forgiveness. Make up the things that you have done by being sorry for what you have done to others.

  • Give Forgiveness

Giving forgiveness is just as important as finding forgiveness. When someone has hurt you or done you wrong, you have to forgive them and let things go.

  • Be Thankful

Be thankful for the good things that you have and the bad things that happen. Even if you have little or you don’t have what you want, always find a way to be thankful.

  • Find Beautiful Things

There is beauty all around you. Find things that make you happy and make you feel positive. This is found all around you.

  • Do Kind Things

Do kind things to everyone you meet. Do little things to make people smile. Clean up garbage that you see on the ground, hold the door open for someone or park a little further back so someone that has pain can park closer. Each time you do this, it helps to bring positive karma to your life.

  • Know Your Intentions

Set your intentions and make sure that, they are positive. Be kind to others that you meet and make sure that you are setting intentions to be kind and to be loving. Don’t seek things for your own good but always try to reach your higher self and your greater good.

Cleansing your karma doesn’t mean that you are going to have no negative karma. This is all about what you do and the actions you take. As you do good in this life though, you can cleanse your karma and it will help you to live a better life.

Using the Spirit to Deal with Pain

Spirit to Deal with Pain

Whenever you have emotions, they don’t just leave your body once you are finished with them. Because of this, deep emotions can cause mental illness and illness in your body. Robert Augustus master’s termed the idea of spiritual bypassing as, “the use of spiritual practices and beliefs to avoid dealing with our painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs.”

Spiritual bypassing is something that isn’t always talked about, but it is something that people that know about it can celebrate the idea behind it which is why there are so many books about it. This is something that goes against teaching people to temporarily feel their emotions but instead it teaches people to understand where emotions go and how they are trapped in the body.

The world teaches people to feel the emotions so that they can feel better for a while which can lead to mental illness, suicide, eating disorders and more. Spiritual bypassing is a relief that people can get for a moment, but it doesn’t bring healing to their life. It can help to stop the pain for a while, but it doesn’t fix things.

Healing is something that needs to be done when you have emotions that are hurtful. This can cause you to not have peace and to act out of emotions instead of being your true self. As you look at y our sufferings, you have to get past the pain and not just have temporary relief of it. There has to be unconditional love which can come from deep meditation and healing techniques.

By using spiritual bypassing, there are emotions that can lead you to have no self-care and to not be protected from sicknesses.

Emptiness of Spiritual Bypassing

Another person, John Welwood, feels that spiritual bypassing is, “Absolute truth is favored over relative truth, the impersonal over the personal, emptiness over form, transcendence over embodiment and detachment over feeling.” He also stated that, “When we are spiritually bypassing, we often use the goal of awakening or liberation to rationalize what I call premature transcendence. Trying to rise above the raw and messy side of our humanness before we have fully faced and made peace with it.”

Using absolute over relative is one of the problems. The truth is that you are not your body, and you are not your emotions, and these are just part of your personality. This is something that comes to you, but it is not relative truth.

Spiritual by passers are risking getting hooked on the absolute view of the spirituality and this isn’t the absolute truth or the only truth. This truth can be hard and messy, and it can cause people to never get healed from their wounds.

People that use this often are kind and peace keepers. They are people pleasers and are gentle, but they are also the people that have mental illness or chronic illnesses. They aren’t able to find healing in regular medicine.

Spiritual Bypassing Signs

Here are some of the signs of spiritual bypassing:

  • Hiding emotions that aren’t spiritual.
  • Being afraid of being angry and hurting someone.
  • Having a hard time saying no to people.
  • Being fake.
  • Forgiving prematurely instead of making people be accountable for their actions.
  • Tolerating abusive people and actions.
  • Having no boundaries.
  • Seeing things as spiritual that aren’t.
  • Not being grounded.
  • Not judging and not being able to discern abuse.
  • Unable to not have empathy when other people have strong emotions.
  • Numbing their emotions.
  • Putting transcendence over presence.
  • Putting yourself in spiritual practices instead of seeing justice as being needed.

Choosing to Balance the Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

The Svadhisthana or the Sacral chakra is the second chakra found in your body. This chakra is located in your stomach are and it is just a couple inches below the belly button. This is the chakra that brings you peace, creativity, and happiness. 

When you want to understand your emotions, libido, creativity and desires, the sacral chakra can help you with this. Orange is the color that is associated with this chakra.

Choosing to Balance the Sacral Chakra

Balancing your chakras is important and if you want the sacral chakra to be balanced, you will see that this can bring you balance, joy, confidence and keep your emotions in check. Those that have a balanced sacral chakra are normally people that are:

  • Full of happiness.
  • Creative.
  • Strong.
  • Present in the now. 
  • Caring and compassionate.
  • Passionate.
  • Sensual beings.

A balanced sacral chakra helps you to be aligned and helps you to be confident in who you are and what you want.

Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

When your sacral chakra is unbalanced, it can cause your emotions to be out of whack. It can cause you to be depressed and anxious and to have no happiness or peace in your life. Those that have an unbalanced sacral chakra are normally people that are:

  • Lacking self-confidence.
  • Unable to deal with change.
  • Angry or sad.
  • Lacking emotions.
  • Unable to balance emotions.

There are different ways that you can learn to balance your sacral chakra and some of the ways include reiki healing, energy healing, yoga, sound therapy, meditating and more.

Balancing with Yoga

You can start doing yoga each day in your life if you want to get your mind, body, and soul healthy and strong. You will see that yoga can help to increase your energy and it can help you to boost your peace and joy.

Balancing with Meditation

Another way to balance your sacral chakra is with meditation. Here are some of the ways that you can practice mediating:

  • Find a comfortable place with no distractions.
  • Dress comfortably.
  • Deep breathe.
  • Relax your body and let your relaxation take over.
  • Feel that you are getting light.
  • Be aware of where you are and of your body.
  • Say, “I am enough.”
  • Stretch and deep breathe again.
  • Start for 5 minutes each day and work up to longer periods of time.

Balancing with Food

You can balance your sacral chakra by adding certain foods to your diet. Here are some of the best foods:

  • Fresh fruits such as peaches, mangoes, and oranges.
  • Fresh vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin.
  • Seeds such as poppy seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Balancing with Essential Oils

Use different essential oils to increase your senses and to balance and heal your sacral chakra such as:

  • Neroli.
  • Ylang Ylang.
  • Frankincense.
  • Clary Sage.
  • Add 1-3 drops to your diffuser or add a few drops to your sacral chakra.

Balancing with Crystals

Since orange is the color associated with the sacral chakra, you can use crystals that are orange in color to help open up your sacral chakra such as:

  • Moonstone: This is connected to the moon and helps to calm you and brings positivity to your emotions.
  • Carnelian: This orange stone will help you to have more confidence and lucky.
  • Citrine: Citrine can help to increase your energy and give you power over depression.

Balancing with Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations can balance your sacral chakra. Try some of these:

  • I am enough.
  • I am worthy of love.
  • I have strong worth.
  • I am more than enough.
  • I have joy.
  • I am full of creativity.
  • I have boundaries.
  • I love who I am.
  • I am full of love.

Balancing with Colors

Use orange around your home and on your body so that you can heal and balance your sacral chakra. Try different colors of clothing, jewelry, candles, and home décor. 

Keeping Your Sacral Chakra Balanced

Use some of the tips above if you want to keep your sacral chakra balanced and strong. Wearing jewelry with crystals, doing yoga, opening yourself up to new foods and the color orange can help to balance the energies in your body.

Signs Your Life is Getting Better

Signs Your Life is Getting Better

There are times that life is going to be hard, and you might feel disconnected in the situations that you are going through. When times are hard and you need the universe to guide you, you need to learn to recognize that it is there.

It is hard sometimes to see things in a positive light but when the universe shows you the way, you need to let go of negativity and learn to embrace encouragement and to take a chance to change.

Here are some of the signs that you are on the right path in your life:

  • Déjà vu

Déjà vu is something that means that you feel like you have already lived or done something. Déjà vu will show you that you are on the right path in your life. There will be times that you will meet people along the way, and this can be part of Déjà vu as well.

  • Animals

Animals might show you that you are on the right path. A bird can show you that your loved one is there to guide you and to keep you. Look at the signs that the animal is trying to give you and pay attention to what the angels, spirits and the universe is trying to tell you.

  • Coincidences

Coincidences are things that the universe will put in your path so that you can be on the right track. When you run into someone that you were thinking about, hear a song that encourages you or you have a memory that brings you peace, this can be the universe giving you a sign.

Sometimes you need some help to feel better in your life and if you are out and all of a sudden you start to feel better, this is a good sign that the universe is on your side.

  • Finding Lost Things

When you find something that is lost, this can be a sign that the universe is trying to guide you and give you peace. Ask yourself what is missing and where it has been missing from. Ask what the plan is for the item that you have found.

As you ask questions, you will find out why things have come back to you. If you found a missing tool, this can mean its time to start something new in your life.

Finding a missing item can mean that your life isn’t going wrong and that things are going to get better as you go forward.

  • Visits

There will be visitations that you get from spirit guides, relatives that have died and even people that you miss. When you find someone that you have missed and they show up to talk to you or encourage you, you are on the right track.

Pay attention to spirit signs and if you are missing someone that you have lost, notice the signs that they are giving you to show you that they are there for you no matter what.

  • When Life is Hard

When life is hard and you are going through changes, you can break through the sadness and the depression, and you can see things for the better. Look at the bigger pictures and don’t have a closed off mind. Try new things and even if things seem hard for a moment, embrace the goodness that comes with change.

Just like other things growing, you need to grow so that you can become your better self.

How to Center Your Energy

There are ways that you can center your energy, and this can give you peace and happiness, especially when things are hard:

  • Disconnect from things: Take time to be distracted. Go out in nature and put your cell phone away even if for an hour.
  • Meditate: Keep your mind calm and focus on what is good in your life. Meditating can be healthy for you.
  • Going into nature: Going into nature can keep you grounded and can benefit your mind, body, and soul. Go out and listen to the sounds, walk in the dirt, and look at the creation around you.
  • Get advice from someone you trust: Find someone that you can talk to and that you can trust and tell them about your problems.

Final Thoughts

The universe is there to guide and keep you. Be open to the signs around you and listen to the ways that the universe wants to show you things. Signs and symbols are there to guide you and to help you to see that you are living your best life.

As life changes and gets different, this isn’t something wrong because change can be good. Don’t look at everything as negative but learn to see things in a positive way.

How to Read Coffee Grounds

Read Coffee Grounds

Tasseography is a way that people have been telling fortunes for years. They have used things from wine sediments to tea leaves and even coffee grounds. Reading Turkish coffee grounds is a tradition that has been done for centuries. Not only can it be fun, but you also get to drink coffee too!


  • Turkish blend coffee.
  • Cup.
  • Saucer.

Rules of Reading

  • Make sure the coffee is blended and there are no chunks.
  • Add extra coffee powder to have more ground to read.
  • Don’t read your own grounds because you might not read them honestly.
  • Start with the cups handle and move left to right if the person is right-handed or left handed will make a difference.

Preparing the Cup

  • Always drink from the same side and don’t rush.
  • Leave a small amount of coffee in the bottom of the cup.
  • Take a last drink and make a wish.
  • Put the saucer over the cup and cover it.
  • Hold the cup in your hand in front of you.
  • Circle it clockwise three times.
  • Turn the cup upside down quickly and let the grounds go into the saucer.

Reading the Grounds

  • Leave the cup for 5-10 minutes.
  • If this is about money, put a coin on the back surface of the cup.
  • If this is about relationships, put a ring on the back of the cup.
  • Return the object you put on the cup and take the cup from the saucer.
  • If the grounds are in chunks, then it means that your troubles will leave you.
  • If they fall in a pile, it means you will get money.
  • If the cut and saucer are tight then it is a Prophet’s Cup and means you don’t need to do the reading because it will all come true.
  • Turn the cup and hold it straight up. Look at the shapes in the saucer and figure out what it means.

Division of the Cup

  • Divide the cup into five.
  • The handle means love.
  • Front rim means finances.
  • Bottom of the cup means family and home.
  • The upper rim means your life right now.
  • A lower rim means your future.

Symbols of the Reading

  • You need to use your intuition to make a reading.
  • If you recognize an image, listen to what your gut feeling tells you.
  • There are different symbols in tasseography, and you need to research these before you begin.

Final Thoughts

People love to find out about the future and if you use coffee grounds as a tool of divination, always take your time and feel good about what kind of reading that you give.

Are Psychic Readings Really Accurate?

Are Psychic Readings Really Accurate?

One of the biggest questions that is often asked is “how accurate are these readings?” People wonder if getting a tarot card reading or some other kind of reading will really give them the answers that they are seeking.

Having the right mindset and having an open heart can help you to realize how accurate a reading is. Tarot cards, for example, are a tool of divination that guides the psychic to give you answers about your life, your destiny and can even help to give you answers about your past, present and future.

When you are ready to have a reading, you need to ask if you are in the right mindset to get one. You will have the best reading if you are being positive and if you are looking for answers that will make your life better. A tarot card reading can benefit you if you understand that you have free will and that you have control in many things in your life.

How you channel your energy with the things around you can help to make your life better. If you want to have a tarot card reading that is accurate, you have to be ready to take action and to be willing to make changes if you need to.

Tarot cards are used to help you to figure out what your real intentions are and what motives you have in your life. They are there to guide you and to direct you. You can change your life from something negative to something positive if you make the choice to do so.

As you look at things in your life such as your relationships, your job and more, you can see that you can work towards positive things.

Are Tarot Cards Truthful?

Have you ever gone to a psychic that uses tarot cards? If so, you will see that you will get an accurate reading with tarot cards. These cards can give you information about your past, present and future. They can tell you if the things that you are doing now will affect you in a good way in your future or will hold you back.

As you look at your success, the cards can tell you if there are things that are blocking you from being more successful or if you are holding yourself back by your actions and by your mindset. The more aware that you are of the issues that you are facing, the more the cards can help you. You have to be active in dealing with areas in your life that you are lacking in.

There are often traumas and other problems that are holding you back from being more successful. If this is happening to you, a tarot card reading can help you to see past traumas and other emotional things that you can work past and heal from. Your psychic will help you to see negative things that have become a pattern in your life.

If you are confused about your career path, for example, you will see that getting a reading can tell you more about what is holding you back and why you haven’t found the perfect path. Maybe you have a relationship that is causing you to lose focus or maybe you aren’t balancing your life correctly.

Getting a reading can help you to move forward in your life. Once the reading is done, you have certain ways that you can respond to this such as:

  • Being upset that the reading didn’t give you the answers you wanted.
  • Make positive changes to reach your goals.
  • Change your mind set for the better.
  • Choose to close down and be angry about the reading.

When you decide to make the changes that are needed, you will be able to focus on the career that is best for you. You will see that as you change and make better choices that you will be able to benefit from the reading.

Look at the things around you and use your own intuition and the guidance from your psychic to make better decisions. You can use the reading to help you reach your goals and help you to be stronger in your emotions, spirituality and more.

Are Tarot Cards Ever Wrong?

A tarot card reading will be done by a psychic and sometimes the information that they give you won’t happen. The main reason that this happens is because when the psychic gives you the information, you have the choice to act on it to make the changes necessary to make the reading come to life. If you don’t make those changes, chances are that the reading will not ever come to pass.

A psychic can only give you a reading based on the energies that they see, and they cannot force you to make the changes necessary. The cards will point to the best opportunities that you have in your life and what is holding you back and if you make changes, you can reach your goals.

If you are someone that gets a tarot card reading before something bit like getting married, you might be curious if your marriage is going to be great and is going to last. Maybe you chose the Sun card that shows you that the preparations are going perfectly but then you get tired, and you decide not to keep moving forward.

Even though the reading showed that things were going to be great, you decided to slack instead of work hard to make the wedding the best it can be. You might be upset that the reading seemed to not be true but if you had followed on your path that you were going on, it would have been the wedding of your dreams.

You have to understand the purpose of the tarot card reading before even getting a reading. Know that you have to move in the right direction when the cards show you something and you can’t stop just because the reading is good or bad. You have to continue on your path because that is the energy that the psychic and the cards are seeing.

Bringing Spirits

Some wonder if the tarot cards bring spirits and the truth is that the spirits are there to help guide you and they can lead you, but you still have to be the one that makes the right choices and decisions. Prepare your life and make sure that you are taking action to live the best that you can live.

Once you do these things, the tarot card reading will help to guide you and show you that you are on the wrong or the right path in your life.

What is Causing Your Unbalance?

What is Causing Your Unbalance?

Do you often look at your spirituality and use it as a way to feel better in your life or even to escape the things around you? Some people will use their spirituality like they do addictive behaviors, and they will abuse it in order to feel good.

Does This Happen to You?

Do any of these things happen in your life?

  • You find that you hate looking at your finances and you want to develop your spiritual self instead.
  • You use your spirituality to escape such as never doing anything or taking action but looking to things like the Law of Attraction to just send positivity into the world and hope it comes back to you.
  • You are too uncomfortable in the world around you and you don’t find any good in it.
  • You want to hang around other people that are spiritual and so you don’t make new friends.
  • You want to get rid of things in your life such as supporting yourself, cleaning yourself.
  • You spend too much time thinking about what peace and a good world would be like.
  • You meditate for hours each day.
  • You spend a lot of time by yourself looking deep.
  • You hate that things move too slow.
  • You feel a purpose in your life and think that you might have a psychic gift or be a lightworker.
  • You have strong intuition.
  • You are empathic to others, and you pick up on negativity around you.

If you find that you relate to these things, more than 6 of them, then you might be letting your spiritual self stop you from living the best life that you can live.

Being Out of Balance

People that are out of balance with their spirituality means that they enjoy their spiritual self more than their phyiscal self. They take up the energy of their spiritual being, but they forget to live their life to the fullest.

This likely means that your upper chakras are very open, and you have lots of energy running through there, but your lower chakras are not developed enough.

Chakra Energy

Chakra energy allows the body to be centered with the energy around them. The body is organized with these chakras:

  • Root chakra: Gives you a feeling of safety, survival, finances, and reality. It is found in the perineum.
  • Sacral chakra: This can help you to have strong emotions, good sexual experiences, and creativity. Found below the navel.
  • Heart chakra: This chakra helps you to have love and acceptance and worth. It is found in the heart area.
  • Throat chakra: Allows you to communicate and speak truth. Found in the throat.
  • Third eye chakra: Is where your intuition and truth lies. Found in the middle of the forehead.
  • Crown chakra: Helps you connect with your spiritual self. Found at the top of the head.

Chakra Jobs

The chakras control all things that work from being on the earth to being grounded with your spiritual self. Here are some things that they do:

  • Root and sacral help with finances.
  • Root helps you connect with reality.
  • Sacral helps you connect with your sensuality.
  • Root helps you connect with family and friends.
  • Sacral brings you fun and enjoyment.
  • Solar plexus makes things happen in the world around you.
  • Root helps you to be nourished in your body.
  • Root helps you to set routines.

Upper Chakras

The upper chakras govern things in your spiritual being such as:

  • Third eye works with daydreaming, mental thoughts, intelligence.
  • Crown and third eye work with connecting with the higher spiritual beings, your spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.
  • Heart caring and serving others.
  • Throat works with spiritual learning, writing, and speaking, introspection and healing.

When you focus on things in your upper chakras for long periods of time such as developing your spiritual man, it will shift away from you reaching the lower chakras and feeling strong and grounded in your body.

Being Unbalanced

When your spiritual self is unbalanced, it means that you let your spiritual self have too much importance. You spend all of your time developing your psychic self, but you forget to take care of your body.

This can cause you to have a hard time relating to the world around you and can make you forget to enjoy your life. Don’t take things so seriously in your spiritual being that you neglect the things on earth, your social life, and your finances, even your health.

Balancing Your Body and Spirituality

If you find that you aren’t balanced, there are things that you can do to change this. You can meditate and go outside and walk barefoot, these are good things, but they are temporary. You need to take bigger steps to make sure that you fix yourself.

You can try healing sessions such as cutting cords out of your life. When you do this, it can get rid of the cords that are holding you to people that have caused pain and trauma in your life. Here are some other things that you can do to bring balance.

Feeling Spacey or Lightheaded

If you feel this way, you might have your eating habits off. This can cause you to be ungrounded. Some people will choose to be vegan’s or will be vegetarians, but this doesn’t always fit everyone. If you do this, it can cause you to be unbalanced and you need to have a strong reality connection or you will become unbalanced.

Some people do a light diet when they are trying to develop their spiritual being and when you open up the upper chakras, you might need to eat some meat and if you are sensitive to this, you can go with fish. Other people choose to give up animal products totally and this can be extreme to your body.

You can also become ungrounded when you aren’t eating enough or not eating regularly and you should always try to eat at least 3 meals and snacks throughout the day. Missing meals and fasting is good for you sometimes, but it can cause unbalance to the lower chakras.

Neglecting Your Body

You need to pay attention and pamper yourself. Spend time grooming, getting your hair done, painting your nails, finding nice clothes to wear, and doing things that make you feel good. When you are doing spiritual growth, you might feel that your phyiscal body isn’t important, but you will be more balanced when you like how you look.

Set aside money each month that can allow you to pamper yourself and your looks. This can make you feel beautiful and even if you aren’t planning on leaving the house, do this and just dress nicely for yourself.

Loving yourself and how you look can cause you to have balance in your life. You should also make sure that you are exercising and moving regularly. This can help you to feel better in your body and to be stronger.

Working on Beliefs But Not Making Changes

Go out and do things and take action in your life. If you want to have better finances, go, and get a job that you like. You can’t spend all of your time just thinking about what you imagine coming or dreaming about things that you want.

You need to take real action goals to make sure that you are living your best phyiscal and spiritual life.

The World Seems Terrible

Don’t take everything in life so seriously. Learn to go out and have fun and live a good life. Some people that are searching for their spiritual self-think that they have to stop living and having fun.

The universe is here to give you the fun that you want. You should never spend your whole life feeling bored and dull. Go out with people that make you have fun and that make you laugh.

Reach the Practicality of Life

You have to pay attention to the things that are practical in your life such as your finances and your phyiscal being. You can be spiritual all that you want but if you have nowhere to live and not enough money to spend then how are you going to make it?

You need to pay attention to your world around you and make sure that you are keeping your house cleaned, preparing meals, cooking, and doing these little things that can also bring grounding to your life.

Budgeting and keeping your life strong can help you to balance your phyiscal being and it can also help you to be more spiritual.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Here are some things you need to ask yourself.

What Are You Escaping from?

Do you have things in your life that you are afraid to address because they have hurt you and you don’t want to be emotional? This could be a crutch for you to try to make it a spiritual thing.

Here are some ways that you know what you are running from:

  • Things that make you cry for no reason.
  • Things you want to change about yourself that you don’t like.

You have to find a way to face these things. Everyone has wounds and you have to get to a spiritual and phyiscal level where you can do changes that can make your life better. Don’t just focus on your spiritual being but focus on your physical world as well.

Life can be hard but the changes that you face and the changes that you reach can bring you hope and peace.