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Psychic Seduction And Remote Influence

Below is an outlined technique said by many to have worked as far as using psychic abilities to seduce another personpsychic seduction much desired.  It has been said that the technique works whether the person is somebody you had the hots for at first sight or someone you already know that you are familiar with the other person’s qualities.

It is recommended that you perform the steps before you go to sleep.  That is so because sleep will help you to then forget the process.   Note, it is necessary to forget about what you did.  It might be possible to do it at anytime of the day, as long as you have something else to do afterwards that will help you forget the technique you performed.

  • Close your eyes and imagine the body of your new lover.  Do you best to conjure as much as him or her as if they were in real size 3D however the body must be without skin color – it can be a gold, crystal, transparent – it depending on how your mind will conjure them.   
  • Start making love with your lovers thought form.  Be as realistic as you can, you must feel the body when you silhouette sextouch it so it important to focus.  Do not picture their face.  Imagining them with their face opens you to the risk of concentrating on that other person’s aura and might create resistance from that person unless you have higher remote influence power.  You would only concentrate on the other person’s body and your focus would be on the imagined sense of touch and pleasure that comes with it.  If you want to boost your remote influence power take up an energy work routine such as yoga or tai chi, do a concentration drill and soon you will have better ability.
  • While making imagined love with your lovers thought-form, think about his or her physical qualities.  Say to their thought forms, “I like your hair color, eye color, and the like.”   Or “I enjoy the way your eyes sparkle.   Continue with this while picturing the qualities you like of your lover.
  • When you feel ready , you now have to transfer your energy inside your lovers thought form from your penis or vagina inside her/his body.  Imagine it like a ball of energy you are transferring to your lovers thought body.  
  • You can repeat step 3 and 4 as long as much as you want or you can decide to end the procedure.   But when silhouette coupledone, do not think about it anymore.   It is important to completely forget about it.   

If the procedure is done properly you will notice results in a few hours or a couple of days.  There will be a spark of interest where if the other person has not noticed you before, you will find them looking in your direction.  Remember that one characteristic of desire is that the other person’s pupils are dilated.  

Bonding With Your Kids

bonding 2Dating hasn’t transformed all that much since the time you were available, despite the fact that it might and feel like it has, particularly for single parents, a stage or two out of shape. The essentials of searching out an accomplice are, at their center, the same regardless of who you are, and paying little respect to regardless of whether who you are currently comes as a bundle manage one or more modest people you call your children.

But there is something different about you. You can see it in the way you spend your free time, create priorities, and the kind of hanky-panky you’ll engage in without a “ring on it.” Understandably, dating with kids does shift one’s perspective and approach. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you explore dating as a single parent.

You vs. Them

Kids can get hurt just as much by a breakup when they’re also invested in a relationship, so you probably instinctively don’t allow anyone into your inner circle until they’ve proven themselves. A potential partner needs to be willing to adapt to the house rules rather than expect the rules to adapt to them. With that said, focus on yourself as a couple before considering how you fit as a family. It really is a two-part process of compatibility and attunement, and from my own experiences, it seems to work best giving each component of the relationship its appropriate space and care.

Couple vs. Family

bonding 1I can remember going out on first (and second) dates only to discover halfway through that the person across from me was a single parent. I’ve never minded dating someone with children, but I always felt a little betrayed right out of the gate when someone chose to hold such an important part of their life back. And while I do agree that the first date should be more about the two of you, it should also be in the back of the other person’s mind that there is a lot more to your story, as well as built in complexities involved in the situation. Any potential partner needs to be made aware of this, even if you may initially lose a few fish off the line. Trust me when I say you really aren’t missing any “good catches” when they bail that easily. And on the opposite end, be careful of looking for someone who fits the bill of what you think a “good parent” looks like. There are an awful lot of great mothers and fathers in the making, unaware of their potential to be fantastic, nurturing guardians simply because they’ve never been given the chance to discover that part of themselves.

Secrets vs. Downplay

Some single parents choose to hide their dating practices as a protective measure for their kids’ sake. This is a natural response with a lot of good intention behind it. However, some research suggests that if you start a relationship keeping secrets, when your kids discover you were not being completely truthful, they will have a more difficult time trusting the new person (both you and your partner did lie, after all). But you also don’t want to get them too involved until you have a better idea of where the relationship is heading. So how can you balance these two wrongs to make a sort-of right? Just be honest and matter-of-fact. The difference is that you tell your kids everything, but you downplay the importance. And considering most children have a difficult time ever imagining Mom or Dad falling in love again with someone new, this approach will be entirely acceptable.

Show vs. Tell

As a parent you know what your kids need most of the time, and you also know what you need. But sometimes in the exhilaration of a new relationship it can be hard staying faithful to both sets of needs. You want your kids to feel important, but you also need to give your dating relationships enough attention to let them flourish. Because as much as I’ve heard a single parent must “always put the kids first,” there are times when a partner needs to be held pretty high on your priority list if you want to keep them in your life. The idea of Show Vs. Tell is to be conscious of all promises you give to both your dates and kids, and make sure you are following through with them. Your children, and relationships, need to feel secure, and this kind of security is developed by demonstrating your commitment through actions, not words.

Do vs. Wait

Some single parents will look over these realities and feel overwhelmed. Their option may be to wait until “the time is right” before they invest in a new relationship. It’s understandable, but this passive approach is really no different than taking the waiting approach to your entire life.

bonding 3“As soon as I move, I’ll be happy.”

“As soon as I get over the hurt from that traumatic event, I will resume my life.”

“As soon as I have the perfect job, I’ll feel good about myself.”

It’s amazing how life continues throwing obstacles at all of us (yeah, it’s not just you) throughout our attempts to attain one conditional state or another. If you’re waiting for the path to be clear, you might never get the chance to move beyond where you’re standing right now. Don’t wait to do something tomorrow when tomorrow will likely present a whole new set of trials to overcome, not to mention opportunities to seize that could be overlooked without a more open mind. As a single parent, the importance of embracing an adaptable, proactive attitude to your dating life could be what makes all the difference in your search for new love.

Making an Important Decision

decision 1Making decisions is part of our lives. We do it every single day. Some of them are ordinary and seemingly unimportant like what to wear, what to eat or where to go. On the contrary, others are very important, huge! Like, change my career, settle down, move out of the country, have a baby. The big decisions are often the toughest decisions and they’re the ones with the most impact on our lives. They’re literally the decisions that change the course of our lives. Are you facing a tough decision in your life? Here’s what you need to do to figure out what to do.

Do Your Research

Big decisions are pretty scary and some of that fear comes from not knowing much about the decision because it’s the first time you’re making it. Ignorance isn’t bliss, so do your research. Search the Internet, or visit your local library or bookstore. Read as much as you can about the decision you need to make. Discover the pros and cons. Make a list of all the questions you have about your big decision and do all the research you need to get them answered.

Look for Alternatives

Consider why you are making this big decision. Is it to be happier, feel more successful, take your relationship to the next level or fulfill a life-long dream? Is making this big decision the only way to make what you want happen? Consider all your alternatives before you make your big decision. Once you know all that’s available to you, you may have a different decision to make that could be easier and still get you what you want.

Talk to the Experts

decision 2The experts are the people who have already made the big decision you’re considering. You can do all the Internet research and read all the books you want. That’s the first step. Your next step is to talk to people you actually know about their decision-making process. Knowing someone who went through what you’re going through makes you feel more comfortable and less alone.

Ask any question you want and don’t be afraid to get personal. Why did they make the choice they made? Do they regret it? Are they happy now? How has their decision impacted their life? What are the realities of life after the big decision?

Imagine This Scenario

Maybe you’re struggling with you big decision because you’re worried how it will make other people feel or how it will impact those you love. If you have family or loved ones to look out for, of course you need to consider them and even consult them in your decision-making process. But if you have no ties and no responsibilities, you really have no one else to consider but yourself.

Think about your big decision this way: What would you decide to do if no one knew and no one cared? What if no one’s opinion mattered but your own? That last question was a trick question! If you only have yourself to worry about, no one’s opinion matters but your own. What decision would you make if you didn’t have to worry about disappointing or upsetting anyone?

Frame Your Fears

If you’re feeling fearful, don’t dismiss that feeling, but don’t let it influence your big decision completely. Make a list of your fears. Are you afraid because this is new? Are you afraid because you’re considering taking a huge step? Whatever fears you have, see if they can’t be calmed by doing the research I mentioned before. You should take all of your fears into consideration, but meditate on why you’re fearful. Your fear could be based on insecurities. Spend some time in your head and work on your fears, but know that you won’t get rid of your fears completely and be okay with that.

Take a Break

All this thinking and meditating gets tiring, so remember to take a mental break. If you don’t have to make your big decision right away, take time away from it and do other things. Come back to your big decision once you feel refreshed and renewed. You won’t make the right decision for yourself if you’re under stress.

Take a Test Drive

decision 3You really have two choices: Either you’re going to decide to do something or you’re going to decide not to do something. Now you get to sit with each decision for a while and see how you feel. It’s like taking a test drive before you decide. How does each decision make you feel? Do you feel happy, sad or relieved? Think about how each decision will make you feel in 10 years. How about in 20? What would your future self say about each decision? And on your deathbed, will you regret doing or not doing it?

Accept Imperfection

Here’s the truth: Whatever decision you make is going to have its imperfections. It’s going to have bumps in the road. There are going to be moments when you think it was a terrible decision and you’re filled with frustrations and regrets. But there are going to be other times when you think your decision is the best decision you’ve ever made and you’re going to feel joy and satisfaction. Big decisions are important, life-changing decisions. That’s why they aren’t easy to make. But following these tips can make them a bit easier. Good luck!

Signs That You Have Met Your Soul Mate

soulmate 3Today’s dating tips are intended to help you know when you have found the right one. Suppose that Megan is 40 and has been dating Michael for a year now and is thinking about whether he is the one for her. She might want to be hitched with a family and is. My recommendation is that in the event that she isn’t certain, then it is wrong. This is the reason. Of the couples I have talked with, they communicated having these signs about their mates they married:

  1. There is a feeling of “home”
    There is a sense of comfort and a familiarity. The word recognition comes up as knowing that this person is the one. It’s like you have known the person your whole life. It’s so easy to talk to one another.
  2. There is a Flow
    The relationship has ease. The couples finish each other’s sentences. Time just flies when you are with the right person. Yes, relationships take work, but this is joyous work. The concept of flow is true for both in and out of the bedroom!
  3. You are able to laugh together and have funsoulmate 2
    You enjoy being with each other and get each other’s jokes. You may not have exactly the same humor, but you at least crack a smile. My husband and I both blew straw wrappings at each other like kids! It’s okay to be silly with this person. The couple has fun doing activities together and shares similar interests.
  4. You are each other’s best friend
    There is a sense of trust and loyalty. You know your partner will be there for you through thick and thin and can be counted on. You want to share everything with this person- the good and the bad stuff. You are always excited to see that person walk in the door.
  5. You both act in a “we” way rather than a “me” way
    The couple makes decisions that benefit the relationship instead of only the individual. You share life goals and work together towards them. You care about how your actions affect the other.

When all these signs are in place, then it is natural to want to take the next step towards marriage. The only relationship issues that would stop the progress would be one or both listening to their internal fears and various external circumstances beyond their control like a sick parent or their work travel.

soulmate 1When she realized that several of these signs were missing in her current relationship, she became clear that there were critical relationship issues between her and Barry. Only then did she decide to move on and find someone better suited to her rather than hoping that things would change in her present situation. This wasn’t the easy path, but she was determined not to settle for anything less.

As always, my advice is to seek the advice of a relationship coach if you continue to have hesitation or other relationship questions.

Wishing you the best in your search for the right one!

How to Feel Gorgeous Everyday

Stop the Hate Self-Talk    

beautiful 1Regardless of our weight, size or shape, we as a whole battle with body issues. For some ladies, having body-related hang-ups just is by all accounts part of being female. Obviously, numerous men battle with insecurities, as well. Be that as it may, rather than going down the way of pessimism, there are some simple approaches to get yourself out of a funk with regards to your physical structure. At the point when the not really pleasant self-talk begins in your mind, attempt the accompanying five tips, discover body energy in a blaze, and feel more beautiful.

  1. Put Down the Fashion Magazine
    Flipping through the pages of your favorite monthly, you may find yourself feeling less inspired and more downhearted. Image after image of Photoshopped, airbrushed models will do that to you. If you find that you feel worse about yourself while reading a magazine, or even watching a TV show, recognize what’s happening and go do something else: Take a walk outside, curl up with a good book and a cup of tea, go pet your dog, call a friend—anything! Seeing unrealistic images of women tends to mess with our minds. Even though we know the images have been manipulated, our brains still think those waifish forms are still attainable.
  2. Only Wear Clothing That Makes You Feel Fabulous
    beautiful 3As you get dressed in the morning, notice how your outfits make you feel. If you put something on and instantly that negative self-talk loop starts running in your mind, it’s time to change clothes. In fact, you may want to set aside a couple of hours trying on every item of clothing you own and donating anything that doesn’t fit right, seems outdated or just doesn’t make you feel awesome about yourself. While it may seem like you’re giving away too much, life is too short to wear clothing that makes you feel worse about yourself.
  3. Be Nice to Yourself
    Give yourself a break. If you find that your body negativity is really creeping into your thoughts, banish that mean voice with an affirmation that will lift you up. To prepare for these moments, make a list of all the things you love about yourself, and tape it to your bathroom mirror if you have to! When those negative thoughts pop into your mind, return to that list and remember all the wonderful things you are and have to offer and you’ll feel more beautiful.
  4. Opt Out of Body Bashing Conversations
    beautiful 2When you’re out with your friends, you may hear others making comments about their bodies—how fat they look, or feel, what body parts they hate and so on. While it’s tempting to find camaraderie in these conversations by chiming it about your own insecurities, don’t. There’s no need to fuel the fires of negativity. Instead, compliment your friends on what you love about them and change the subject. Help them feel more beautiful! There’s no reason for you to bring each other down. Instead, lift others up and they will learn do the same.
  5. Treat Yourself
    Every so often, give your body the gift of pampering, which will make you love and appreciate yourself more. Get your nails done, go for a facial or massage and have your hair cut regularly. Maintaining yourself with beauty treatments will indeed make you feel more beautiful.

The Importance of Forgiveness in Your Pain

pain 3Spirit recently revealed to me the power of pain and the importance of forgiveness to me in a way I had never quite thought of before. For me pain is a natural process of the human experience that is impossible to avoid. It is a way of letting us know that something is not right with our situation.

This is true for our physical body, as well as our emotional body. The difference between the two is that physical pain is often more easily recognized, and the appropriate steps to relieve and even to heal the pain can be taken when it is recognized. Emotional pain, however, is more often left unrecognized, or the messages that are being sent are pushed aside.

Both men and women are taught to suppress their pain. Traditional adages like, “boys don’t cry,” or “keep a stiff upper lip,” are reflections of emotional ignorance. We now also live in a society where we are being medicated for emotional issues at rapidly increasing rates, which only adds to the ignorance of our emotional state.

I want to make one thing clear here: I am not opposed to psychiatric medications that can help with illnesses like depression or bipolar disorder. Anyone who experiences serious psychiatric or emotional issues should seek guidance from a medical practitioner suitable for their situation. That being said, the message that Spirit gave me about pain and forgiveness will stick with me for some time.

Emotional and physical pain are similar in that they are trying to tell us something. The example Spirit used was cooking on a hot stove and reaching out and grabbing a scalding pan. If everything is functioning properly in the body, a pain signal will be put out that says, “Put the pan down!” And the appropriate response would then be to set the pan back down on the stove (or throw it across the room, depending on who is cooking!)

pain 2Emotional pain is often also telling us to set something down and let it go – whether it is emotional pain from our childhood, a relationship, or related to negative things that we have done in our lives. The pain will not truly cease until we are able to let that experience go completely. This is what forgiveness does for us. Forgiveness is the cure. The only way that we are able to be free, is if we set free the people in our lives that have caused us pain.

Sometimes emotional pain is associated with experiences we are currently having, such as a challenging or dysfunctional relationship. The only way to be free is to release it in love, which can sometimes mean a change in circumstances as well.

The most important thing to free ourselves from is any sense of regret about our past. Regret holds us back and keeps us from accomplishing our highest purpose. Whatever we have done in the past, to ourselves or to others, we must let it go. Put the pan down.

The symbolism of the pan and the burned hand goes even further.  If you catch the painful experience soon enough, the burn may not have been very deep. The same is true the other way. If you hold on to the pan for too long, you may end up with a severe burn! If the pan was extremely hot, even an instant touch will create a burn that needs time to heal. The same is true with emotional release.

Sometimes people are afraid to let go of people or circumstances (past or present)simply because they are afraid it will hurt them more. We become afraid of creating boundaries in our relationships, because it may mean that the dynamic of the relationship will change. Maybe that person will not love us anymore. However, if we are feeling pain at the moment the easiest time for us to deal with that pain is right now, instead of holding on for too long.

I always recommend that my clients ask God and the angels for help and guidance when it comes to creating boundaries in their situation. Our society is very prone to reactive boundaries, meaning that we only react when things become severe. Relationships can sometimes have very dramatic and sometimes frightening endings when resentment (pain) is build up over long periods of time. There is always support available for those who ask, and asking God and the angels will activate a power within you to create more living and purposeful experiences.

pain 1The final message from Spirit’s forgiveness ‘cooking show’ was this, “Just because you set the pan down, doesn’t mean you have to stop cooking. Even if the injury is severe and needs additional treatment, it doesn’t mean that you are going to stop cooking and eating.” This is true on so many levels.

Just because we need to sit down a hot pan today, it doesn’t mean that we are never going to cook or eat again. Releasing and healing is a part of our journey, and it allows us to be truly free to have a more dynamic human experience. It is a part of the process of love that is growing in each human being on the planet. And for a planet that is so thirsty for love, it is the first step in experiencing it for ourselves.

Keep cooking, keep eating, and keep on loving.

7 Things That Can Make Your Life Happier

Staggering changes happened in my own particular life when I changed my state of mind. It is my pleasure to share the endowment of positive change with my customers and you, my readers.change 2

  1. Assess all Views and Beliefs
    For me, one of the most powerful catalysts for positive change was deciding to actively evaluate all thoughts and beliefs. I found that many of them weren’t even mine, and that if they were mine, they were outdated and didn’t serve me anymore. Suddenly, inherited fears, insecurities and other limiting beliefs lost their power over me. I was able to see new possibilities and opportunities that I was blind to before because of my self-imposed “reality.”
  2. Promise to Love Your Life
    Happiness is not a future reward, yet we get so bogged down with what we think we should do to achieve it down the road. The irony is that if we allow ourselves to be happy now, fulfillment comes so much quicker. Learn to recognize opportunities and enjoy the journey. It comes down to being kind and loving who you are every day.
  3. Keep an Appreciative Memoirs
    change 1Every morning, write down five things you’re grateful for. That will keep you focused on the positive. I do this every day and it keeps me looking for the good in life. I also take the time to appreciate my natural surroundings. Meditation and alone time are things I’m also grateful for.
  4. Allow Negative Thoughts and Feelings to Run Their Course
    When faced with a negative situation, the first thing I do is take a deep breath and acknowledge whatever thoughts and emotions bubble up—even if they are negative. Don’t block or correct your negative thoughts. Let them run their course. A sense of humor also helps to relieve heavy thoughts and emotions. And be patient with yourself. Not all negative thoughts and feelings lift immediately. It’s just a moment in time and better moments will come soon.
  5. Give Yourself 15 Minutes a Day to Do Something You Enjoy
    To keep a positive outlook, spend just a bit of time a day doing something you love. Do whatever nourishes you and fills you up with goodness. You may want to consider spending time on a long-term personal project. Moving forward and making progress will make you feel positive.
  6. Keep a Validation Journal
    change 3Whenever you do something you feel really good about, keep track of it! This is evidence that you are making positive changes and it will keep your spirits up. Whether it’s making better food choices, getting more exercise, or cutting back on bad habits, every instance of positive change is a personal success you’ll want to look back on in more challenging times.
  7. Get Yourself Something Nice
    You love yourself and you deserve a treat every now and then. Whether it’s taking the time to have a long lunch with a good friend, buying a big bouquet flowers to decorate your desk, or indulging in a piece of fine chocolate, be sure to take the time to make yourself feel special.

Stop Comparing Your Relationship With Others

Young couple holding glasses with champagne and woman looking for them, outdoors, focus on woman with red hair and man

Exploring through any relationship takes strength, wisdom, patience and affection, in addition to other things. As people, we normally look to everyone around us for exhortation, viewpoint and information. While seeing different connections outside of our own can offer some understanding into our own, it is regularly harming to compare your relationship with those of different couples.

The-grass-is-always-greener viewpoint is often irrelevant, since you don’t have all the facts required to properly assess the relationship. Here are a few reasons why comparing your relationship to others can be ineffective at best and destructive at worst.

Behind Closed Doors

The problem with comparing yourself to other people is that you never have all of the information. You’re making assumptions based only on part of the facts, but the reality is that unless you’re in the relationship, you’ll never fully grasp its delicate dynamic. This truth, coupled with the fact that people tend to present their best face to the public, exemplifies why your comparisons cannot be based in complete accuracy. You then judge the quality of your relationship by something which essentially doesn’t exist.

No Two Relationships Are Alike

compare 2

As relationships are comprised of two unique individuals, bringing different life experiences to the relationship, no two couples are alike. To judge the quality of your relationship on whether the two of you have the same dynamic as other couples is a waste of time. No one can tell you how your relationship should be, especially since what works for some people definitely doesn’t work for others. All you need to be sure of is if the two of you work, with your individual and distinct personalities that make your relationship uniquely yours.

Keeping the Focus Outside of the Relationship

By constantly comparing your relationship to others, you are cheating yourselves out of time and energy better spent focusing on the two of you. Considering the amount of effort and work that goes into a relationship, busying yourself worrying about others will only take away from what you as a couple have. Don’t worry so much about what the neighbors are doing; instead work on strengthening the bond between the two of you.

compare 3

While it is easy to fall into comparing ourselves to others, it rarely benefits us unless other lifestyles inspire us. In this sense, it’s good to appreciate what others have worked hard to achieve—and to use that as inspiration—as we work towards our own relationship goals. But use your wisdom in assessing the quality of your relationship, and appreciate the uniqueness that the two of you bring into the partnership. It’s good to remember the flipside of the adage “The grass is always greener”, ”You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

Is There Such Thing As Platonic Relationship?

Can a man and woman really NOT fall with each other? The answer is both yes and no. So the question is, how can you say that if your friendship is going to remain as it is or will turn into something more?

platonic 3In the movie When Harry Met Sally, Harry makes it clear that platonic friendships are essentially self-lies where the man at least wants to have sex with the woman. Is that always true?

Well, few things are always true. In the television show Seinfeld, Jerry has one night of sex with Elaine, and they both realize that they are better off as friends. But some platonic friendships last even if there has never been any sex. Here are some ideas to help you sort out your feelings, honesty and platonic relationships.

If you are happy with your life–including your love life, then you can most likely sustain a platonic relationship. Good friendships can offer another point of view and serve as a sounding board for things that bother you. Platonic relationships can add to genuine and meaningful social connections.  Social isolation can impair the immune system.

However, if you are unhappy in love and life, then platonic-oriented relationships may be the first baby step into the love waters. 

If this situation sounds like yours, read these tips.

Be honest with yourself!  Ask:  Why am I in this platonic relationship?  What are my expectations?

Rate your unhappiness in your relationship. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 the highest degree of unhappiness, rate your answer.

platonic 1Keep a journal of your life for about 2-4 weeks and see what you learn about you and your life. Keep track of how much time you spend with your platonic friend.  What are you taking away from your life and love partner?  How often are you texting or contacting this person in any way, such as late at night connections.

Observe what you and your platonic friend talk about.  Do you have gripe sessions about your current relationships?  Are you sharing lots of things that your partner doesn’t know?

Are you being flirtatious with your platonic friend?  Think about whether you are taking extra time to dress for this person or fantasizing what sex would be like with this person.

If this person were not in your life, what would you be missing? If your answer borders on “I would feel lonely, empty, misunderstood,” then you might need to examine your current intimate relationship to find out what you are not getting from your partner. Include asking yourself how you contribute to this situation. Why do you think the relationship has changed?

Don’t get hasty or stupid by having sex with your friend—and jeopardizing your current relationship. Slow down. Keep a journal to learn more about you. Observe your reactions and interactions for about a month to learn about you and your partner and your unhappiness. Talk to your partner and offer solutions–NOT just complaints. Seek counseling—and stay with it—before you rush a decision or take actions that could be damaging. Never do things that require you to close a door without good cause.

Observe and value your partner’s expressions of jealousy. Listen to your partner’s complaints and observe his or her reactions. What buttons is this platonic relationship pushing in your partner?  Are their grounds for it?  For example, do you and your partner have a history of cheating or separations?

platonic 2If there is no reason for your partner to be jealous, reassure your partner of your fidelity and love. Tell him or her all the good things about your relationship together. Explain to your partner about your platonic friend and how this person il like your friends of the same sex. Tell him or her how you would miss your platonic friend if he or she were not in your life, but that you would not fall apart or feel empty.

Don’t let your need to be valued because of being a Nurse Nancy to your platonic friend fill your life. If you can’t give up how your platonic friend makes you feel, then you might be robbing your existing relationship of depth and connection. You might also be using platonic emotional tape to bolster your self-esteem. Seek counseling to learn more about your emotional needs and emotional injuries.

Will He Change Because You Love Him?

Remember the story of the “Beauty and the Beast”? Most of you are probably familiar with this story ever since you were little. If you’re not, then here’s a quick summary: The Beast is mean, mad and controlling and He imprisoned Belle with no justifiable reason. As the story goes on, Belle learns to love him despite his obviously abusive treatment (also called Stockholm Syndrome). Belle manages to see the other side of the Beast. His gentle and more vulnerable side, and she thinks that’s worth saving. She melts his aggrieved heart. It’s her only objective. She has no identity or ideals outside of their relationship.

You Can’t Love Them Enoughlove change 1

Belle manages to love Beast so much that he turns into a handsome prince. The message is, if you love someone enough, you can make them a better person. If they don’t become a better person, it means that you didn’t love them enough. Think you can love someone enough to make them a better person? If you do, you believe a fairy tale!

A Painful Myth

Many women painfully discover this myth after years of giving their whole heart to a partner who is aggressive, controlling and intimidating. But the dream of saving him from his brooding, dark troubles is a fantasy that somehow rationalizes subjecting themselves to poor treatment. What’s worse is that in the midst of all this, some women feel like their men haven’t changed for the better simply because they haven’t loved them enough.

Drawing the Goodness Out

It may be true that everyone has goodness inside them, yet if a woman takes it upon herself to draw that goodness out, she may end up feeling hurt and betrayed. She may be looking for the goodness, but the person she is attempting to draw it out from has no interest in accessing it or living from it unless he can use it to further manipulate his partner.

love change 3A Bucket Filled With Holes

You can’t change people and it’s not your responsibility to do so. Sure, you can impact, inspire and support people, but you can’t change them. They have to want to change. If they don’t want to change, you’re simply pouring water into a bucket filled with holes, and that’s unacceptable. You’re better off just walking away.

Compromising Your Dignity and Self-Worth

When you chase that kind of love, you are compromising your identity, dignity and self-worth. A man can’t give you what he doesn’t have. We are all worthy of being treated with respect, love and kindness today (not in some distant future) and certainly not when it’s contingent on someone eventually sorting out their problems. If a man can’t respect you, it is not your responsibility to try and fix him so he will. It’s never your job to just love a man. Instead, be yourself, love yourself and expect that same love and respect from your partner, whatever relationship you’re in.

Setting the Bar too Low

Back to Belle and Beast. Beast doesn’t actually become good. He doesn’t do anything overtly loving and caring for her. He just isn’t as abusive, violent and hostile as he once was. It’s as if not being an opprobrious S.O.B is somehow a really big achievement. Belle sadly sets the bar really low.

love change 2Write Your Own Love Story

You have the right to get back what you give. The kind of love that you share, should be shared with you in return. Kissing frogs, transforming beasts into princes and losing your voice for love are all narratives set up for the convenience of men. I have two daughters of my own and I hope that they will write their own love stories—narratives that begin and end on the premise that they are worthy of receiving love just by being themselves.