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Separation Sickness from Your Twin Flame

Separation Sickness

Being separated from your twin flame can even lead people to have physical sicknesses such as being tired, illnesses and having apathetic feelings. This is not something that is fun for either twin flame, but physical symptoms can make it even harder to move past a twin flame separation.

If you are having a hard time in your twin flame journey, then you have come to understand that twin flame unions are not always easy, and they can be powerful and hard. They can be painful and lead you down a road where you are confused and where you face conflict.

Twin Flame Separation Sickness

When you separate from your twin flame you will see that your spiritual growth is important and that you are changing and always growing. The connection will always be there but even when twin flames distance themselves this means they are suffering because of the lack of communication.

This happens when both flames live in different places and have different lives. This can be in a different country or even a different city or it can be someone that is married or in a different relationship and you have to learn to accept things that the universe gives you.

Twin flames are always changing and growing, and they have to deal with things in life such as tests and other paths that force them to change energies. This can allow the twin flame to reach their higher being.

It can take many different lifetimes for people to reach their higher stage in life and to raise their vibrations to a point where they will meet again.

Twin flames are able to manifest what is called a third energy and this means that they are able to know unconditional love in their entire being.

Most twin flames have a hard time overcoming the suffering that happens through separation and both twin flames must seek the union to come back together if they ever want the separation to end.

Reasons for Separation

  • They are immature in their emotions, and this can cause fear and not prepare them to handle the separation or the changes.
  • One flame doesn’t feel that they are able to face reality and they have an ego problem.
  • Things become hard for the twin flames, and they feel that they are being pressured and this is putting too many demands on the relationship.
  • The twin flames have to change in order to make the relationship stronger and this can be confusing and cause pain and disappointments.
  • The twin flames are not willing to look deeply in their lives and they blame each other for what is going on.
  • They are not accepting of each other, and they thought that their relationship would be different.
  • If one flame is in a different relationship, then you are spiritually connected but it can cause the self-esteem to be lessened because they cannot be physically together.
  • The distance apart is causing separation sickness and it is intense and full of loneliness and pain.
  • Dreams are not able to be met because there is constant sadness and a lack of emotional control.
  • They cannot overcome giving into the shadow self and this is causing separation and it appears to last a long time.

The twin flame relationship is not just a relationship that you can end because it is something that is a divine situation. This is why twin flame separation can cause sickness based on how they live.

The relationship of the two people is when their own souls are at the same time, and they have the love that they need, and it can never be destroyed.

The twin flame union is seven bodies and the conflicts of separation have to be united because the emotional body will feel the pain of the separation, and this is intense especially if one flame is going through an awakening.

The twin flame separation is painful for everyone and even though the destiny is written in the stars, that they will be together for eternity, the time that they have to live apart is hard and painful along the way.

Cleaning Your Aura Using Good Vibrations

Cleaning Your Aura

Cleansing your aura can change how you live your life. You can cleanse your aura with a professional or you can even do it at home on your own.

If you find that you are not feeling well or your mood has turned sour, chances are that your aura is dirty, and you need to clean it. Some people do not believe that cleansing your aura is important, but others think it is what makes their life better.

When you think of the aura, you have to realize that this is the energy that goes around your body like a shield. Your aura can have stress and negativity because of the things that you experience with people around you.

When you are around others, you will exchange energy with them and if their energy is negative, it will stick to your aura. This is why you need to make sure that you clean your aura here and there. If you interact with people often, cleaning your aura is very important.

Since you meet new people each and every day, it is natural that your aura will get dirty. This can happen and it can cause you to feel different things such as:

  • Stress
  • Anxiousness
  • Irritation
  • Tiredness
  • Sickness

There are other things that you might feel if your aura gets dirty but here are some ways to cleanse your aura fast.

Cleansing Bath

One of the first things that you can do to cleanse your aura is to take a bath. When you take a bath, your body and your aura can get clean. This is a ritual that you can use, and you need to have things such as salt, herbs, essential oils and more to get your aura sparkly clean.

Here is one way to cleanse your aura by taking a bath:

  • Add essential oils to the water.
  • Add 1 cup of Himalayan Sea salt.
  • Add sandalwood and rose to the bath.
  • Stay in the water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Let all the negativities wash down the drain.


Another way to cleanse your aura is by smudging. You can do this by burning things such as white sage and letting the smoke cleanse your aura and the area around you.

There are other things that you can use such as:

  • Thyme
  • Cedar
  • Sage

Light the incense sticks and let the smoke cover your whole body.


You need to always wash your hands before you start to exercise. Imagine that your aura is in front of you and imagine that you are now cleansing your area with your hands. Start at your head and clean your aura and then go all the way down to your toes.

Make sure that you wash your hands afterwards to get rid of any negative energy that came on your hands.

Positive Affirmations

You can use positive affirmations to cleanse your aura. You need to chant things that make you feel positive and comfortable. Do this as many times as you want and as many times each day that you want.

Doing this will help you to be more positive and it will make your aura stronger.

How to Ask the Universe to Help You

Universe to Help You

People like to ask the universe for things, and they often use their conscious thoughts in order to share their dreams and goals with the universe.

No matter how the power works, know that the universe is there and can help you to get what you want.

When you ask for things from the universe, you use your unconscious mind to help you to find great things. Whatever you believe in life, you need to look at these steps in order to be strong and get what you want.

Know What You Want

Always be sure what you want when you ask the universe for something. Do not be wishy washy but know what you are asking for.

If you want to be rich, know what that means and be ready to face it. What does being in a relationship mean to you? Do you want your soulmate or your twin flame? Do you just want more friends? It is important when you know what you want that you ask the right questions.

Do not be generic but ask the universe for specific things. You need to be certain and know exactly what you want.

Let your feelings be strong when you desire something and let your life show it. You can ask for money but know that lots of money can bring more anxiety to you.

Ask and Then Go

Once you ask for something you need to let it go and let the universe work. You can ask for something and wait for a response but do not dwell on the questions.

Ask the universe what you want and the let it go and it will come to you when the time is right.

Be Patient

You cannot force the universe to give you what you want now. Be patient and let the universe follow its path with you.

Be patient with what the universe wants, or you will be miserable. Depending on what your request is it will take time to see things work out for you.


The universe will give you signs here and there to show you that you need to make a move or to guide you. Think of the different goals that you have set and know that the universe will help you to make your goals a reality.

Do not miss the signs and pay attention to the different things that the universe wants to show you. You may meet someone that you would love to work with, and they might be someone that could hire you. Never miss out on opportunities.

Signs are not always easy but be mindful of the things that happen to you that you never expect. When you are open to the signs happening around you, you can get rid of negative thinking and learn to take action to make your goals work out for you.

Universe Knowledge

The universe knows all about you and you need to learn to trust it. One of the biggest things that people miss out on is that they don’t think that the universe has their best interests in mind.

You might worry about things, but the universe will help you to fulfill your life and you will learn to appreciate things.

If you are more comfortable in your life, chances are that you will be less grateful. Be grateful for everything that you have in your life and let the universe show you the best way in living.

Remind Yourself

Remember to remind yourself to do your best. You can ask the universe to give you answers but you have to listen to what it tells you.

If you believe that your mind is going to give you answers, you need to find out what you are seeking and ask again and again. Never forget to ask and do not worry about asking too much.


Make sure that you are thankful for what the universe has given you. Give thanks for things that happen to you even if life is hard.


Here are some things that you can do to get what you need in your life:

  • Be exact in what you want.
  • Ask and then move on.
  • Be patient.
  • Look for signs around you.
  • Know that the universe knows everything and trust it.
  • Have thankfulness in your life.

If you want to see your goals become a reality, then you can work hard and you can see your life changing before your eyes for the better.

Using Sound Bath to Get Rid of Stress

Sound Bath

If you are looking for ways to get rid of stress and anxiety, attending a sound bath can help you with this. There are different things that you can do in your life that can help you to get rid of stress such as meditating or doing other exercises or, you can use one of the easiest ways, a sound bath.

A sound bath is very calming and therapeutic, and it can help you because it is a type of sound therapy. This helps you to meditate while using sounds as you set your intentions.

A sound bath has sounds that are not usually traditional or rhythmic, but they are more open. They often don’t have a harmony or a melody, but they do have a definite form.

Sound baths can be done in private sessions, and they can be found in different studios across the world.

What Happens During a Sound Bath?

The person getting a sound bath will lay down or sit down in a comfortable position. They will have a blanket or a mask that they will wear and as they are laying, they will begin to focus on the sounds around them. They will deep breathe, and they will be active as the sounds are played at different levels and frequencies.

The sounds are used by therapists, and they use overtone instruments such as tuning forks, crystal singing bowls, voices, gongs and more to make the music.

There are no real ways or rules about how the sound should be played but it is important that people do not use instruments because it can cause judgements instead of relaxation. Therefore, most sound therapies do not use instruments such as guitars or pianos.


The goal of a sound bath is to get you to a balanced and relaxed place. It is when the whole body can rest because of the different vibrations that are created. This can stimulate things in your brain that send out waves that put you in a peaceful state and this state can bring healing.

There are many benefits to sound bathing such as being able to relax easier, being able to get deeper into meditation and getting rid of stress.

Effects of Stress and Sound Therapy

On top of being able to relax, a sound bath can help you to get over stress and anxiety in your life. Stress can be very dangerous for your body and can cause you to have problems sleeping, can affect your digestion and can cause you to not be able to remember things as well. Sound bathing will reset your whole being and can help you overall to feel better.

The sound bath can help you to relax and can calm you down in your body and your mind. The sound waves can come, and they will cause your respiratory to slow down and they will make your heart rate slower, making it better for your mind and body. As your brain waves move with the sounds of the music, you will see that the stress will leave you and you will be more grounded.

Sound can cause your whole body to change and if the sound is therapeutic then it can be a positive thing for you. This can help you to deal with illnesses and can help your body to fight off issues such as chronic diseases. Sound can change the way that you see things and it is important to get this kind of therapy if you are one that deals with trauma and other issues that cause you to be held back in life.

Sound can change who you are, and it can cause your relationships to get better because it allows you to be more open and to face your traumas and your sicknesses head on.

More About Sound Baths

There is not a lot of studies that are done about sound baths and what they do for people but there are a lot of things that are written about the affects of music and how music can help with things such as meditation and relaxation.

Once you understand the benefits of sound baths, you will find that meditation is one way to reduce stress and when you add sound baths to meditation then you will be able to fight against things such as depression and stress.

One study talked about how meditation can decrease stress and can help to get your blood pressure and your heart rate at healthy levels.

Other research shows that music can help to lower stress levels if it is listened to for the purpose of being able to relax easier.

Music can give you energy and can help you to reduce stress and to increase the feelings of peace and happiness.

Regular Sound Bathing

The more that you do sound baths the better you can experience the benefits of it. Each time you go to a sound bath is going to be different for you plus your life is always changing and so the things that you bring to the table will change each day. As you choose to be well in your life and you understand that there are benefits to sound bathing, you will learn to do it more regularly. You will see that after each session that you will feel better.

People can experience this differently depending on what they are doing through, and some people have a strong connection to their psychological, emotional, or spiritual self when doing this therapy and it can help them to grow and heal them when they are suffering. This can cause many people to choose to do this on a regular basis.

Doing Your Own Sound Baths

If you don’t have a chance to attend a place that offers sound bathing, you can do this on your own. Some people do not live in a location where they can find sound baths and instead, they have to turn to recordings. There are many different sound bath musicals that can be found online on YouTube and other places. You can also purchase some of this music.

As you listen to this music at home, take time to meditate and get to a place of relaxation. Nothing is going to be the same as being in the place where the actual instruments are playing, but if you are not able to attend this or do a group sound bath then you can create your own area and you can experience this in the comfort of your own home.

Listening to singing bowls or gongs can help you when you are meditating, and it can also help you to heal and grow. If you are able to attend in person, you will see that there are different levels that you can experience.

One thing that you should do is to use your own voice. You can do different sounds and try vocal toning and create different frequencies on your own to listen to. This can give you a purpose and make you feel better.

Sound Therapists

There are not many sound bath areas that are around and therefore there are not a lot of people that are actual trained sound therapists but when you are looking for one, you can look at the International Sound Therapy Association and find people that are certified.

It is always important like other people that you are looking for to make sure that you use your intuition and that you find people that can refer you to someone. Read their reviews online and make sure that they feel like someone that you can trust.

Using Chakras for Healing Your Energy

Using Chakras for Healing Your Energy

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. This means the energy is spinning like a wheel and it is the energy that is inside of the body. This energy is not visible to the eye, and it is called Prana which means healing energy that keeps you feeling good and healthy.

Chakras work with the major parts of the body. There are seven main chakras throughout the body and as long as they are unblocked and strong, the body will be strong and in good health. The major chakras work with the glands and are responsible for making you strong in your mind, body, and soul. These chakras can be blocked, and it can cause illness to come to you in your body, mind and in your soul and it can take away the energy that you have.

If you want to keep the chakras strong, you need to learn to meditate each day.

Here are other ways you can keep the chakras strong:


When you meditate and visualize things you will see that your chakras can stay strong. The chakras are found in different parts of your body, and they are associated with different colors. Imagine what your chakras look like when you are visualizing. Look to see if you can see these things:

  • Are the colors dull or dark? If this happens, you need to find which chakras are having issues. Do you have emotional issues? If so, the heart might not be unblocked, and you need to figure out why it is being blocked.
  • Look at the chakra and see if it is spinning normal or going to slow or fast.
  • What color are you lacking, and you can use this color in how you dress and the foods you eat.

Root Chakra

The root chakra is found at the bottom of the spine, and it is red in color. This helps you to feel grounded and will give you energy to be logical. Look at your root chakra and visualize it and try to make sure it is strong.

Sacral Chakra

This chakra is found in the navel area and is orange. It will help you to have passions and to have joy and peace. When you feel that you cannot express yourself, you might have a blocked sacral chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is yellow and is found under the ribs. This is where you have power and wisdom. If you are not feeling confident, listen to your gut feeling and see where your confidence is lacking.

Heart Chakra

This is the chakra that is found in the middle of the chest. This is green or pink. What comes to your mind when you think of your relationships? If you have a hard time loving or letting things go, this can mean your heart chakra is blocked.

Throat Chakra

This is located in the throat and is where your communication lies. This is blue in color and helps you to express yourself. How are you in communicating with other people?

Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is found between the eyebrows and is in the middle of the forehead. This is an indigo color, and it is where your intuition and your psychic giftings are found.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is found at the top of the head, and it is a pure and clear color. It can also be purple or violet. This is the chakra that helps you to reach your higher self and to get messages in the psychic world.

What Does a Donkey Sighting Mean?

Donkey Sighting

Even though the donkey is like a cousin to the horse, it got its name ass because it is a Latin name and not because of the skills that they lack.

This mammal is a smart animal. It has a great sense of humor, and it has a funny characteristic about it.

Symbol of the Donkey

The donkey is symbolized as something negative such as being a burden or being stubborn. The donkey goes beyond those beliefs that people have about it.

Some believe that the donkey was domesticated more than 4,000 years ago and that it was able to work through things that were very harsh and dangerous. The donkeys learned their skills in the desert, and this became an animal that was looked at as a faithful and smart animal. Even Mexico and America used the donkeys to haul big equipment.

The donkey bray’s which is a loud way that it communicates. It is loud because it wants to warn people or because it is afraid. This is a symbol that someone should be able to stand up and to speak.

This is an animal that is able to stand its ground when it has to and when it chooses to stop, it will not be able to be moved. It will stand very still and not move a muscle or make a sound. Some call the donkey stubborn because if it chooses not to move, it won’t.

Spirit Animal

If you have a donkey as your spirit animal, it can mean you are able to face problems straight up. It can mean that you are like a soldier or a nurse and that you are there to help others and to work hard to make sure people are taken care of.

The donkey is strong in its intuition and it is able to keep others out of danger. If you have a donkey guiding you, this can mean that you are cautious and that your senses are strong. If you face problems, the donkey spirit can help you to fight against your troubles.

Dreaming of the Donkey

If you dream of the donkey, it can mean that something is coming in your life that you have to give in to. You cannot be stubborn, or you will miss out.

If you dream you are riding on a donkey, it can mean you are honest and that you are loving. It can mean you are humble.

Dreaming of a donkey braying can mean that you need to be aware that someone that you thought was a friend is not.

Cultural Connections

The donkey is considered invaluable to many countries such as China and Ireland. This is because they are able to do jobs that other animals cannot such as carrying water and being able to transport people and things.

In the Bible, the donkey is represented of being able to stop people from making mistakes and the animal that was sensitive to the voice of God.

The donkey was also a symbol of the Egyptian sun god, Ra and the Greek god, Dionysus.

Donkey’s in Books

The donkey is also found in many books such as ancient writings. This writing often sees the donkey in a negative way. Shakespeare uses the word ass a lot and considered someone dumb, an ass or a donkey.

In some movies, the donkey is there such as in George Orwell’s Animal Farm and it is a donkey that is loyal but very critical.

Eeyore is another donkey found in Winnie the Pooh that is lovable and curious but seems to be easily annoyed or upset. Shrek has a donkey that is wild, curious, and very annoying.

Doing Root Chakra Healing

Root Chakra Healing

The root chakra or the Muladhara is a Sanskrit word that means a base or to support. This is the chakra that is found at the bottom of your spine, and it helps to keep your body strong.

This is the place where you can balance your life and where you have a place to start which is why this is considered the first chakra.

When you are conceived, you will have a spine that starts to develop from the bottom, and it moves upward. With your root chakra, you will move upwards towards the crown chakra. The root chakra starts at the base of the spine, and it is a place where you have strong instincts and where you are learning to survive.

This is the place where the fight or flight comes from, and it is energy that you get right when you are born, and you wonder if you are where you are meant to be.

Your root chakra represents stability, and it is the place that can help you to be grounded. As you become who you are, you will have to have things to survive such as shelter, food, and water but there are other things in your life that help you to feel connected to others and help you to feel safe and secure. These things have to do with your feelings and your inner self.

The root chakra is the place where your body reaches out to the world, but it starts inside of you where you can feel love, stability, motivation and more and it will help you to live each day healthy and strong.

The mental part of the root chakra is where you will feel connected to the world around you. Being connected to mother earth shows you that you can ground your energies so that they can flow and help you to live a happy and positive life.

The root chakra is where your self-esteem lies and where you get a sense of belonging to certain places and with certain people.

Unbalanced Root Chakra

If your root chakra is blocked or is unbalanced, you will feel that you do not belong to the world. You will feel that you cannot make sense of things and you will do what it takes to feel better.

When your root chakra is blocked, it will make you feel insecure and cause you to feel that you are depressed, angry, have no self-esteem, not able to forgive and some people even have suicidal thoughts because they do not feel like they belong anywhere.

There are different signs that you can look for to know if your root chakra is balanced or not such as always feeling down, being negative about everything and not being able to be motivated or focused.

These feelings can take over your life and can cause you to feel overwhelmed and depressed and this is the main reason why having a balanced root chakra is essential for good health.

When you are able to see yourself in a good way, you will find that your energies can move you forward and help you to be more positive in things that happen in your life.

Root Chakra Blockages

The root chakra is something that connects with your energies and with the energies of your ancestors to help you to be successful. These energies can challenge you in your life and the memories that you have, and your own experiences will help you to live a healthy life.

It is hard to think about things in the past that were hard such as famine, disaster, war, and such and since all of these things are still part of your life, your root chakra keeps these things in your back memory. These memories and the experiences of past lives are passed down from generation to generation till they get to you. The karma from your past life will affect your root chakra energies.

If your root chakra is not working right, you might find that you are not strong in your mind, body, and soul. There are different emotions that you might feel and different mental things that can come to you when your root chakra is blocked. This can affect you in your mental health and in your spiritual being.

Symptoms of a Blocked Root Chakra

Here are some symptoms a root chakra being blocked:

  • Overly tired.
  • Having colon issues.
  • Having bladder problems.
  • Lower back problems.
  • Problems in the legs, arms, and feet.
  • Inflammation in the body.
  • Experiencing more cramps than normal.
  • Prostate problems.
  • Anxiety.
  • Stress.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Depression.
  • Eating disorders.

Unbalanced Root

There are different things that can happen if your root chakra is blocked. You may have eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia. This can cause you not to get the nutrition that you need in your body.

Dealing with some kind of past trauma or abuse can cause you to have a blocked root chakra.

Healing of the Root Chakra

The root chakra is a place where you can make goals and where you can ignite your love for yourself and others. It can help you to be courageous and can help you to feel like you have a place where you belong and that you have strong self-esteem.

When you have experienced trauma in your past life, these memories will stay with you forever and this is what can cause your chakras to be blocked.

You must look at your life and be responsible for the things that you have went through in order to heal your root chakra.

Root Chakra Healing

Here are some ways you can heal your root chakra:

  • Use crystals such as red jasper, black tourmaline.
  • Do lower back exercises.
  • Eat foods that are red.
  • Eat foods that are root vegetables and protein.
  • Go outside and walk barefoot in the dirt.
  • Go swimming.
  • Do yoga.
  • Get psychotherapy.
  • Use essential oils such as cedar, rosemary, and clove.
  • Say things such as, “I am where I belong,” and “I feel safe.”
  • Meditate
  • Do sound vibration healing.

Overview of the Root Chakra

Here is an overview of the root chakra:

  • Known as the Muladhara.
  • Located at the bottom of the spine.
  • The place where you find safety and security.
  • Is the starting or the beginning of the chakra system.
  • Gives you a strong foundation.
  • Helps you to survive.
  • When there are blockages, you will have less passions.
  • The traumas in your life can be passed down to you from other generations.

The root chakra is the place where your chakra system starts. It is next to the sacral chakra, and it can help you to be strong in your mind, emotions and in your body.


If you have low self-esteem and you are feeling depressed and stressed out, chances are that your root chakra is blocked. This can cause you to have mental health issues and other physical problems.

Talk to a psychic or someone that specializes in chakras to find out how you can fix a blocked root chakra and how you can be stronger in your mind and your body.

How Tarot Cards Can Predict Your Relationship Future

Predict Your Relationship Future

Do you have people in your life that will talk to you about your relationship, and they will give you good advice and listen to all of your problems? Most people have someone like this in their life.

But, if you have a friend that is a jealous friend, chances are that they will give you advice that is hurtful to you and your relationship. It might feel like the advice that they are giving you is good and that they are very worried about your problems, but their advice might take you to a place of harm instead of good.

This doesn’t mean that you should not ask questions or find someone to help you, you just need to make sure that you are finding someone that is going to give you good advice and someone that cares about your problems. A love psychic is one that you can turn to when you don’t have a friend to tell your problems to.

Are Psychics Real?

A psychic is someone that will listen to you and will have care about your problems. They use the energies that you have and their own internal intuition to give you advice. A person that is a tarot reader or an astrologer will be able to use different tools to give you more answers.

Your psychic will help you to find messages in different tools such as interpreting the tarot cards to predict things in your past, present and future.

You always do have to be careful when finding a psychic and a medium though. You need to make sure that you are doing a good search online and that you are looking at reviews and making sure that your psychic is real and accurate.

Psychics are real people that will be there to give you advice and they can give you guidance that goes deeper than just what is going on. Many of them will use different tools and they can use the tools to speak into your life.

Finding someone that is a real psychic will help you to find out what you need no matter if it is in your relationship, job, your health, or other things.

Kinds of Psychics and Tarot Readings

Going to a psychic session is a reading where the psychic will use their abilities to tell you things about yourself. They will not always know what to tell you, but they will learn to connect with you in the reading and they will be able to give you advice on your love and your life.

Tarot Reading

A tarot reading can give you information that is specific to the questions that you ask. You can ask love questions and your tarot reader will lay down certain cards and will tell you what the cards mean for your future and for your love. This is different depending on who does the reading, and the interpretations can vary.

Twin Flame Reading

A twin flame is the person that is the other half of your soul. If you are trying to find your twin flame, you can ask a psychic to guide you towards them. They can use cards that will give you answers that you need to find your twin flame.

Best Questions for Tarot Readings

Here are some of the best questions that you can ask for a tarot reading:

  • What should I do next in my love life?
  • How can my twin flame find me?
  • Does my twin flame want to find me now?
  • How can I find love this year?
  • What can I do to bring happiness into my life?
  • How can I make my relationship more successful?

Find the right psychic and get the answers that you need.  Remember always go to a reading with an open heart and an open mind to get the best answers for your life.

What Does a Yellow Aura Mean?

Yellow Aura

Have you ever had an aura reading and you have been told that you have a yellow aura? If you have a yellow aura, this can mean all great things for your life. This can mean that you have a new day, good times in your life, happiness, peace, love and more, this is a color that is associated with gold or yellow. Remember that the color gold represents wealth and represents other things that can mean being successful and strong.

In China, people were not able to wear gold in Buddhist sects unless they were an emperor because these colors remind them that they are wealthy.

Yellow was an important color in the Mayan times, and it was a color that meant that people could keep the maize strong. It also is a color that means death and even in the Bible, gold was considered a majesty color to honor God. When you can talk well, and you are smart, yellow can be associated with this.

The Mexicans believe that yellow is about death and life and that flowers that are yellow are given to gift other people with peace and happiness.

What Does Yellow Mean?

Having a yellow or holden aura can mean that you are powerful. Gold is one that means things such as:

• Intelligence.
• Strong energy.
• Moving.
• Action.
• Excitement.
• Being a leader.

Gold color can mean that you are happy, joyful, free and that you don’t hold grudges or get mad too easily. When your color is yellow, you will see that your aura means you are feeling these things. An aura will change colors depending on your feelings. Colors can get brighter or darker and when you have a green or yellowish aura, you might have other colors mixed in.

Bright Yellow

Never worry about when your aura changes because people have their colors to change often. If your color is yellow today but not later, it just means that things in your life are changing.

When your color is bright yellow, you can find out that you are struggling with something. Don’t be worried if this happens but learn to change a way to improve yourself.

White Yellow

If you have an aura that is whitish yellow, then it can mean that you are awakened in your spiritual life. This can mean that you are getting a message and that you need to be open to your gifts. When you look at your life, you will be surprised about how much you have changed in your spirit.

Red and Yellow Aura

The aura color that you have will tell you who you are and what you are feeling. If you have a sense of self and you are strong, chances are that your aura will be red. You might be strong in your mind, and you might be able to work well by yourself and others.

You have the chance to move forward, and you can take actions to make progress in your life if you are lacking.

Yellow Orange Aura

The color orange can mean that you are bold, and you love things that are exciting. It can mean that you like to take changes and that you are strong in your sensuality. When you have yellow and red, it can mean you are positive and that you are a great leader.

This color aura can mean that you are a strong person and that you will be happy.

Yellow and Green Aura

A green aura can mean that you are strong and that you are always changing and growing. It can mean that you are moving forward and that, you are positive.

This color aura can mean you are smart and that you are strong, excited, and powerful.

Blue and Yellow Aura

A yellow aura that has blue in can be a great aura. This can mean you are balanced in your life and that you are at peace. It can mean that you have positive energies and that you have peace and love in your life.

Someone with this color aura is normally a strong energy and makes them a great leader. They are a perfect person to heal and to bring light to others.

Yellow and Purple Aura

The color purple can mean you are creative and that you have a strong imagination. When this is combined with the yellow aura it can mean that you have strong giftings such as strong intuition.

It can mean you are creative and that you are able to do things to make your creativity come to life.

Yellow Quartz

A quartz for the aura can come in yellow and this is a great crystal to have. It can help you to manifest thing and to get rid of old things in your past that are holding you back.

If you struggle with your feelings, this crystal can help you to be strong and help you to benefit from things that the crystal helps you connect with. You can use this to talk to your spirit guides and angels and you can release things that are holding you back.

You can use the crystal to see your aura and to help you understand yourself even more.

Yellow in Dreams

If you dream of yellow, you will see that this can mean that you are at peace in your life and that you are happy. It can also mean you have good health and that you are able to love yourself.

A yellow bird can mean that you are going to get something good to come to you and if you dream of yellow butterflies, it can mean that you are going to have something happy come to you.

Dreaming about someone that you love that has yellow on can tell you to look for them and find out if they are being truthful to you.

A yellow house dream can mean that you are creativity, and a yellow snake can mean that you are about to face challenges that you can fight against.


Chances are that you can look at your aura and find out what it means for you. You might have a red, yellow, purple, green or other color aura and this has to do with your thoughts and feelings.

Find out what you are feeling and if you need to, go to a professional and get an aura reading. When your aura energy is yellow, you will see that good things are coming to your life. You can change and be changed, and you can fight against things that are holding you back.

Find out about your aura today and what the colors mean to you.

Working with Guardian Angels in Our Daily Lives

Working with Guardian Angels in Our Daily Lives

Most people have never even considered trying to work with their guardian angels, but together you can truly transform your daily life a step at a time. Below, we will look at several different ways you can begin working with your angels because they are just waiting and anxious to get started.

Name the Angel

When you first meet someone, the first thing most people do is introduce yourself using your name. This is the first exchange that starts to build trust and starts building the foundation of your future relationship no matter what type it turns out to be. Keeping that in mind, the best starting point for working with your guardian angel is to make sure you know their name. There are a couple of ways to figure this important piece of information out. First, you can sit quietly in a peaceful place and quiet your mind. Focus on breathing and release all tension. Once relaxed, say “I would like to know my guardian angel’s name” and wait to see if a name comes to mind. Another option is to simply give your guardian angel a name that has special meaning to you. Then start calling your angel by this name as a way to build a relationship.

Create Your Angel Space

Just as you need a designated space when working from home so you can get more done, the same is true for working with angels. Creating an angel space is not totally necessary because you can pray anywhere and anytime. but creating a special space for your angel turns your normal wishful thinking into a concrete habit. It can be great to want to connect, but doing this in a designated space requires practice to build the habit. Angel spaces can be as simple as a home altar or designated spot on a table which is where you always communicate with your angel and be reminded of them.

Ask for Help

Once you know your guardian angel’s name and have a special place for them in your heart and home, it is time to seek their company and help. Your angels are not there to judge or shame, they just want to help. Ask for what you need.

Say Thank You

Your guardian angel has been with you your whole life so they know you deeply. Talk to your angels openly because they already know and understand you intimately. As you speak to your angels, make sure you also thank them. Gratitude deepens a relationship in real life and in the celestial realm. So, make sure you thank your angel for support and love often.

Ask They Bring Your Prayers to God

Angels are like middlemen that watch over our souls while we are in a temporary body. There is a spiritual realm that surrounds us though we have limited access in physical form. Our guardian angels exist as pure spirits and are not bound by the same restrictions as we are in this life. Your angels are in constant contact with you and in the spiritual realm. If you are praying to your higher power, as the angels to pray with you and carry the message to your higher power.

Ask for Comfort

Many people around the world are experiencing grief at this moment. Others may feel alone or isolated, while others are just simply trying to cope with every day life. There is no need to struggle with this alone as your angels are available to provide comfort and solace. Close your eyes and envision your angel nearby, surrounding you in their glowing light. Allow them to whisper reassurance because you are not alone.

Overcome Addiction

While the word addiction often calls to mind alcohol or substance abuse, addictions can also include normal things like drama, stress, shopping, or even social media. The addictions to these normal things are often how we cope, but they are not really good. They prevent us from actual healing. Though it can seem impossible to overcome an addiction, there is no need to go it alone. As you work with a therapist, ask your angel for help as well. Ask your angel and called upon the archangels for additional help.

Deepen Your Spiritual Connection

If you feel like your life is missing something or that there is more that you have not found, then you would be right. As humans, we place value on productivity, ego, and accomplishment and believe without those things we hold no value. This is not accurate because our essence is not defined by anything external, but by our divinity. It is easy to forget in our busy lives, but working with your angel can deepen your spiritual connection. They can support your spiritual life in all ways.

Feel Together

Many times, no matter where we live, we can slip into loneliness because it does not stem from physical separation. It can be from feeling misunderstood or due to drastic life changes. We can feel separation when we put most of our energy into work, rather than those things that give us light and joy. You can work with your guardian angel to feel togetherness instead of loneliness. One way to do this is through a tangible reminder like an angel screensaver or daily messages delivered through your phone.

Teaming Up with Archangels

Angels are in constant contact with us and all other celestial beings. Work with your guardian angels and archangels to meet your wants and needs. Some of the most common archangels are included below.

  • Michael – Life’s purpose
  • Raphael – Healing and travel protection
  • Gabriel – Communication and creativity
  • Uriel – Emotional distress
  • Jophiel – Reminder of every day beauty
  • Chamuel – Romantic relationships

Healing from Heartbreak

It can be hard to describe the pain of being separated from a lover, but your angel can help. While your guardian angel cannot change your emotional experience, they can help you heal. This can be comfort when you are feeling sad and alone and remind you of your deep worth.

You can work with your angel daily using these tips. They are there for love, support, and comfort, no matter your current situation. They want to be closer to you.