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Knowing Things About Being Clairvoyant That You Never Thought Of

Being Clairvoyant

Most people have heard the word clairvoyant, but many people don’t know what it means. The same goes with the word psychic, most people know what the word means but they do not often realize that it isn’t all crystal balls and women dressed in wild clothing. When you have the abilities to know things without having a real reason, this can mean you are psychic.

It is sometimes hard for a psychic to explain to people how they know things. This can cause people to question their own sanity sometimes and it causes outsiders to wonder how they know things that they know.

Some psychics are able to see things before they happen just like in the movies, but the images would just come to their mind. This would cause them to be motivated to experience new things and to understand their giftings.

Being a clairvoyant or a psychic is a gift that people have in their lives and everyone has the ability to have this gifting.


Clair means clear and voyance means seeing. So, clairvoyance is clear seeing which means that you can see things that have not yet happened yet.

There are many people that were considered psychics that would predict the future such as Nostradamus who predicted things in the sixteenth century.

How to Be Clairvoyant

Here are some ways that you get the clairvoyant giftings:

  • You are born with the giftings.
  • You have a spiritual encounter or an awakening.
  • You learn to develop your gift as time goes on.

Signs of Being a Clairvoyant

People that see things into the future or see things that haven’t happened yet often will see images or movies in their minds. They will see things happen before they happen.

These people will learn to look at things more closely and will be able to understand things better than some people do.

Many people that are clairvoyant are often creative and visual learners or they get jobs in things such as graphic designing or art.

Seeing Auras

Many clairvoyants are able to see auras which means that they are able to see the coloring around people. The auras are there to show how people are feeling and how they see things. The colors are not always able to be seen by everyone but as a clairvoyant you can often see them.


Some people that are clairvoyant are able to see flashes of coloring that goes from the corner of their eye. Many children are more clairvoyant than older people because they are not afraid to have new things happen to them.

Sometimes kids are afraid of this gifting because adults put it down and it discourages them.

Vivid Dreaming

Many clairvoyants will have vivid dreams. They will be able to see things that are wild in their dreams and then when they wake up, they will remember what they dreamed.

People that have childhood dreams would be able to remember these dreams and some dreams are questionably and not understood but they will later get the meaning of these dreams.

Seeing the Future

A clairvoyant can sometimes see into the future and will know what is going to happen. Some people are able to see themselves travel and others are able to see clear visions of disasters. They may see people crying, smoke, fire and other things and they can help to save the lives of others by having them to postpone their trips.

Knowing You are a Clairvoyant

Here are the ways you can know if you are a clairvoyant:

  • You have more than 3 of the traits above.
  • You have less than 3 but you practice improving your clairvoyance.
  • If you don’t have this gift, chances are that you have another psychic gifting.

You can learn to develop your gifting by looking online or seeing a psychic to direct you which way to go next.

Reaching Your Higher Self Each Day

Reaching Your Higher Self Each Day

If you are looking to make progress in your spirituality, then you need to learn to practice and do different techniques to help you to know what to do.

There will be challenges that you have to face in your life and when you look at your world with a deeper possibility of what might happen, you will see that you can keep your spiritual life and your regular life in a different perspective.

There are ways that you can become more spiritual by practicing reaching your higher self and my trying to live a happier life:

Be Mindful

Mindfulness can help you to improve your life and to relax more and to have a better attitude and better thoughts. You can improve your focus and learn to enjoy your life just by meditating for a few minutes each day.

Give yourself time to be calm and to keep your mindset positive. Here are ways that you can meditate:

  • Close your eyes.
  • Notice how your body is feeling.
  • Concentrate on your breathing.
  • Make your whole body relax.
  • Do this until you let go of things that are holding you back.

As you end your meditation, rest, and look at what is going on in your life now. Be mindful and let your higher self-reach out every day to make you feel better.

Notice Your Body

Look at your body and let your mind concentrate on what you are doing with your body. Are you spending all of your time online and doing things to the point where you are tired and where you feel stiff? This can lead to pain and other things, and you may even be ignoring what your body is telling you.

Accessing your higher being means that you are being more aware of how your body feels. It means that you can pay attention to what you are doing and that you can do mental exercises and meditation to let your body feel rested when you need to.

When you change your attention to things around you, you can learn to disconnect and to experience things at a deeper level:

  • Pay attention to what your body is feeling. Are you cold or are you warm? Are you breathing deeply? Are your hips moving or do you feel sensations in your body?
  • Do a body scan by paying attention to what you feel from head to feet.
  • Do some kind of movement like yoga or move in different ways to make your body feel good.


Look at what kind of intentions that you have.  Set your mindset in a way to be productive. Be creative and allow your mind to change.

Once you have reached your mental work and completed it, you need to be thankful for what you have accomplished in your day.

Intuition will help you to have deep moments and to understand the different experiences that you go through in your life. It can help you to learn to trust yourself and to find the knowledge that you need to move forward.

Connecting with your intuition will help you to experience new things in your life and will help you to be guided in a safe way. You can even find things that are missing by using your intuition. Enjoy the power that intuition gives you.

Head to Heart Energy

Change your energy form your head to your heart and get rid of thinking and stress that upsets you. The world is made up of energies and they are natural. When you work with your higher self, you will be able to get rid of energies that you don’t need.

Some people practice getting rid of energies that no longer serve them by doing breathing work and rituals. There are ways that you can notice the energy and that you can take charge of it:

  • Learn to center yourself and to pay attention to your breathing and your movement in your body.
  • Pay attention to what you are thinking and do not judge yourself or others.
  • Move your heart and mind to be more aware and center your heart.
  • Rest and pay attention to the feelings that your heart is giving you.
  • See if you feel that your energy is more balanced.

Heart Connection

One of the biggest parts of your journey is to connect with your heart and to make sure that you can take your energies and your life and work them out in a positive way.

There are different things that you might resist because your heart is closed but if you have an open heart and you shut down your negative feelings, you can face challenges that come to you each day.

You need to strengthen your heart and you need to work through emotions that are hard and that are upsetting to you. Strengthen your heart and do not let the feelings that you encounter leave you hurt. Give yourself a few minutes to rest and relax when you feel that your energy is becoming negative and then let it go.

Take time to be quiet and put your hand on your heart and let negative things go out of your life. Doing this will give you an overall wellbeing.


People need to go outside and spend time in nature. We spend too much time inside doing our jobs and working on our houses. Connecting with nature can change your energy.

Step away from the screen for a while and change your perspective. Be gentle and let nature flow through you.

Many religions like to go out in nature when the Wheel of the Year is there. They go out depending on the light and how the seasons change.

When you get closer in the natural world, you will notice how the moon changes and you will learn to eat in a seasonal way and learn to reach your higher self.


Reaching your higher self will help you to realize who you are. You will see that you are getting information that the universe gives you and this means that you are able to hear or see things and different expressions of the world.

There is a practice that allows you to be more open and can help you to be supported to reach your higher being. There are different forms that you feel and do to be more enlightened.

  • Be creative and use it when you are feeling down. Draw, write or whatever is creative.
  • Keep a journal close to you so that you can draw when you need to and write notes of your drawings.
  • Find new music that you like and see how it communicates with your spirit.
  • Look at art and design new things.
  • Make your space exciting with crystals or with plants.

Doing these small things can help you to have a life that is deeper and richer. It can help you to connect with yourself and others and to experience things in your life that can move you in your day-to-day actions.

Whatever connections you experience, you can practice them and make your world a better place to live in.

Simple Spells for Happiness and Success

Simple Spells for Happiness and Success

Casting a spell can help you focus on life and what you really want out of it. Modern day witches do not fly around on brooms, own cauldrons or possess black cats, though if you do that is perfectly fine. There is no need for a special look to spell cast. Casting a spell is a wonderful way to focus on what you want and set a real intention toward specific goals. Casting spells and witchcraft is a nature-based belief that utilizes herbs, seasons, candles, colors, the sun, and moon to help attain desires and dreams. Magic can help you do everything from maintaining a relationship to finding the perfect job for you. The most important thing is that your magic is only used for good. Witches believe that doing something morally wrong will haunt you. Read below to discover a few spells that will boost your wellbeing.

Spell for Making Friends

Some people are easily able to make friends, but others find it difficult. You may be overly shy or worried about making that first step. Maybe you have moved to a new area or started a new job where you know no one. The spell below will help you make and keep new friends in the environment. All you need is a blank postcard, a bay leaf, a gold pen, 30 cm of thin gold ribbon, and clear adhesive tape. The spell is best done on a Sunday or Wednesday or on a full or new moon. Use the postcard to write out your request for new friends to enter your life with the gold pen. Write the word “wanted” at the top and underline it, then write the type of friends you would like to enter your life. For example, you could write “WANTED: caring and fun friends at work/school, who like me just as I am. New friends to offer support and who I can confide in over time, as well as hang out with for fun.” When this is complete, stick the bay leaf on the postcard with the tape. Carefully roll up the postcard into a tube and tie it with gold ribbon. Leave this on your bedroom windowsill for 24 hours and then place the scroll somewhere in your bedroom. Friends should soon enter your life.

Charm for Loving Yourself

We must love ourselves if we expect to have a happy relationship in life. While everyone has hang-ups and quirks, they should not damage your self-worth. Below, is a confidence booster spell to help during those times when you are unhappy with yourself. All you need is a bunch of flowers that are brightly colored, a tall mirror, and five white tealight candles. At a time when you will not be interrupted, arrange the flowers in a circle on the floor and sit inside the circle. Arrange the tealights in a smaller circle in the flowers. Place the mirror outside the circle so that you can see yourself. Sit cross legged in the circle and light all the candles. Look at your reflection and see your inner beauty. Repeat the chant “I am beautiful, no matter what others may say. I am filled with love in every way” five times.

Spell to Get a Job

Whether you need a job that pays the bills or one that is better than your current one, the spell below can help and offer enough to pay your expenses and more. Gather a lighter, a gold or silver candle, a candle holder, three mint leaves, a teaspoon of dried sage, a piece of green paper, and a gold pen. On a full or waxing moon or on a Thursday, draw a pentagram on the center of the paper with the gold pen. In the center of the pentagram, write JOB, making sure the star is pointing upward. Around the word, write what type of job you want, full-time, part-time, work from home, your hours and salary. Tear up the mint leaves and put them and the sage into the pentagram. Place a candleholder on top of the herbs with a candle that you light. Say the following: “Goddess Morrigan, hear my cry. Send me a job to meet my needs. Give me a job to love. I send this message above.” Allow the candle to burn down. Take the paper and herbs to the nearest window and open the window, blowing the contents out. You will soon see the ideal job for you.

How Intuition Can Lead to Business Success

Business Success

The visionary tech guru Steve Jobs famously is quoted saying “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.”  Intuition is a trait that is all too frequently ignored in the quest for career fulfillment.  But consider how your friend was able to quick rise through the ranks in their company due to an innate knowledge of when to start projects and when to delegate tasks.  Likewise, remember the times you felt something about a potential role felt right and you put in an application despite it being a reach for you, and somehow you gain the job and exceled.

People commonly focus on their intuition during minor events like picking a meal, but seldom for the important decision like how to further their occupational aspirations.  Every human has intuition, but was given freewill by the Divine on if and how they use it.  Consider how the times you ignore or mistrust your intuition you are failing to use all the tools at your disposal.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  – Albert Einstein.

Using intuition to succeed in business

We are beginning to emerge from the misconnection that intuition is “woo-woo” and seeing scientifically that intuition is more than just a sensation.  Research shows intuition is the result of brains synthesizing data and experiences to form more abstract ideas.

In his book Intelligent Memory, Barry Gordon highlights the link between decision-making and intuition.  “From birth, our brains compartmentalize experiences and information into an elaborate filing system.  When new data is received, the brain searches the files for similar information.  Upon finding a match the new information is combined with the existing information to create a new idea or thought.”

You can translate this into your life by viewing your mind as a conveyor belts of thoughts consistently flowing through your head in any given moment.  During a coffee break you may be reading about contemporary marketing and thinking about you may use this material in an upcoming pitch.  Your mind is busy with thoughts and strategies, but nothing stands out.  Then suddenly you pick up on a conversation a few tables over.  Something sparks your interest and your brain immediately begins to search for matches subconsciously.  This happenstance combines with existing data in your brain to form a new pattern.  This creates an “Aha moment” of intuition and suddenly you know how to best pitch marketing this new product.

Neuroscientists have discovered that intuition is a ‘whole’ brain function, whereas skills and abilities are typically regulated by either the ‘left’ or ‘right’ brain.  Therefore, it makes sense that you produce a more effective action when you harness the power of your whole brain rather than half of it.  Your intuition is accessible every minute of every day.  You simply need to trust it.

Connecting with your forgotten tool

To use intuition wisely, you must first develop trust.  This will ensure you use it as much as possible.  Plus, like any part of the body, intuition can be regarded as a muscle that requires strengthening it for it to work optimally.  Below we have listed six ways you can begin trusting in your intuition.

  1. Identify how your intuition communicates with you

Intuition speaks to each person in a unique way.  Some will experience gut feelings, while other may receive a strong mental image, repetitive thought, an idea, or vivid dreams.  Notice how you experience your intuition.  Begin by observing your past and identifying missed opportunities where you could have capitalized on a persistent thought, but didn’t.  Recall where you were and how you experienced those knowing sensations.  Work to be open to those same triggers in the present.

  1. Let logic rest and focus on living in the moment

Remember a time you noticed a significant issue with something your owned.  You most likely felt anxious to get it fixed, but the more tried to repair it, the more damage it sustained.  As the item became more broken, the great your frustration, anger, and stress grew.  Did you wish you merely stepped away to better assess the situation before you took action?  When you separate yourself from emotions the clearer your judgment can become.  Watch and listen without judgment or analysis.  Be still, mindful and observant.  In this space your whole brain and activate and facets of a situation can coalesce and provide a new way of looking at the issue to create a more meaningful solution.

  1. Shift your focus and see things from a new lens

People get stuck in a situation because they can’t “see the forest for the trees.”  Take a step back from the problem so you can shift your focus.  This action helps relax your mind and you can create space for active rest.  What next appears can be vital new insights, thoughts, or ideas to help you solve your challenge.  These are intuitive gifts you have been seeking.

  1. Have clear intentions

No matter if you are working on a new or different direction, make sure your intention is clear as it is the filter you create your destiny.  Having a firm concept of what your company does and its impact on the world ensure every decision is reflected in that clarity.  No matter the choice or obstacle, your intuition helps ground your vision and ensure the best possible outcome for you.

  1. You are guided by your values

Whether conscious or unconscious any choice is governed by your value system.  Similar to intention, have strong values guides you through the journey of decision-making in any sphere.  Having a firm grasp of your values will be reflected in your intuition, and ensure you always receive data based on this firm foundation.  Consider needing to decide between two courses of action and both feel slightly off, this is mostly because neither option aligns with your values and intentions.  Go with your gut and try to identify a third option.

  1. Take decisive action

Anyone can identify a spark of intuition, but it takes far more work to put it into action.  This final step requires both trust and commitment.  Listen to what this spark of intuition is telling you, and you may even choose to ask it questions on how to best act.  Action begins with momentum forward and taking a leap of trust.  Remember, you have freewill to chart your path.

Converting Intuition into Action

Once you have honed the six steps listed above, you will have created a stable foundation of crystal-clear values and intention.  The next, and much easier step, is to nurture your trust in your intuitive skills.  Every time you communicate with your intuition and take action steps leading to success your trust will blossom.  Explore with how you use intuition in your careers and watch as the opportunities and abundance flow your way.

How Feng Shui Works with the Zodiac

How Feng Shui Works with the Zodiac

Feng Shui is a practice from the Chinese custom that helps you to have a strong place in your home or your business that is full of good energies. This is a place where you can bring prosperity to yourself and where you can take the energy and make them better for your life.

What rooms to you use in your home or your workplace? Do you have these things set with colors and images that make you feel successful? What do you have that you focus on when you go into those rooms?

How Feng Shui Can Help

Feng Shui is a way that you can be benefited in your home or your workplace because of the good energy that it brings. If you have a business and a home that are separate, you want to make sure that you are making an environment that will help you to feel healthy and strong.

A Feng Shui practitioner can go into your home or your workplace and they can use their skills to balance the elements in your areas. This can be the masculine and feminine energies and how the energy flows. There are five elements of energy and you use these to influence the energies of wherever you are.

Five Chinese Elements

There are different Chinese elements, and they change each two years and they have to do with the animal or the zodiac animal. This year, the ox is the animal. In 2021, this animal will be an expression of strength.

There are colors that come with each year as well and so when you know the color for the year, you can use these colors in how you dress or how you decorate your home. This will help you to express yourself with the animal signs.

Wood is one element that can help you to grow in your life. This allows you to grow and offers you spatial direction in your being.

Fire is an element that is powerful and intense.  This sign means that you are brave and that you are strong. This brings health to your life.

Metal is an element that gets rid of dangers and can help you to have a longer life. This will get rid of cords that are holding you back and causing you pain.

Water is a deep element and is full of life. This is the element that gives you wisdom and energy and will help you to be creative. This is the element that will keep your mind moving and will allow you to grow.

The Earth is the place of birth and growth and if you are financially strapped, use this element to bring life to your finances and to nurture you.

Your Feng Shui practitioner will help you by looking at your chart and seeing what you need to do to be healthy and strong in your person and in your life.

Feng Shui and the Chinese Animal Zodiac

Look at your own Chinese animal year and see if you feel that you have elements in your life that are helpful to you. These animals are symbols of your energy and your life.






























































Sheep or Ram




































Pig or Boar









  • The Chinese astrology says that each of the animals have seven different star signs with living animals. You can look at your elements and your animal year and see what it has to offer:


  • You are the masculine energy.
  • Element of water.
  • Color black.
  • Go North.
  • Season is winter.
  • Mercury planet.
  • Black Tortoise


  • Feminine energy.
  • Earth element
  • Brown color
  • Go Northeast
  • Transitional Season
  • Saturn
  • Yellow Dragon


  • Masculine energy.
  • Wood element
  • Color green
  • Go East or Northeast
  • Spring
  • Jupiter
  • Green Dragon


  • Feminine energy
  • Wood element
  • Green or silver
  • Go East
  • Spring
  • Jupiter
  • Green Dragon


  • Masculine energy
  • Earth element
  • Color brown or purple
  • Go Southeast
  • Transitional season
  • Saturn
  • Yellow Dragon


  • Feminine energy.
  • Element fire.
  • Red or purple.
  • Go South or Southeast.
  • Summer
  • Mars
  • Vermillion Bird


  • Masculine energy.
  • Element fire.
  • Red or silver.
  • Go South
  • Summer
  • Mars
  • Vermillion Bird


  • Feminine energy.
  • Earth element.
  • Black, blue, or brown.
  • Go southwest.
  • Transitional season.
  • Saturn
  • Yellow Dragon.


  • Masculine energy.
  • Metal
  • White, grey, blue, or brown.
  • Go west or southwest
  • Autumn
  • Venus
  • White Tiger


  • Feminine Energy
  • Metal
  • Blue, lavender, white, pink.
  • Go West
  • Venus
  • White Tiger


  • Masculine energy
  • Earth element.
  • Brown, red, yellow.
  • Go central.
  • Transitional season.
  • Saturn.
  • Yellow dragon.


  • Feminine energy
  • Water element
  • Black
  • Go North
  • Winter
  • Mercury
  • Black Tortoise


The direction that your home faces will help you to balance your animal year energy. If you have certain objects that you use that are creative or have strong colors, use them in the right direction.

Use the north section to build your career with things like water and white stones. This can bring energy to the bedroom.

Northeast is where you build your knowledge and use purple stones and pottery and where you will hang things that you have been given like awards. Also use inspirational things here.

East is to be used for your family. Use flowers and amethyst. Hang family pictures.

Southeast is for money and wealth use crystals and gold and silver, trees, and images of money.

South section is for your reputation, hang fiery things and bright colors, use wind chimes.

Southwest is for love and marriage, use images of love and rose quartz.

West is for children and creativity, use boji stones and feminine textures.

Northwest is to have helpful people in your life and to get blessings. Use the Tiger’s eye and swirling shapes.

The middle of your home should have warm fire colors, earth tones, warm colored stones, and good symbols such as fruit.

Other Ideas

You can use a natural thing in your home such as waters or fiery elements. Do this in your business and in your bedroom where there will bring peace and not too much light.

Make sure your entry is inviting and that you do not use a mirror, or it will make the good energy leave. The door is important, and you want it to work and to be welcome.

Let the energies flow. Use red and other high energy colors in your office to bring you wealth and happiness.


Feng Shui can help your home to have peace and to not be distracted by negativity. Get rid of dead plants and clutter so that you can have peace in your home and office.

The Hazards of Self-Reading

The Hazards of Self-Reading

Everyone possesses psychic talents, but harnessing their full potential can produce wonderous results.  A common and seemingly logical step is for people to begin reading themselves.  However, be cautious as this act places you in a similar situation as if you were representing yourself in court.  Can it be done, sure, but it can inadvertently produce horrendous results.

This is because it is near impossible to remain objective.  No one wants to hear negative news and can struggle to fully own their shortcomings or harmful actions.  It’s human nature to manipulate the situation to cast yourself in a better light.  Consider how you view your diet or spending habits!

Next time you are looking for answers, put down your divination tools and find a quiet private space to enter a meditative state.  Call out to your spirit guides or the archangels.  Envision a place that produces a truly peaceful and grounding sensations and pose your questions to them.  Trust in their wise feedback and insights.  Allow this meeting to be as normal of a conversation as possible.  Let this conversation shape how you wish to create your next steps when you return to your normal state of consciousness.

By taking this approach rather than reading for yourself, you can avoid creating the answer you were wishing for.  You can see the situation as it really is, rather than manipulating it to serve your ego.  If you posses the ability to conduct reading, use your talents to serve others in need.  If you require a reading, enlist the help of a professional and reputable psychic in order to maintain as much objectivity as possible, so you can receive a truly accurate reading.

An Empath’s Reaction to Lies

An Empath's Reaction to Lies

Empaths are the most genuine people in the world. They live in authenticity and crave it in others around them. That becomes quite a challenge and the world is full of fakers and fraudsters.

Worse than that for the empath, many of these liars are rewarded in a world where such behavior is celebrated as being shrewd, cunning, and even brilliant. The world is saturated with so much disinformation that it sometimes creates disillusionment for the empath and brings them to the point of anger. After all, it shouldn’t be this way.

Empaths, being super sensitive to vibrations produced by others, are thrown into a head scramble when around those who are deceptive. This is named the “empathic antenna” because they immediately seem to know everything isn’t as it appears. These empaths are basically human lie detectors and they are really good at it.

The empath can root out and separate fake people from true liars too. Fake people are those who wear a persona like a mask, preventing others from seeing who they truly are. They want people to see this mask and react positively to it to feel loved and worthy.

Regardless of the intention, the fake person produces inauthenticity and that can eventually become manipulative. An empath may feel a “freeze effect” when they come across such a person because what they are seeing isn’t matching the vibe they are getting.

This brain confusion can result in physical manifestations for the empath including, anxiety, the inability to form correct words, nervousness, and even clumsiness. They can also forget simple things.

Experts claim this is a way the brain protects the empath. It is alerting them to lies like a fire alarm. They may not know what the deception is exactly, but do understand that something is off.

This is a historic time where lies are being revealed daily and the upheaval this brings may upset empaths since they are sensitive to such things. They may become a bit of a recluse and find healthy alternatives to social interactions.

It’s not a bad thing to take some alone time. Spending time away from others allows for growth and for your authenticity to flourish. Empaths do best when they can steer away from negativity and distraction.

Here are some other suggestions for empaths to recharge after dealing with a world full of deceptions.

  1. Watch uplifting movies.

Movies can impact us in ways we don’t realize. Not only do you need to keep negative-vibe movies off your radar but you need to zone in on uplifting, feel-good movies to raise your vibration.

  1. Keep a favorite tune playlist.

Everyone has a group of songs that makes them feel good. They could be songs from your youth or a new song that just makes you want to dance. Either way, keep a playlist of favorites that raises your vibration and keeps you happy.

  1. Get creative.

Creative projects do anyone good but are exceptional for empaths because they can use it to get in tune with their inner selves. Pick a hobby and spend some time with it every week.

  1. Walk in nature.

Empaths are some of the best at dialing into nature so make the most of it by spending time in it. A beautiful garden may be just the thing to refresh your soul.

  1. Read.

Reading poetry or a favorite book is a great way for empaths to escape. Since they have such innate abilities to feel and imagine, they can easily identify with the characters and get involved with a book in a way others don’t.

Empaths must trust their intuition regarding their interactions. You know when it is enough and you need a break. Go through the process and trust your direction.

Spirit Animals and Shadow Self

Spirit Animals and Shadow Self

People often wonder about shadow animals and they have a hard time believing that a shadow animal can be a shark, duck, fly or even a snake. Different mediums and psychic people were shocked about the work that the shadow animal or the shadow self can do, even healing.

It is important that you know that your spirit animal can be your guide and it can help you to know who you are and what you need in life.

There are different shadow animals that are not scary and can help you to have love, compassion and care for yourself and others.

Shadow Self

A shadow self is considered the dark side of who you are. This is where you have animal instincts that help you to be able to get rid of things in your life that are bad such as:

  • Fear
  • Greed
  • Hate
  • Shame
  • Jealousy
  • Judgement
  • Deception

The shadow self is the negative part of your life that sometimes is hidden but often has to come out in the open to get rid of the dark side attachment and the ego.

You must figure out how to talk to your shadow self so that you can heal it and it will no longer be bad.

Golden Shadow

Some believe that the shadow is partly gold, and this is where people hide their creative sides. The negative parts of the shadow self are traits that can cause you to miss out on your greatness. Some people are held as prisoners to their shadow self, but this can be confusing.

Light can only be hidden when there is a lot of darkness and if the golden shadow will push through the darkness then it can bring healing and hope.

Shadow Self and Spirit Animal

Some people believe that there are many ways to heal the shadow self, and this is often called shadow work. This is something known in Buddhism and it is when a person has to find enlightenment and let go of their ego.

Some believe this to be soul retrieval or getting rid of demons and others believe that this is the place where darkness is.

If you face your shadow self, you have to work with different energies and meditate so that you can figure out what is going on inside of you. This can be scary and cause you to be ashamed of who you are, but it can help you to use your spirit animals to help you discover yourself and accept who you are.

No matter how you do this, shadow work is never enjoyable. If you want to have a peaceful and happy life though, you have to make this part of your journey. If you are experiencing medical problems, go to a doctor first.

Why Do Shadow Work?

Your shadow is part of your unconscious living and it can cause you to have pain in your life. It can cause you to be responsible for all kinds of mess ups and addictions and it can make you have no motivation and to not be able to connect to the loving world.

People are taught to punish the bad people and when you have a shadow self, this is what causes you to mess up and ruin things such as relationships and to not go after your career. When you realize this, you punish yourself.

A shadow self can cause you to have emotional problems and can hurt your physical being. In alternative medicine, they think that the shadow self is the emotional and physical reason that people have sicknesses. They feel that they are unworthy, and it causes the body to shut down. It can cause people to have things such as stress, diabetes or other negative things and can cause autoimmune diseases.

The body might even attack itself on top of all of the suffering in the mind that happens. The soul is a perfect thing, but the spirit often needs to have some kind of healing.

Your spirit animals or your Totem can help you to heal yourself and to be gentle with what is going on in your shadow self.

Tips to Heal the Shadow Self

There are things you can do to heal your shadow self-such as:

Emotional Reactions

Journal all of the emotions that you have rather they are good or bad. Whatever you are feeling, write it down.

If you want to get rid of your shadow self, you need to keep a journal and write down what you are feeling. Figure out what triggers negative emotions and put it in your journal. Look at the calendar each week and figure out what days and what months are negative. See if there is a pattern.

Things that irritate you can help you to understand yourself more. Figure out what is causing you to have these different emotions.

Shadow Archetypes

Look at what you are feeling and why. Find out what is causing you to have these emotions, and what is causing you to act a certain way.

Ask Your Spirit Guides

Talk to your spirit guides and ask them to show you who they are. Ask them to support your journey and to help you heal your shadow self.

Find out what archetypes represent who you are and what represents your triggers and then meditate to your spirit guides. Ask your guides to come to you and to help protect you. Thank them for being with you.

Ask them questions that you need to know so that you can figure out what is holding you back. Ask them to speak and listen. If you see your animal walk or swim away, it is time to stop meditating.

Write It Down

Write down everything that happens including:

  • When the animal came.
  • What animal it was.
  • What the spirit animal said.
  • How you heard them.
  • The color of the animal.
  • How they came to you.
  • What the environment was.
  • How they left (fly, walk).
  • What elements were there
  • What direction they came from and what direction they went.
  • How the animal guides made you feel.

Signs and Symbols

After your guide leaves, figure out if they left you signs or symbols. Here are some that might be important:

  • The colors and the meaning of the colors.
  • The number meaning.
  • The meaning of the spiritual animal.
  • The cardinal direction they went.
  • The elements.

When you figure out the symbols, take time to really look at it and take time to figure out everything about the meeting.

Facing Your Shadow Self

Learn what kid of shadow self you are facing and the negative parts of it. You can look at the fact that you are not able to really be in control of yourself, but that you can work to make it better.

Ask your spirit animal to give you energy and to heal you and give you courage. When you use protector archetype, it can cause a bear or some strong animal to come to you and to help protect you and keep you safe.

One thing to stay safe from is your own judgements such as:

  • I am bad.
  • I am not good enough.
  • I will never be good enough in life.
  • Something is wrong with me.
  • No one could ever like me.
  • No one could ever love me.

When your power animal comes, let them help you. Let them help you face your energy and to separate you from your bad self. When you ask your power animal to come, you will connect with the part of yourself that is hard.

Be Compassionate and Loving with Yourself

Your spirit animal has come to help you to figure out who you are and to help you to face your shadow self. You are not angry and jealous because your spirit animal has brought you love and compassion.

When you do shadow work, you will see that you will experience different emotions. Ask your spirit animal to come to you and to help you to not be ill anymore. Let them share their light.

Seeing your spirit animal can be the best thing that you have ever seen. You might see a bear, a dolphin, or a horse. They will come to give you light and to help you to be the best that you can be. You will do amazing in life, just keep pushing forward.

What is a Twin Flame and Why Can it Benefit Me?

What is a Twin Flame and Why Can it Benefit Me?

When you meet someone and you talk to them, chances are you often wonder if this is the person that might be for you or you feel some kind of real connection to them.

Is That Love?

People wonder if they have one person that will love them and even though this is a hard question to answer, there are things you have to know about the person such as if they are committed to someone else, or if they are able to open up to you emotionally. You might wonder if they are someone that you could love.


A soulmate is when you have a soul, and another soul reincarnates with you in mind. This can be part of your relationship, but it is there to teach you a lesson and to help you grow.

This is an important part of your life but as you look through life, you see that your journey is always moving. Each path that you take in life is something that your soul has chosen.

How to Know

How can you know if you have met the right person or if you are just wasting your time and energy on someone that is not meant for you?

Do you love someone and find that you are fearful of being disappointed by them? Love can be lasting and can be something that you love but you have to realize that there is someone that is meant to be with you. Is that person the one?

Tarot Spread for the One

There are seven cards that you can do to answer that question of love. This is a tarot spread and you need to shuffle the cards while you ask questions:

Card 1: Are they the one?

If they aren’t the one for you, stop wasting your time on them. They might be someone short term or they could be the one.

Card 2: Commitment

Some people want to be committed and even married. If you do, and you are ready to have your heartbroken if that happens, they might be the one.

Card 3: Conflicts

There are things that might stand in the way of you being happy and you being with the person you want to be with. This can be friends or family members.

Do you have things in your past relationships that have gotten in the way of your life changing? Everyone has to manage these things and to get rid of things in their past that are holding them back from love.

Card 4: Influences

What are the influences in your life that are holding you back? Your job? Other people? Your loving heart?

Card 5: Develop the Relationship

Once you know that you are in the right relationship and you have the moon sign. You need to know what your lover is.

The moon will represent your natal horoscope and it will help you to feel right in your life. You have to get their birth location, date of birth and time of birth of the person you like. You can look at astrology to help you figure out the moon placement and know if you will be happy.

The moon sign is important to keep your relationship happy. You might be someone that is a Cancer, and you will not want to be with someone that is not exciting.

Card 6: How to Win

What do you need in your life? What are some things that you will not negotiate about? What do you want to be happy? Do you want children? Do you want to keep your friends and your job?

Card 7: Will They Make You Happy?

This is not something just for today but for the future. Do you have the same values and ideas? Do you have things that they are doing that are non-negotiable?

Talk to Someone

If you are confused about what you want in your life and in your relationship, find a psychic to talk to and you can get advice or answers.

Call a trusted psychic and let them help you with your tarot spread. They can help you to interpret the cards and to help you know what to do. Always trust your intuition and let your heart be free to find love.

Are Phone Psychic Readings Accurate?

Are Phone Psychic Readings Accurate?

Communication forms are increasing in the world. The number of tasks and jobs that can be accomplished remotely are growing quickly. Most activities that were once only done face to face, like classes, meetings, lectures, and many others, are now available remotely. The same is true for psychic readings that were once only done face to face, but can now be accomplished through a phone call, video, or online chat. For those used to meeting a psychic for a meeting in person, it can be hard to decide if a phone reading could possibly be as accurate. This article will explore the accuracy of psychic readings over the phone and if someone should even consider the option.

Accuracy Varies with the Reader

People who are used to having fortunes read with someone using tarot or a crystal ball may find phone readings as counterintuitive because the client is not seen by the psychic or even in the same room. A reliable and skilled psychic can still tap into the energy field of a client if they are calling and within a certain distance. Still, this takes considerable meditation and preparation to make sure hearts and minds are open so they may dive into the client’s energy plane for an accurate reading. This means that over the phone or any technology-based readings can help you find answers about different life events or aspects. However, you must choose a psychic that is very strong and reliable if the reading is done over the phone. This way, they should be able to offer an accurate reading without relying on interactions or visual cues.

Psychics Offer Different Forms of Readings

Not all psychics are the same. Each has a different technique for gaining insight into the attributes of the client. When it comes to calling a psychic on the phone, you need to take time to do research on the type of psychic reading they will provide and if it will fit your specific needs. Look at the reasoning below to understand this better.

  • Some psychics are clairvoyant and will provide readings based on visions that are received. This can mean they require time to give a reading because it is not an instant vision during a session.
  • Some psychics are empaths and are highly sensitive to the emotional vibrations of a client. They will have high intuition and foresight for assessing and understanding feelings and emotions of client on a deeper level. However, this may not translate well to a phone call.
  • Some psychics are able to tap into the life energy field of a client and can offer a general reading on the aspects of that person’s life. They may also specialize in a specific life energy like career, love, relationships, or health.

Trust is essential when it comes to a psychic reading, in-person or on the phone. When you choose a reader for a phone consultation, trust your psychic to do the most talking. Psychics who offer such readings have the experience to provide this service, but not all have this as their strength. The life energy from your normal voice should be enough to give them information to make an accurate reading.

Contrary to what many believe, phone psychics can be effective and beneficial to both psychic and client. One reason for this is that clients are more comfortable at home and are more open to conveying feelings and desires as well as asking questions. They are also more open to discussing personal topics. Phone consultations are also more private and allow for anonymity. Not all clients are comfortable face to face and this can affect their energy and reading. When clients are their true selves, the reading will be more accurate. Skilled psychics are not limited to same room interactions with clients. Even at a distance, they should be able to connect to the energy field of the client. This is why with a bit of research, you should be able to consult over the phone with ease and accuracy.