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What Path We Wish We Took in Our 20’s and 30’s

What Path We Wish We Took in Our 20’s and 30’s

There are some things that you wish that you had known when you were in your 20’s and in your 30’s. One of the greatest things to have known is that the lessons that you learned are important and that you should not forget them.

Some of the best lessons in life happened when we made mistakes and these lessons can help us to make it through the rest of our lives if we learn to embrace them.

Choose Friends Wisely

When you make a friend, make sure that you are finding people that help you to be a better person. Do not just attach to anyone that comes in your life.

Not everyone should be part of your circle and you need to stay away from people that take advantage of you or use you. Let your relationships be something that challenges you to be better and helps you to have peace and love in your life.

I Love You

Learn to say the words, “I love you,” right away. Never wait for the right time or the right place to say them. When you have people in your life that mean something to you and you care about them, let them know that you love them.

Do not waste time by not using these words out of fear because you never know when you will have your last chance.

Being Single

Embrace the single life. When you are single, learn to grow and enjoy time on your own. Find things that you love to do and do them.

Spend your money on things that you want and take care of yourself. Once you become not single, you have to take care of someone else. Enjoy being single while you can.


Take time to relax in life. Life is full of business and you need to make sure that you are taking breaks.

Life is too short to be stressed out and busy all the time and when you have a chance to rest, take it. If you feel like life is hard, take a break and let yourself calm down.

Do Not Be Afraid of Failing

You need to take chances in life, even if it means to fail. You will never reach your goals and your abilities if you are afraid of failure.

Do not let your heart down by not listening to it and instead embrace life and learn to grow and be the best that you can be.


Surround yourself with things in your life that bring positivity to you. Find people that are good for you and get rid of toxic people in your life.

Learn to be happy and learn to find hobbies and things to do that bring positivity into your life. You deserve to be happy.

Reach Your Passions

Learn what you want in life and what you are passionate about and go for it. Find the things that make you feel that your life is full and fulfilled. Think about love and life and what you want and get it.

Forgive Yourself

We all make mistakes in our life and we have to learn to forgive and leave these things in the past. Do not worry about the things that you have done wrong in your past but learn to change yourself and forgive yourself.

Get Advice

Ask people that are smarter than you to fill you with advice. You can figure things out on your own but sometimes there are people that can really give you insight to what is going on around you.

Find people that want to share their knowledge with you and allow them to feed into you.

It’s Never Too Late

It is never too late to do better in your life. No matter what happens, as long as you are breathing, you can do things to find happiness.

Quit your job if it is holding you back and find excitement in your being. You are never too old to have a happy life.

Accept Change

Life is about changes and there is sometimes nothing you can do to stop changes. Instead of trying to stop it, learn to embrace it and move on in your life.

Embrace what you want, let go of things that make you unhappy and accept that there will be changes in the now and in the future.

Be thankful for the changes that come to you and help you to be the best that you can be and learn to have fun and love along the way. You can be the best that you are as long as you remember these things and let them fill your life.

Using the Zodiac to Find Your Forever Love

Zodiac to Find Your Forever Love

There are many people that believe that you can find love based on your zodiac sign. The thing is, the energy with your sign can be determined by how distanced these signs are and there are 7 major romantic matches that happen in astrology. You can use these signs to help you figure out what you are supposed to do in love.

Being Compatible

There is a distance between two signs, and this is where your horoscope helps you to know if you are compatible with that person or not. The astrological sign can help you to know if you are meant to be together or if you aren’t.

Each sign has energies that are different, and this can cause a relationship to work or it not to work out well. This can be something that lasts for a lifetime or something that happens fast. If you are not matched correctly with your partner, you will learn to figure out that you will have drama in your relationship. You may have to have this happen a few times so that you can learn.

A relationship that is not meant to happen can cause you to have things happen to you that should never happen in a relationship. Maybe your partner is stifling your creativity or maybe they are getting on your nerves.

When you find love, you want to make sure that it is a relationship that is going to help you grow and to make you happy.

Being the Same Sign

If you are the same sign as someone, you need to figure out that you will probably know this person as much as you know yourself. They are your spirit match and if you have learned to love who you are, chances are that you can win in this relationship. You will want to make sure that you take time apart and that you keep the relationship strong.

Learn to love yourself and here is what you will probably learn from this relationship:

  • That you want to be with someone that wants to be with you.
  • That you see the best qualities of yourself come back to you.
  • You learn to accept who you are.
  • You work through things in your life like sibling rivalry.

Weird Things

These signs can have weird moments:

  • Cancer and Gemini
  • Leo and Leo
  • Cancer and Virgo
  • Virgo and Leo
  • Aries and Pisces
  • Taurus and Taurus
  • Aries and Gemini
  • Gemini and Taurus
  • Cancer and Libra
  • Libra and Virgo
  • Scorpio and Libra
  • Sagittarius and Sagittarius
  • Scorpio and Capricorn
  • Aquarius and Capricorn
  • Pisces and Capricorn
  • Sagittarius and Aquarius
  • Pisces and Aquarius

This will be a relationship that is different, and you will see that you can have both love and hate for this person. You will have strong sexual feelings and there will be a lot of friction.

Each of the signs will teach you a lesson and chances are that you will be rebellious, and you will say that they have never taught you anything.

This will be a sign that can have a hard breakup and you will hold a grudge for a long time. Here are some things that you will get out of this kind of relationship:

  • You will see things from different perspectives.
  • There will be both love and hate.
  • You will love having sex with this person.
  • You will have qualities that they don’t and vice versa.
  • They will help you heal.
  • You will have painful situations.
  • You will be out of your comfort zone.
  • You will be with someone that gets you.
  • You will have peace in your life.

Best Friend Love Matches

This will include these matches:

  • Aries and Sagittarius
  • Aquarius and Taurus
  • Pisces and Cancer
  • Gemini and Aries
  • Cancer and Taurus
  • Leo and Gemini
  • Virgo and Cancer
  • Libra and Leo
  • Scorpio and Sagittarius
  • Capricorn and Sagittarius
  • Libra and Aquarius

This will be a match that will be there to help you change your thoughts and values. You will have friendships and be able to communicate with this person well, but you have to work to keep the spark alive.

This relationship will be hard to keep up because you will expect a lot out of each other.

Here are some things you will learn with this relationship:

  • How to be best friends.
  • How to communicate.
  • To listen.
  • How to keep the spark going.
  • Figuring out romance.
  • Having no pressure with this person.

Friction Love Matches

This will happen with:

  • Cancer and Capricorn.
  • Taurus and Aquarius
  • Leo and Gemini
  • Pisces and Virgo
  • Aries and Libra
  • Leo and Taurus
  • Scorpio and Virgo
  • Gemini and Sagittarius
  • Cancer and Capricorn
  • Scorpio and Leo
  • Aquarius and Sagittarius
  • Virgo and Pisces
  • Aries and Libra
  • Aquarius and Scorpio
  • Taurus and Pisces
  • Gemini and Sagittarius

This will be a match that is harsh and can help you to have different dynamics. This will be a time where you will want to make up with your parents if you have painful past wounds.

You will clash with this person at times and you will have a lot of tensions. They can help you to learn to compromise and to be a better person.

Here is what you will learn in this relationship:

  • To compromise
  • To solve problems.
  • How to balance your personalities.
  • What to do when you clash
  • Not to be stubborn
  • To heal old problems with your parents.

Easy Love Matches

Easy love matches include:

  • Aries and Leo
  • Sagittarius and Taurus
  • Virgo and Capricorn
  • Gemini and Libra
  • Aquarius and Cancer
  • Scorpio and Pisces

This match will be part of the elements and will bring harmony and love in your life. You will feel comfortable with this person and you will want to keep things mysterious.

Be active and make sure that you take time apart and you don’t do everything together to keep the relationship exciting.

Here are things you will learn from this relationship:

  • How to love yourself and your partner.
  • How to be who you are.
  • How to let your guard down.
  • How to explain yourself and be understood.
  • To rest and have fun together.
  • To have a best friend in your partner.

Karmic Love Matches

Here are some karmic love matches:

  • Virgo and Scorpio
  • Taurus and Libra
  • Sagittarius and Gemini
  • Scorpio and Capricorn
  • Sagittarius and Aquarius
  • Leo and Capricorn
  • Pisces and Virgo
  • Aquarius and Aries
  • Pisces and Taurus
  • Scorpio and Aries
  • Gemini and Sagittarius
  • Taurus and Cancer

This will be a match that is different than others. You will feel that you are with your soulmate and sometimes you will feel that you are being tortured by knowing them.

You will wonder how you ended up together and your relationship will be intense, and you will have to learn to adjust to each other.

You will have good sex and be intimate with each other, but you have to be aware of what you can do and your strengths in your life.

Here are some things you will learn from this relationship:

  • How to be more sexual.
  • How to heal past life contracts.
  • Being intimate.
  • Being selfless.
  • Giving to others.
  • Seeing people differently than you.
  • What a soulmate feels like.

Opposite Love Matches

Here are some of these kinds of love matches:

  • Aries and Libra
  • Taurus and Scorpio
  • Gemini and Sagittarius
  • Cancer and Capricorn
  • Leo and Aquarius
  • Virgo and Pisces

This match will be very opposite, and you will not have much in common. You can be compatible with these signs, but you have to tag team and do things to help each other grow.

This will be a different view on your life, and you will have to focus on the whole relationship to make it work. You will see that this can make sense if you give it time.

The things you will learn from this relationship include:

  • Seeing who you are.
  • Changing your perspective of things.
  • Creating a tag team.
  • Knowing that something brought you together.
  • Having balances.
  • Being selfless.
  • Seeing life, a different way.
  • Learning to compromise.

Are You Experiencing Paranormal Activity or Left-Over Energies?

Paranormal Activity

People often wonder about clearing negative energy from their homes, businesses and other places. There are different methods of clearing out energy and some people use Western techniques while others use different forms.

One of the easiest ways to clear energy is to do an energy clearing in the home. When people have negative energy in their home and they have people living with them such as children, they realize that they need to get rid of that energy to have a happy life.

Guilt can be a negative energy and if the home has been a place where a loved one has died; this can be energy that needs to be cleared.

Mediums can come into your home and help to clear out negative energy and spirit energy in a home. Some methods can be done themselves and people can fast and meditate in order to get the energy out that is negative.

If there are disturbances of energy in your home, you might need to get rid of the negativity and find a way to make things more positive.

Doing a Cleansing

When doing a cleansing, you need to make sure that you go from room to room and all areas of the home. Go into the garden, the garage and into the playrooms. Doing this might not make sense but getting rid of all negative energy is the point of this practice.

You need to make sure that you go into the bathrooms, all of the bedrooms and any room where energy was imprinted. This can get rid of negative vibes of someone that has been in a troubled area or home.

Where there is dark or toxic energy, you need to spend more time and be passionate about getting rid of the energy.

Using sage can help to clear energy and there are other methods such as calling on the spirit guides to help get rid of energy and to protect the feeling in the home.

You can talk to your spirit guides and ask them to help you and to know which rooms to go in. Using incense will help you to get rid of energy that is negative but if you have extreme dark energy, make sure that you use things that are stronger.

Get rid of any fear in your home and ask light to come into your home. Get rid of the negative energy and keep going over the same areas until you feel that the energy has shifted and that it is no longer negative.

Once you finish doing this, thank your guides for helping you to clear off your energy.


Energy clearing can help you to feel better in your home and business. If there is negative energy or hate in your home, you need to do a cleansing.

You need to work to get rid of unwanted energy that is bringing you down or bringing your home down. This can also get rid of paranormal activity that is stressing you out or causing you fear or anxiety.

How Does the Number 1111 Affect Your Life?

Number 1111

Do you find that you are out doing something, and you look down and the clock always seems to say 11:11? Or maybe you are out, and you see the numbers 1111 on something. This can mean that the angels are trying to reach you and to communicate with you or to validate the feelings that you have.


The number 11 is a Master number when you look at numerology and this means that it helps you to reach the higher spiritual world. This is a powerful number that helps you to connect to the spirit powers.

The 1111 is the master number that is a double 11 and this means that you can find love. For example, November is 11/11 and this can be a lucky day for you. What does it mean when you see the numbers 11:11?

The number 11 can mean having strong psychic giftings and can mean truth. This can mean that you are going through our spiritual awakening or that you are going to go through healing. The gifts that you have can help to raise your spiritual self and help you to see goodness in yourself.

When you see the number 11 repeating, ask your angels what it means to you and get wisdom.

Angel Numbers

You can pay attention to the number 11:11 and you can see that this can be angel numbers. This means that your angels are trying to get you to communicate with them and pay attention to what they are saying to you.

If you dream of this number, it can be because your guides are wanting to show you something or to show you that they love you.

The numbers can be powerful in your life and if you see the 1111, this is a repeat of the number 1 and can be about truth and leadership. This can mean that you are creative and that you want to be successful.

When this number shows up over and over again you can know that your life is going to change and that the angels are there to support you and to help you over and over again.

Veterans Day

When it is November 11 or 11/11 this is a day that the military is honored for their service. These people can be alive or dead. Even though this day is focused on veterans, this is a master number day that means love.

Twin Flame Connection

If you want to find your twin flame, you can use this day to call them to you in your life. The twin flame soulmate is there to meet you when the time is right, and they will be there when your life is enlightened.

Your soulmate will come to you when you have a strong soul and you have gone through love and change in your life.

The twin flame can be seen by the number 11/11 or 1111 or 11:11 and when you see these numbers, know that your soul can come to you and they can fill the energy form your life to theirs. If you are lucky to find your twin flame, this can be the perfect time to do it.


The universe wants you to pay attention and love it. When the 11:11 is shown to you over and over again, know that the universe wants to show you love and to inspire you. This can help you to reach your inner self and help you to have positive thoughts and feelings in your life.

Abundance in Life

Abundance in Life

When the economy seems broken and inflation is raising, making it hard to be able to make purchases, it is easy to wish that there was a way to magically call in money.

Do not let the problems of the world upset you and if you have to pay for things such as student loan debt and you feel like you need a little extra money to save, you need to know that you have the abilities inside of you to call money to yourself.

There are mantras that you can say in order to bring extra money into your life.

What is a Mantra?

A mantra means man and tray from Sanskrit and it is the mind and the body, and it is a tool that you can use in your mind so that you can control your thoughts.

People use mantras and meditation to concentrate more on the spirit world and some people say “om” over and over again so that they can work.

How Do They Work?

Mantras can work by allowing you to focus your mind and to gather information quickly. A mantra never stays on one thing and it can help you to focus better.

You can also use a mantra as a law of attraction and you can use the energy that you want to have with the mantra so that you can have power in what you are speaking. This will allow you to connect with the spiritual world.


If you chant mantras that are about prosperity or mantras about abundance, you will attract money to you. You will only be able to really use a mantra when you know what you should say and when you practice this over and over again. Practicing a mantra should be something that you do each day for a few minutes and break it down into different sessions.

Here are some mantras you can use:

  • Each day I will make more and more money.
  • I will have the money that I need and the money that I want.
  • I am bringing money to me.
  • I do not owe my money to other people.
  • I will find ways to make more money.
  • I deserve to have more money in my life.

These are some mantras that are easy to use and can help to bring in the wealth.

Om Shree Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha

This mantra should be used when you want to reach the Goddess Lakshmi who controls the money. Talking to her can bring you wealth.

On Vu Su Dha Rei Swa Ha

Another Buddha mantra is the Om Vasudhare Svaha. This can be said 108 times but listening to it this many times can be equally beneficial. If you feel that you cannot sing it, listen to it.

You can also use things like fish knots, silver, Feng Shui, Koi Fish, and other type of money jewelry to wear when you are saying the mantras so that you can bring forth positive energy in your meditation.

What Being an Empath Means

Being an Empath

Everything in the world has energies and this is both people and things. When you are a medium or you are a channeler, this means that you are probably an empath as well.

An empath is someone that can pick up the emotions of others and their feelings. This means that they have different types of energies that are coming to them. An empath can feel the happiness and the pain of others around them and they are gifted in giving advice to people that are hurting.

A person that is an empath will have more responsibilities than others because of their strong gift. Being a spiritual advisor means that you will meet clients that have different kinds of energies and problems. This energy will surround you and will stick to you. Some psychics are not able to even hardly function because they pick up the pains of their clients.

An empath knows that they will not have too much where they cannot handle it, but an empath will need to have more time to learn to handle their own feelings and emotions.

When they share the feelings of others, they find that they can have a hard load to carry and that the psychic can help them to be better.


Being someone that can channel spirits means that they have strong intuition. This means that they can pick up the information of others almost instantly when going out or walking into a room.

It is almost impossible to not find someone to help each and every day. You have to be compassionate to pick up the feelings and to be able to set yourself aside to help them.

Caring and Sharing

An empath will be there to care for you and to help you through your problems. Everyone has things that they have to work through each day and things that they have to face. When problems in their life or relationships come around, it can make a person very stressed or anxious.

An empath can be just what this person needs because they are able to set aside their own feelings and help the person work through the feelings that they are having. This can help others to not feel as stressed din their life.

An empath should share what they are feeling and should learn to share their energies with others. When they do this, it can help them to work through their pain and teach them how to help others.

To understand what a person is feeling, you have to work through the feelings and the goal is to find real peace and to find happiness in life.

When you are able to share the hurt and other emotions that someone has, you will see that you are giving your energy to another person. This helps them to be able to get rid of their negative emotions and to work with the universal power to be better.

An empath will go through many things, but the energies will work through it.

Being a Spiritual Channel

Being a spiritual channel can be hard because many people do not believe them. Sometimes, psychics are even lied to so that they can be mocked. A psychic can still be angry even though they are good people but when they are in situations where they are dealing with hard people, it can be hard.

Psychics will be someone that cares about life and will never give up on others. They will do whatever it takes to give a good reading rather that means going to someone’s home, going outside, or doing it in their own place. They find it honorable to help someone to figure out their problems in life and to see them get better.

Being a psychic can be hard and it can be an emotional road for many.


It is a gift to have the ability to channel and to be able to communicate in the spirit world. When you are gifted with the ability to be able to help others, you will see that you can do what you are called to do.

There is going to be situations where you have to share your emotions and you have to be empathetic with others. When you do this, you allow your mind, body, and spirit to connect with that person and to help them through their hard times.

Increasing Energy Boundaries

Increasing Energy Boundaries

Do you feel that you are losing your energy? Energy is a boundary that you have in your body, mind, and soul and with the spirit world. There is an invisible covering around you that is full of energy and this is your aura. This aura changes when you come in contact with people.

People are sometimes aware of their energy field and the energy field of other people, but sometimes they aren’t.

When you choose to enter the energy field of someone else, you can even pick up on their feelings or thoughts or smell their perfume or cologne.

Our world is a place where things seem to be overcrowded and this is full of energy that will mix with other peoples.

When someone has an aura, it can influence the people around them and if they are emotionally upset or thinking negatively, this can tangle with your aura.

Sharing energy is a common thing in relationships such as friends or family or even romantic relationships. People want to share this energy so that they can bond and build the relationship stronger.

Energy is a way that you can bond with others and you are born with your own energy. You even have your own soul color and your birth chart that allows you to connect with others and your own aura.

The energy field that you are in will help you to know who you are and to see the energy of other people. You might even see that your life is filled with different colors and this can be energy healing that is different in your life.

If someone has an aura that is full of negativity, the energy will come to you and you will see that this does not belong to you but to someone else.

Sometimes this energy will come to you when someone gets close to you such as when you are shopping or when you are at work.

Most of us have our own boundaries and sometimes the boundaries are ignored, and people don’t even realize it.

When someone has a lot of energy form others, these things can happen:

  • They become irritated and feel that they are being bombarded or taken over.
  • They have energy of someone else that makes them act differently.

When you want to stop this, you have to make sure that your boundaries are strong. You will always pick up the energy from others and this can make you feel uncomfortable or even angry, but you can set your boundaries stronger, so this happens less.

This will allow you to feel freer and to relax more. Having strong spiritual boundaries can make you feel happy and can help others around you to feel better.

You want to reach your highest being and when you can learn from others and have good relationships, you can do so while your energy is strong.

You can learn to feel better and to have energy that is strong inside of you.


Make sure that you are monitoring your time on your computer and your phone. You have energy and when you align your energy to these things, it can cause you to see things and to feel things that are negative.

These energies will come into your aura and when you put boundaries on your electronic time, it can allow you to recharge and to be fresh after all of the energy flows.

Give yourself an hour off of your computer after using it so that you can build your energy back up.

Open Messages

Do not open your messages unless you can reply to them. This allows your energy to stay strong and does not link you to the emails that you are not answering.

Doing this gives you time to recharge and to have a chance to take a break. When you open a message and don’t reply, it causes you to use up your energy in your spiritual being.

If you have letters and texts that you cannot respond to at the time, disconnect from them for a while and then come back to it.

Get away from mailing lists and get rid of unwanted messages to feel happy.

White and Golden Energy

Allow your body to be filled with white and golden light. This can help to heal you and to keep you strong. You can do this by meditating and allowing your energy field to have boundaries.

You can do this by imaging golden light or white light filling your whole body. Watch it wrap you and fill you until the light is flowing out of you.

Use your mind to do this and you will feel healed and strong. You can absorb the energies when someone is being negative, but your light will buffer this and will stop the negativity from coming to you.

Focus on You

You have to take time to focus on yourself. When you are focusing too much on everything else around you, you are not giving yourself energy to be better. You have to let other people use their spirit guides to help them and learn to take care of your own self some.

It is common to want to help others, but you have to take time to focus on your own health and energy. You have to set spiritual boundaries because when you are allowing everyone’s energy to come to you will see that you cannot help everyone.

Learn to channel energy and to step into power instead of always giving your energy away.

This can help you to be better in your mind and body and when you think about entering someone else’s energy field, know what you are risking by doing this.

Learn to ask yourself what you should do and to stay in the present moment. Practice this in your life and learn to meditate to keep your spirit strong.


If you feel frustrated with others, chances are that you have let negative energy come into your life. You can use some of your own energy and when you wake up feeling angry or sad, you need to learn to protect your energy better.

These are signs that you are having energy that is someone else’s and that you need to clear your energy. You need to learn to forgive others and you need to get rid of negative energy that is becoming stagnant in your life.

This will help to improve your self-being and to make you feel better. Set boundaries and it can help you to:

  • Feel refreshed.
  • Feel joyous.
  • Feel free.
  • Have a good sense of humor.
  • Partake in activities that you love.
  • Reflect on your higher self.
  • Become well.
  • Feel more about who you are.

You can only help others when you are at your best. Learn to find your purpose and to manifest goodness in your life. Having energetic boundaries is a good thing and they work. Do this so that you can shift from negative to positive in just a few tries.

Awakening Your Psychic Abilities with Your Chakras

Psychic Abilities with Your Chakras

A chakra is something that means a circle, and this is where the energy comes from our bodies.  The chakras are like spinning energy like a wheel or a circle and when the chakras are balanced it causes us to be happy and to feel well in our bodies.

If you imagine your chakra you will imagine there to be colors from the top of your head all the way to your feet.  Our chakras help to guard our bodies and allow our energies to keep bad energy out.  If we have breaks in our aura, it can cause us to feel bad.  This can come from things that we do such as drinking too much or smoking, or it can come from us not getting enough sleep or doing things to our bodies that are not healthy.

Having a strong aura can help to keep your chakra healthy and strong.  Keeping your aura strong can keep your chakras balanced and can help to increase your intuition.

Solar Plexus Chakra

You have a feeling in your body that is a gut feeling and this is part of your Solar Plexus chakra.  This sits above your belly button and is associated with the color yellow.  This chakra deals with issues inside of us such as being confident and having courage.

When the Solar Plexus is unbalanced, it can cause people to have self-esteem problems and to be afraid of being alone.  People that put a lot of weight on this part of their body can feel safe.

This chakra is part of your gut feeling and allows you to sense things.  The Solar Plexus gives you the ability to be stronger and to follow your gut instincts.  Allow yourself to use this chakra to understand a situation and to know if something bad is happening.

One great way to exercise your Solar Plexus is to hula hoop or to dance.  You can use peppermint oil or cinnamon to refresh it or use Citrine or the Sun Stone as a crystal.

Heart Chakra

One of the best chakras is the Heart Chakra that sits in the middle of the chest.  This chakra is associated with the color green and can deal with issues from bosses and friends.  This chakra is important because it connects the root, sacral and the solar plexus chakra with the spiritual chakras.

If this chakra is blocked, it can cause you to be jealous or angry.  When you want to work on forgiving yourself and loving yourself, increase the heart chakra.

You can chant and use Rose oil or walk and swim to strengthen this chakra.  You can also use Malachite and Emerald as crystals to strengthen you here.

Throat Chakra

If you have the gift of clairaudience, it comes from the Throat Chakra.  This can be the place where songs pop into your mind or where you communicate from.  The throat chakra is associated with the color blue.

The Throat Chakra helps people to speak and to tell the truth.  If you are good at acting or singing, then this means you are probably balanced in your throat chakra.

When you are unbalanced, you will have a fear of speaking your mind and you will get a lot of sore throats.

If you need to balance your chakra, sing and whistle and affirm yourself by being truthful.  You can also use Eucalyptus oil or Blue Lace Agate crystals to strengthen yourself.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra gives you the ability to see things and is associated with the color indigo.  This is found in the center of your forehead and is where you have intuition and ESP.

Clairvoyant and psychic people use their Third Eye to get information and this can come from dreams.  If you have an unbalanced third eye chakra then you are losing control and you are seeing things from the real world and you will find yourself being skeptical and closed off to the truth.

In order to balance your Third Eye Chakra, you need to meditate and chant with “om,” and you can use Lavender oil and Sodalite crystals.

Crown Chakra

The chakra that sits on top of your head is the Crown Chakra and this is how you connect to the universe.  You have faith and the ability to do things without fear.  You trust the universe when your Crown Chakra is in order and balanced and have natural intuitive abilities.

If you have a chakra that is unbalanced and closed then chances are that you will not be able to talk to your spiritual guides and you can fix this by chanting “om,” using Frankincense oil or using Sugilite crystals to balance you.


Using mantras and chants and different scents and crystals to balance your chakra, you can focus yourself to a loving world and to see your higher power at work.  When you see the connection between your chakras and your body, you will see your natural abilities grow.

Meditate on a daily basis to keep you grounded and having a healthy life.  Affirm yourself with positive things and your intuition will shine through you.

What Your Aura Says About You

What Your Aura Says About You

The next time you pass a mirror, pay closer attention.  What do you notice?  Can you see beyond your physical form and see any color radiating from you?  Auras are brilliant energetic light that reflects your inner essence.  It emanates from you, working to protect and empower you as you go through life.  Our human energy fields, or auras, manifests the Divine energy which drives our existence.  Mystics in a variety have discussed human energy fields.  It has been called prana by ancient East Indians, and chi by the Chinese.

Auras are comprised of electromagnetic energies of varying densities that comprise and radiate from the physical body.  Particles of energies hover above the physical form in an oval shaped field roughly 2-5 feet above the body on all sides.  The aura reflects your inner state.  Any disturbance to your energetic field will impact your physical body.  This is why energy healing can be so effective for a myriad of ailments.  By restricting, rebalancing, and recharging your energy you can create a boost of positivity and healing in your life.

There are seven layers or bodies in an aura.  Unlike layers in an onion, each aura body impacts the next and extends far beyond our skin and hair.  As you progress on the “scale” of higher vibrations the layer will extend out further than the one below.  Each layer possesses a unique frequency.  Yet, all are interrelated and reflect your innermost feelings, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.  When united, the levels safeguard our body, provide life force, and facilitate communication and harmony between all the various that make you, you!

The Seven Layers/Bodies of the Aura

  1. Etheric Body: The level nearest to your body, it is a few inches away from your skin.  Governing pleasure and pain, the more you nurture your body, the most intense its blue hued lines will be.
  2. Emotional Body: A cloudlike level that reflects how you feel about your yourself.  Bright colors signify positive emotions or thoughts, while dark colors are negative.  When you allow feelings to be expressed colors will fluctuate.  Hindering a flow will produce dirty and dull colors, and indicate potential blockages or health problems.
  3. Mental Body: In this level strong lines signal an active, balanced mind.  Weak and hazy lines show a dislike of learning.  If your 3rd level is strong, but first two levels are weak it may indicate you focus your attention on your mind.
  4. Astral Level: Governs your bond with the universe and all it entails.  When strong it means your relationships are fulfilling.  A weak level may show avoidance to intimacy.
  5. Etheric Template: May appear like a blueprint of the first level.  This level handles order and symbolism.  When you have a strong tie to divine will you will feel profound connectedness to the world and universe.  Weakness will lead to you questioning your place in life, work, community, and purpose.
  6. Celestial Level: An array of streams of rainbow-colored light will emanate 2-3 feet from the body.  A healthy body will produce bright and straight rays of rainbow light.  This signifies divine love.  We receive spiritual joy and bliss through meditations, prayer, chanting.  A weak body shows a lack of spiritual practice.  Charge this level daily with 15-20 minutes of mediation or prayer.  Be careful to not let the strength misalign with other layers or else you won’t feel a part of your physical body or life.
  7. Ketheric Body: Vibrating at such a high frequency, gold line or a gold sphere radiate from your body.  This utmost layer protects your whole self and enables us to communicate telepathically and have flashes of knowing permeate our consciousness.  A large final level conveys a deep thinker who is yoked with Divine thought.  A miniscule level reflects a person who is shackled by their perceived imperfections and struggles to bring their creative insight to light.

Understanding the levels of human energy allows you to better relate to each facet.  You begin to feel your way through the rather instead of seeing them via clairvoyance.  Rely on your gut feelings and wisdom.  Think of any clairvoyant images as icing on a cake.  You can teach yourself how to do this by trusting your instincts and harnessing the sensory power of your entire mind, body and spirit.

Karma and How it Affects Your Love Life

Karma and How it Affects Your Love Life

When you have been with an individual in your past life and there was negative karma, this person can come back into your life to balance the negativity. This can happen over and over again in your life.

Karma means that you have good and bad things that you have done in your past life and it is like your baggage. This will not go away until you have paid your karmic debt and the goal of this is to pay as much good karma as you can and to avoid bad karma.

Karma and Love

In love, karma will play a big role because if you have issues in your love life that have not be resolved, this has to be resolved before you can find the right person. Chances are that you have met someone that you think is perfect for you and you are connected to this person in a strong way.

Later though, you might find out that you and this person have a lot of problems and this might stop you from being together.

No matter what things you will do to make this relationship work out well, it seems like everything you try is against you and that you cannot win.

This can be a very painful and hard thing in your life, especially if you really love this person. This kind of bond is called a karmic bond or a karmic relationship. This is a bond that is a karmic relationship and will be a romantic bond, but this bond is not meant to be a permanent bond but to be a life lesson from your past life.

This is a sad thing and karmic relationships can make you wonder why things didn’t work out and can be hurtful for you.

You can get over karmic relationships though because they are in your life for a purpose.

Signs of Karmic Relationships

If you are in a karmic relationship, you will see that this is a repeating pattern that you go through. You will see that you and your partner seem to get along great at first but then you have problem after problems, this can be a big sign that you are in a karmic relationship.

This kind of situation can cause you to be in a destructive relationship and it will bring about jealousy and heartbreak. This can cause you to lose the person that you love and someone that nonsupport and care about with your whole heart.

Having jealousy in your relationship can lead to other bad emotions such as obsession and irritability. This can cause there to be selfishness on your part or the part of your partner.

If you and your partner are always putting your own needs above each other, this will mean you are in a karmic relationship and it will lead to anger, and distrust and you will never be able to work out these issues.

Having these feelings will cause there to be a lot of fights and you will always be angry at each other even over small things.

If you are in a relationship that makes you tired and exhausts you, chances are this is a karmic relationship.


A karmic relationship can be hurtful and sad, but it does have some benefits.

The first benefit of this is that you can get rid of past karma that you have built up and this can allow you to grow and to get rid of the bad relationships that are holding you back.

This also can allow you to find your true love and the person you are meant to be with.

Getting Over This Relationship

The first thing that you have to do to get over this karmic relationship is to know that you are not to blame for being in love with this person.

Karmic relationships are there to help you grow and allow you to be a better person. They are there so that you can learn to forgive yourself and to find real love.

You must be forgiving and do not blame yourself or your partner because this will cause bad emotions.

You need to learn to distance yourself from this person and when they show up at your door, do not answer and give yourself time to heal before you talk to them again.

After you heal, you can get rid of the memories of your ex and reflect on what kind of lesson that you were meant to learn.

Look at all the lessons that you have learned and how this kind of love has made you a better person over and over and given you power to have a good life.


There are many things that you can do in order to heal from a karmic relationship and even though this is hard, you can do it.

The bond that you have with that person is a lot of karma from your past life and this is how you can know what you have done and what you are going through.

You can get a reading and talk to a psychic that can help you to deal with your feelings. No matter if karma is affecting your love life or not, know that karma can show up anytime and you have to go through it in order to find your soulmate.

If you have been in a karmic relationship, talk to a psychic and see how you can learn to move on in your life and find happiness.