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How to manifest our deepest desires?

How to manifest our deepest desires

How to manifest our deepest desiresIn this article I will share with you a step-by-step system to manifest your deepest desires. This system, I put together for myself several years ago. People have always asked me how can I stay calm and never get worried. They always have asked me about the method I follow to be so free spirited. And I always respond with the same answer: Believe is the secret key. Trust and have faith. Having faith means that it’s only a matter of time. You know it will happen one day but it will only take some time.

It’s about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself. Therefore, the process of manifesting your deepest desires is ultimately a process where you become a powerful, conscious creator so that you can give birth to a whole new version of you.

From my point of view, there’s two lives’ types: the life you love to live and the life you live if you just keep doing what you’re doing now. The life you love to live is one you chose to consciously create.

It doesn’t matter what other people think about you. It doesn’t matter if they judge you. What matter is believing in yourself and your abilities to make your desires and goals come true.

How to manifest our deepest desiresNever have negative thoughts about yourself. Always be positive. Negative thought and impacts result in negative outcomes.

All you need to know is to take the challenges and have belief in yourself and your abilities. Eliminate the failures, because failure is impossible when you manifest your heart’s desire.

Remember LIVE YOUR LIFE is far different from LIVE LIFE. Live the life you want by living a positive life, having positive thoughts, believing in yourself, having faith in yourself.

And the most important things are:

  • Forget about the PAST
  • Stop living in the PAST
  • The Past is just Past

Start our day by reminding yourself how beautiful and positive you are. Only think and speak positive and most importantly manifest your deepest desires.

Interpretation of a Goat Sighting

It is okay to view a goat as knowledgeable, energetic, insightful and valiant regardless of its character. We can be more determined to succeed in life and ready to deal with ups and downs with the help of goat energy. You are likely to see a goat regardless of where you live whether in the city or on a goat farm. Goat energy helps you in decision making. Its spirit enables you to experience a goat sighting by just calling on it.

Request for a reading with a life path clairvoyant and discover what the goat is aware of that you yourself is not aware of

Character traits of the goat

Goat has the character traits of patience, balance, curiosity, accomplishment, and confidence that can only be realized through meditation by the goat energy and paying attention while upright.  When experiencing goat sighting it is important to note that goat energy is obtainable to anyone who minds connecting to that energy.

Ties to Astrology and Tarot

The symbol of Capricorn most of the times is related to a goat regardless of the fact that it was initially portrayed as the mythological sea goat.  Capricorn sign is the ruler of the astrological 10th house of professions. Capricorns regularly aspire to build on their name and be the best at what they do.  High leadership positions are usually held by Capricorns and others always aspire to reach there even if it means just doing it alone.

Christians believe that Capricorns are related to the Devil card since it represents it. Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn is represented by the Tarot card.

In Chinese astrology there is the year of the goat where people during this period have the following traits:

  1. Metal goats meaning they are tough and vulnerable. The exterior is tough while the interior is fragile.
  2. Water goats that can have mixed feelings if they don’t get what they want. They are as well, unworried, fun and loving
  3. Wood goats that are munificent and cordial.
  4. Those that have a lot of determination, a few companions and always put themselves ahead of others are known as fire goats.
  5. Earth goats put everything into practice, are cautious and hold firmly to what they believe in.

Totem Animals, Spirit Guide, and Power Animals

The goat is a totem animal to those who pay attention to their professions and investments as a way of bringing prosperity and reassurance. They are ready and frequently pay attention to their accomplishments. The spirit of the goat usually comes to help when a person is in need, especially for balance and sure-footedness.  Goat energy is patient and enduring. You can call it and it comes to your aid immediately after studying the state and ensures that its mission is successful. This goat energy, therefore, makes us more determined. Will you able to experience it the next time you have a goat sighting?

Goat Associations and Mythology

There’s a relationship between goats and sensuality, fertility, health, and energy. To achieve goals or when in need of determination you can engage the goat’s best character traits. Go for that goal that moment you feel its right. The goat can help you with this. Mythology is made of goats and their horns. Chinese believe that vitality can come in the form of yin or yang. Power, happiness, and harmony are therefore represented by yang that is a male goat.

Since you’re now aware of the goat, are you yearning to experience your next goat sighting?

The Angels Among Us

Have you ever met an angel? Not a glowing, floating deity, but a real life coincidental encounter? The sort of encounter that seems like serendipity with a person who apparently only appeared in your life to help you in a time of dire need.

I remember a TV show about encounters like these called Touched by an Angel. It was a popular show in the 90s where two angels went around helping people with deep needs and sometimes dwindling faith. It is hard to see the light in the middle of your own crisis, but they always managed to lift people up into a better place.

The idea that angels sometimes get assigned to help us is not very far from the truth. If you reflect on your own life right now, you will probably remember at least one instance where a stranger or friend seemed to say or do just what you needed at the perfect moment, without you asking for the help. When you help a little old lady across the street, and in return she gives you money to say thank you, not knowing that you were a week away from payday and already broke with no groceries to feed yourself. When a stranger says, “Love heals. It’s not supposed to hurt.”, not knowing that you’ve been struggling trying to find the courage to leave your abusive lover. These are examples of angels appearing in your life.

The term “angel” generally means messenger of God, but angels are not limited to the Christian religion. Judaism and Islam, as well as many other older religions, have their own terms for these spiritual beings. It seems as though their primary purpose is to help us through life in our times of need.

An angel on earth looks just like you or me. But, they are very compassionate and seem to have heightened psychic talents. You may feel as if they can see right through to your soul, which is why they always know what you need. The thing that will capture your attention most, though, is their impeccable timing. They are always right on time with the guidance they bestow.

You never know what form an angel will take to approach you. They could look like anyone. Angels look like children or adults, beggars and rich folk alike. They bring us help when we need it, and in doing so restore our faith in a higher being. Angels remind us that in this life and the next, we are loved.

Silver Auras: The Gifted Ones

Everyone has an aura, a light that emanates from within. The light is colored according to your personality and can reveal interesting things about you. Across the full spectrum of color, people with a silver aura are special.

A silver aura indicates that a person is gifted in some way. They may be exceptionally attractive, or possess great psychic potential. A silver person might be extremely intuitive. However, these gifts have one drawback. The silver person needs to exercise these gifts frequently, or they will dissipate. The silver aura is not really the key to a prosperous life, but it is definitely a good chance at one. This is often attributed to a boost from the powers that be. Spirits are offering guidance to people with silver auras, and they may use that guidance as they choose.

The Silver Personality

Silver people tend to be incredibly sensitive. This sensitivity helps them feel their way through life. It guides them to make decisions based on the consequences of their actions, because they will feel them especially hard. Despite their gifts, silver auras are actually very down to earth. This combination makes them insightful and able to convey that message to others. Silver people make great teachers and counselors. They also excel in leadership roles.

A silver aura also makes people incredibly perceptive. They can sense when somebody around them has bad intentions. They have a natural inclination to avoid conflict, and will actively retreat when they sense that negativity approaching. Being silver also creates a strong desire to achieve, so these people are drawn to pursuits like graduate school and other promotional opportunities. But, being down to earth, they are humble and therefore not the type to flaunt these achievements.

Relationships with a Silver

They say you are the sum total of the people you surround yourself with. A silver aura takes this concept to heart, and is very picky about who they welcome to their inner circle. You may recognize this as very introverted behavior. But if you are welcomed to the party, you’ll find them to be friendly people. As we mentioned before, they will avoid negativity. People with no scruples or a negative outlook need not apply. Silvers are loyal friends, and so they can’t be bothered with relationships that will do more harm than good. One thing is certain. A silver aura will be one of the most supportive friends you can have.

Romantically, silver people are difficult to access but incredibly rewarding. Their devotion is unmatched and comes first in every decision they make. They demand the same level of devotion in return, so don’t approach them lightly. Loved ones are more important than success and achievement by far. These types make loving, involved parents. They are patient and live life slowly.

The Silver Aura at Work

As an employee, silver auras give their all. Not necessarily out of a dedication to the job, but mostly out of a desire to always operate at their absolute best. They do not believe in underperforming, and consider it incredibly wasteful to not use maximum effort. As we’ve already mentioned, they do not like confrontation, so roles where they have to serve as a disciplinarian to others may not suit the silver very well. At the same time, they are very wise, and seek to spread their knowledge to others. This oftens lands them in supervisory or mentorship-type professions. Because they are good at whatever career they pursue, they will usually be very well paid; but the paycheck is generally not a motivating factor for the careers they choose. Silver auras avoid workplace drama and slackers like the plague.

Gifted people have natural skills that they will often use to support others. Despite these innate gifts, they do still have shortcomings; but they tend to be more consciously aware of this than most people. If they’re bad at math, they know it. And they will not hide it. Instead they will lean on their other exceptional skills. Gifted people make great friends, partners, and colleagues. Hold silver auras in high esteem and they will do the same for you.

Are You a Control Freak?

It’s nice to feel like you have a handle on things. Being in control of your life is generally preferred over constantly flying by the seat of your pants. But are you actually too controlling? Do you have a hard time enjoying each day because you’re too busy planning it? Do your friends and family feel like they can’t just enjoy spending time with you? Acting like a control freak can put a strain on your relationships with others, but you may not realize that it’s happening. Here are some signs that you have controlling habits or behavior.

You Don’t Handle Uncertainty Well

Nobody knows what tomorrow brings. It is normal to feel a certain amount of anxiety about the unknown. What may not be normal is your response to this feeling. Do you feel a need to plan every moment to ensure you know the outcome of any situation? Is it to the point where you won’t try new things? Maybe you’ve turned down job offers in the past because you weren’t sure of how your life would change. Maybe you would never dream of switching up your routine at the gym. How many opportunities and experiences have you walked away from because you simply didn’t know what was waiting on the other side?

You Must Plan Everything

There is nothing wrong with having preferences. That is, unless your preferences must always supercede anyone else’s around you. Do you have to decide what restaurant you go to for every date? Can your friends plan a party without you trying to dictate how certain things (menu, seating, activities) are done? It does not matter if you feel that what you are doing is the best thing for everyone involved. You will not have many friends if everything is your way or the highway.

You Talk Over People

Do you like to give advice? Do you feel like you always know what’s best? Can your friends get a word in edgewise? You may not realize it, but interrupting others while they speak can be a sign of controlling behavior. Especially if it’s always to tell them what you think they should be doing instead. Your sage wisdom is not always welcome. Sometimes friends just want a listening ear. Try to limit sharing your advice to only when it is asked for.

You Expect Your Feedback to Effect Change

Everybody is entitled to their opinion. You are even welcome to share your point of view with others when you deem it appropriate to do so. But you must understand that your opinion will not always change someone else’s opinion or actions. For example, you may have a friend who loves the color purple, but you think it does not look good on her. You can voice your thoughts, but do not be surprised if she continues to wear her favorite color frequently. Just because you don’t find it flattering does not mean she agrees with you. If this and similar situations bother you, you need to consider that you may be a control freak.

You Want People All to Yourself

Can your friend have other friends? What about your romantic partner? Your closest cousin? Do you dislike it when any of your loved ones tells you a story about time they spent with someone else? Jealousy can be an expression of controlling behavior as well. It often stems from insecurity and a fear that if your friend finds other friends, they won’t keep you around anymore. Do not assume that the people in your life are trying to replace you when they make and enjoy connections with others. It is selfish to expect people to only associate with you where there are 6 billion people on the planet. If you do find yourself feeling this way about your loved ones, step back and take a moment to reflect on why you feel that way.

If you are having a hard time evaluating your own behavior with an impartial view, consult a psychic. They can objectively look at your situation and tell you where you should focus your energy to curb this behavior. Your relationships will be better for it.

Use Energy to Attract Your Dream Job

I know a fellow psychic with a tremendous amount of talent for using her gift. She is relatively new to the business, only practicing professionally for about 3 months now. She recently confided in me that she was losing confidence because of how slowly her business was growing. My colleague thought perhaps she wasn’t cut out for psychic work after all. Let me share with you what I told her.

Success is a marathon, not a sprint.

Nothing worth having comes overnight. Please do not think that the “skyrocket to fame” is the standard measure of success. There is no set timeline when you are chasing your dream. Be patient. You will get there, and it will be amazing.

Set Reasonable Expectations

Do not stress yourself out expecting to reach extraordinary heights in no time at all. Unrealistic timelines only set you up for needless anxiety and disappointment. Those negative feelings feed fear, which gives birth to doubt, and soon you’ll stop believing that your dream is attainable. Oh, how sad that a dream would die this way! Don’t let that be you. Your ideal profession is waiting for you. All you have to do is be patient and keep pushing forward.

Overcome Your Obstacles

What exactly is stopping you from achieving your dream right now? Write down every reason you are afraid or reluctant to pursue your dream job. I bet that when you read them on paper, you will realize they aren’t so big. I bet you can find solutions to some of your concerns, simply by brainstorming for a moment. It’s so easy to get distracted by all the excuses for why we can’t reach a goal. Instead, make a concerted effort to explore ways that you can.

Focus on the Challenges

Maybe after you’ve eliminated several obstacles, you still have a few legitimate concerns left on your list. It’s time to address those. Ask yourself how much your dream is worth. What are you willing to sacrifice to reach it? Does it require moving to a new city? Do you have a family to support? How will this change affect them? If you’re in a committed relationship, is your partner supportive of your goals? Do not immediately cancel your plans if your answers to these questions are not ideal. It is just more factors that you need to work out as you pursue your ultimate goal. You can still do this!

Just Do It

We can talk and plot and plan all day long. But are you actively making moves yet? Have you found time in your busy day to work towards that dream job? If you need to get a special license or degree, have you started researching available schools offering the program you need? The world wants to see you live your best life, but you have to reach for it.

What it Looks Like

Did you know that JK Rowling was destitute before publishing the Harry Potter book series? She was suffering from depression and raising her children alone using public assistance. Did you also know that a dozen companies turned Harry Potter down?! But patience and perseverance prevailed. And I bet even she is amazed at her success now. You will be surprised at how feasible your magical dream job actually is.

Don’t Lose Faith

Never forget that your progress is completely up to you. Keep a positive mentality, and always choose to keep pushing forward. Don’t ever doubt that you can achieve your dreams. Be patient, but also assertive. Beyond that, the best thing you can be is resourceful. You found this article, you can find other resources to help you on your journey. Rest assured that the universe is on your side.

Let a Psychic Help Plan Your Wedding!

Wedding planning is complicated. Even the simplest, most intimate ceremony takes a great deal of effort to put together. Many engaged couples find this stage stressful despite their excitement about getting married. But did you know that you could create a truly special wedding with the help of a love psychic? You might be surprised at the decisions they can help you make.

It’s Your Lucky Day

If you haven’t quite picked a date for your wedding, consult a psychic. There just might be a particular date that is good luck for lovebirds based on your astrological signs. A numerology specialist can even look at your birthdays to pick a date that is optimal for just the two of you. Other dates are just good omens in general, and will get your marriage off to the best possible start.

Where the Vibe is Right

Are you still having a hard time deciding between multiple venues? Maybe you thought you wanted to get married in a church, but that park just made you feel special, and now you can’t choose. Consult a psychic for some feedback. They can sense which place may give off the best energy for you.

Surround Yourself with Love

Ah, the guest list. Deciding who and who not to invite can be a true point of contention in the wedding planning process for some couples. Especially if you have a limited number of seats to fill. If you’re on the fence about certain guests, a psychic can help you explore your connections so that your special day is filled with only the most positive people in your life.

What could go Wrong?

It is normal to be concerned that something may go wrong on your wedding day. What if it rains? What if traffic makes somebody late to the venue? What if the flower girl has a tantrum in the middle of the aisle? Those are basic challenges. But what about any unique mishaps that you may face? A clairvoyant can look at your particular situation and tell you what to watch out for.

How to be a Spouse

You’ve been with your significant other for a while, right? Transitioning from dating to marriage should be no big thing, right? You already live together. You already spend holidays with the family. Surprise! Becoming a spouse does change things. You start planning for the long term, focusing on things like children and home ownership. You won’t wake up as completely different people, but it is worth thinking about how things will be different after your wedding. There’s no need to fear. A psychic can help you explore your specific concerns and help you address them so you aren’t caught off-guard by your new role as a spouse.

Do not stress over what should be one of the happiest days of your life. Just find someone you can trust who can guide you through the challenges. You can skip all the cold feet if you can approach your day confident that it will be the best it could possibly be.

Are You Looking For The Right Man?

     Are you wondering where all the good men have gone? Yes? I knew it,  you’re currently searching for that perfect partner. But what makes a good man, anyway, and is it possible he’s hiding in plain view?

Discover who your Mr. Right really is and find out how you can meet him while avoiding Mr. Right Now.

Who Is Mr. Right?

When it comes to finding Mr. Right, one of the biggest challenges is knowing what you’re looking for. After all, Mr. Right isn’t the same for everyone. Whether you’ve dated extensively or you’ve focused on a handful of serious relationships, it’s important to give yourself time to acknowledge who Mr. Right is for you.

For instance, Mr. Right has a way of making you incredibly happy, whatever that means to you. Whether you’re getting together for a quick lunch during a busy workday or you’re planning a weeklong getaway together, you genuinely look forward to spending time with him. Even a text or a call is enough to make your heart skip a beat.

As an intuitive love psychic will tell you, though, just because he knows how to make you happy doesn’t mean your relationship with Mr. Right is always going to be smooth sailing. Mr. Right consistently encourages you to be the best version of yourself you can be, which may lead to the occasional conflict.

Stop Dating Mr. Right Now

One of the biggest barriers to finding Mr. Right is wasting your time with Mr. Right Now. You’ve undoubtedly known at least one of these candidates, because they have a habit of appearing when you’re susceptible to distractions.

So how can you identify the Mr. Right Now in your life? He’s the type who only connects with you late at night or when he doesn’t have anything better to do, doesn’t introduce you to his friends and family, and declines to talk about anything serious. When you aren’t at your best, he’ll probably make up an excuse not to spend time together and leave you hanging.

How to Find Your Mr. Right

It may sound counter-intuitive, but the best way to find your Mr. Right may be to stop searching so diligently. As many relationship experts can attest, the deepest bonds tend to build when you aren’t necessarily looking for a connection, and your feelings for each other grow naturally.

After all, your Mr. Right may not check all the boxes that you think are important. He may not look like your ideal partner, share your taste in music and culture, or have any of the traits that you’d look for in Mr. Right Now. Yet he may offer exactly the type of love, support, and commitment you’ve always wanted, as long as you’re willing to let go of the shallow connections and emotional roller coasters that Mr. Right Now offers.

Finding your Mr. Right isn’t always easy, but he’s certainly worth the wait. For more insight into the types of qualities to look for, a love tarot reading can help you understand who might be the man of your dreams.

Forgetting The Past And Moving On

The past has this annoying way of always tagging along with us. Allow it to linger, and you won’t even realize you’re still dragging it around decades later.

It’s time to drop all that baggage and walk away.

Let Go of Sentimental Items

If you find it impossible to throw out your raggedy old toy bear and your granny’s antique china, you’re not alone. If you’ve ever watched an episode of the TV show “Hoarders,” you’ll know how extreme the desire to hang on to stuff can be. The psychology of hanging on to sentimental items involves a fear of loss, a sense of throwing away memories, and even guilt. Try to remember the last time you used or even looked at your keepsakes. If you’re honest, you’ll realize they’ve been sitting in storage boxes for years. Admit that you will probably never use them and it’s time to declutter.

Put Past Relationships Behind You

Breakups are difficult. When a relationship ends, it’s natural to feel hurt and miss your ex. A period of grieving is normal when coming to terms with the void. If, however, you’re still crying yourself to sleep after a year or you’re venomous toward your ex, you’ve become emotionally stuck. Don’t look back at a past relationship through rose-tinted glasses or become bitter. Both will make you miserable. There’s a reason it didn’t work out. Face the truth, learn from it, and remain open to new love. Perhaps a love tarot reading can help you move past the block.

Dealing With Loss

No human being goes through life without experiencing loss. Whether it’s a pet, a loved one, or a close friend, loss is an unavoidable fact of life. Sometimes people are rooted in the pain for years. Life virtually comes to a standstill. To ease the pain, some reach out to a psychic mediumto try to contact the one they lost. Mourning a loss is important, but it is equally important to find a way to heal. If you’ve suffered a major loss, consider joining a support group or seeing a counselor. Both offer a safe place to express your feelings. In time, you will find a reason to smile again and enjoy life.

Forgive Your Parents

Most of us don’t realize how anger toward our parents negatively affects our life. Forgiving your parents can drastically turn that around. All parents stumble along through trial and error. With that comes a ton of mistakes. Some parents get a lot of it right, while others make a huge mess of things. If you ended up with the latter, you’re probably harboring some resentment. Our upbringing plays a major role in how we turn out as adults. However, blaming your parents only goes so far. As an adult, you have choices. Your parents did the best they could. The rest is up to you.

Holding on to issues from the past doesn’t affect anyone but you. Putting the past behind you starts with making the decision to let go. Once you do, you’ll feel lighter and happier.

What Does Your Animal Totem Says About You?

    A lot of cultures from across the globe have a spiritual traditions which relates different character traits to certain animals. In many of these cultures, a person will embark on a journey of discovery, or vision quest, in order to discover and connect with their spirit animal, or animal totem. Once the difficult part of discovering and communing with your animal totem is done, the real work of understanding what that reveals to you begins.

While each culture has a different tradition regarding animal totems, what is truly surprising is how many times the symbolism behind each animal is shared between different cultures. It’s not simply enough to recognize your animal totem; you must also know what it represents and how that influences your life.

Common Animal Totem Meanings


There is a large variety of birds and each different species carries its own meaning and symbolism. Generally speaking, birds are an animal of the air and tend to be related to matters of knowledge and spiritual connection. Since they fly in the air, birds are flying creatures that are also seen as messengers who bring us knowledge and wisdom from the heavens.


As one of the most powerful and complex animal totems, a bear totem is a sign to find the balance between being peaceful and patient with power and authority. Remember, you’ll often find bears relaxing in a sunny spot or playing with their young, but when danger approaches, beware of their swift fury. One important key on how to interpret an animal totem of a bear is to study whether the bear is hibernating or not, and to use that as your guide to its meaning.


Much like birds, there is a wide variety of specific meanings when it comes to fish and other animals that make their home in the water. Most of their underlying meanings are related to purity and freedom and relate to our deepest thoughts and motives. Across spiritual traditions, fish are a symbol of fertility and abundance, which relates to your creativity, happiness and good fortune.


No, don’t worry or shrink in fear. A spider as an animal totem is not a reason to cringe. The spider as an animal totem is a sign to think about the choices that you are making in life and what you are building. Think less of the eight legs and more of the intricate webs that spiders build. Take time to reflect on the life and home that you are building for yourself. Will it stand the test of time and be a place of nourishment and security, or will it fall apart in the wind?


Often having a reputation for being aloof, mysterious and clever, cats as an animal totem are a sign of change and transformation. It’s a reminder to ourselves that remaining flexible and adaptable will serve us well during times of upheaval.


Throughout time and spanning many cultures, dogs are often portrayed as guardians of the spiritual realm. Known for their loyalty, obedience and protection, dogs are domesticated creatures that are often happy companions to humans. Let this be your guide you in your relationships and ask yourself how you can better serve, protect and love the people who are most important to you.

Remember, your animal totem may change as your life circumstances change. Every different animal totem has an important message for you to accept and incorporate into your life. Be cautious to not immediately dismiss your animal totem based on your personal preferences and be sure to delve deep into what it can mean for your life and spiritual journey.