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Developing Extrasensory Abilities

Developing Extrasensory Abilities

I’m a psychic medium, so I can easily discern if a client is psychic. Card spreads, planetary placements in birth charts, and even casual conversations can reveal someone else’s extrasensory perceptions to me.

I’m always excited to meet them. And though I’m eager to tell them about my observations, I always do so with caution. Being psychic is not easy, and lots of people have incorrect impressions about what these gifts actually involve. Dealing with psychic skills requires practice, patience, and a whole lot of self-love.

When many people hear the word “psychic,” they imagine “smoke and mirrors:” neon-lit storefronts accented by crystal balls, machine-generated fog, and animatronic contraptions that mimic supernatural occurrences.

Since early childhood, our parents warned us that psychics are scams. We learn to consider psychic gifts to be fraudulent or dubious. The metaphysical occurrences we experienced as children are often dismissed. Later, as we explore the metaphysical realm in adulthood, we’re still apt to cock an eyebrow at the concepts.

The first step for many of us when tapping into our psychic abilities is separating reality from these learned reactions. There definitely are charlatans who exaggerate or fabricate their skills. But these individuals aren’t genuine psychics. They’re just con artists who use manipulative fear tactics to prey on vulnerable and gullible people. With most imposters like this, posing as a psychic is just one among many exploitative schemes.

Developing Extrasensory AbilitiesOn the other hand, genuine psychics are people who can see, smell, hear, feel, taste, sense, or possess intuition beyond the physical realm’s boundaries. It’s difficult, maybe even impossible, to definitively describe what “normal” perception actually means. After all, we’ve been conditioned to understand that our sense of reality is relatively concrete. We presume that everybody knows that the sky is blue, and can tell if somebody else is in a grumpy mood. But as we expand the sensory spectrum, we quickly notice that there are some senses that are increasingly less common. It’s this awareness that prompts many of us to gain awareness of our unique, inherent extrasensory gifts.

Psychic skills are characterized by the innate ability to process both tangible and intangible sensory stimuli on deep physical, emotional, or spiritual levels. This is admittedly a very broad definition. Since extrasensory gifts greatly vary in their application and intensity, it’s easiest to understand them as occurring on a spectrum.

Tap Into Your Own Psychic Abilities

Most often, we develop our psychic abilities as children. These gifts were either passed from generation to generation through closely related individuals, or were developed in response to environmental influences. As children, we feel more, hear more, see more, and notice more. These are rooted in basic survival instincts, which allow us to move safely through the world as youngsters. But as we mature, we’re told to stop being so sensitive, that ghosts aren’t real, and that pain is always physical. This conditioning leads us to believe that intuition and emotions run counter to reason and science. We deny our gifts, scoff at “clairvoyants” and assume that the physical realm is the only realm that exists.

But don’t worry. Your psychic gifts will never be totally lost. It may require a bit of work to reignite your dormant skills, so here and some easy tips for tapping into your extrasensory abilities.

  • Cozy up to your intuition. Develop a closer relationship with your abilities by practicing every day. You already have familiarity with your intuition. It’s been a component of your spirit forever. But you have a different way of working with it now than you did before.

One simple way to work closer together involves matching colors with your emotions. Think about a very straightforward experience, then choose a color that you associate with the feelings involved. Over time, you’ll subconsciously match the assigned color s with each emotion. Your intuition will begin using those associations to communicate with you non-verbally. Once each color fuses with energy, your intuition will communicate about events that are outside your conscious reality. So, if you start seeing the color you associate with love when a friend begins talking to you about her new colleague, you’ll immediately understand that she feels a romantic connection.

  • Another effective way to practice your psychic abilities is to perform “environmental scans.” To do this, move around the space you’re in, either physically or only with your eyes. Note the sights, scents, and sounds. Which areas do you feel are the most inviting? The least? Explore everything: the windows, the corners, and even the furniture. What energies do you feel?

This exercise may feel awkward. But nobody will notice what you’re doing.

Perform these scans in different environmental areas, both indoors and outdoors. The more aware you become of your surroundings, the easier you’ll be able to discern subtle energy shifts around you. You’ll eventually be able to project this skill onto both past memories and future happenings.

  • Don’t neglect your subconscious. This may sound corny, but among the most effective ways to gain access to your psychic skills is through your subconscious. In our day-to-day lives, we constantly create boundaries that limit the amount of stimulus we ingest. To live functional, healthy lives, we can’t possibly process everything that we encounter. But these stimuli are stored away in our psyches.

The quickest way to begin tapping into your psychic abilities is to encourage a healthy connection with your subconsciousness. Dreams are one portal into the subconscious realm. They symbolize an alternate reality to our conscious world. Dreams free us from physical constraints, allowing us to move effortlessly among metaphysical spaces. We can explore foreign lands, travel to past eras, and encounter spirits. The more acquainted we become with our subconsciousness, the more easily we’ll be able to gain access to our full spectrum of psychic gifts.

How to Practice Color Therapy

How to Practice Color Therapy

How to Practice Color TherapyColor therapy is a method of influencing people’s moods by exposing them to colors. Colors are vibrations that the eyes translate in certain ways. Emotions and thoughts emit vibrations, too. Color therapy influences your mood to help you achieve the equilibrium between emotional and mental needs.

Color therapy is a simple and effective way to help yourself feel better. But note that it can’t replace psychiatric treatment or psychotherapy for people who struggle with serious issues. Color therapy works best for people who are generally balanced and lead functional lives.

Once you understand the simple reasons why and how color therapy works, the methods are easy to apply on your own. You can use the techniques wherever and whenever you want.

Each one of us has room to grow when it comes to health, finances, emotions, social relationships, connections with friends and with family, our employment situation, and so on. Colors can boost confidence, energy, openness, calmness, peacefulness, and many other states of feeling and emotion. Let’s explore how color therapy works, and what each color can do.

Colors are everywhere. It’s not necessary to own or buy expensive items to introduce specific colors into your daily life. Everything emits a color, so color therapy is easy to practice because each item is a tool that we can use in therapy. All we need to do is become more aware and creative when it comes to incorporating certain colors into our daily lives. For example, you can choose a water bottle in a certain color, or add a scarf to your wardrobe of accessories.

How to Practice Color TherapyTo practice color therapy, all that’s really required is a color therapy list, like the one below. Once you memorize the characteristics of each color, the list won’t even be needed.

The Color Therapy List

  • Black is a good color to wear or to have around you when you’re doing inner work that you don’t want to share with other people. Black can protect the sensitive psyche from unhelpful comments and unwanted attention.
  • Brown is good for calming down, connecting with nature, grounding your physical body, and appearing approachable and friendly to others.
  • Red is potent for helping you feel your rights to exist, to occupy space, to genuinely be in the moment, and to feel like a welcome component of the world. Red is also associated with sexuality, but that connection tends to relate to the existence of sexual energy, rather than connecting with somebody.
  • Pink helps soften spontaneous emotional defense mechanisms. This helps you to connect with other people more easily using kind words, gentle touch, friendly eye contact, and other overall tender methods of engagement. Pink will help you open up your heart to other people.
  • Orange can help you feel more energized, to make you sexually jollier, freer and happier, and to openly socialize with other people with more zest. Orange can help you stop judging yourself and quiets opposing, negative self-talk.
  • Yellow is a beautiful color for establishing stronger, more solid boundaries, while still allowing friendly influences through. Yellow helps you to individualize, to tap into your soul’s purpose, and to set goals while remaining connected with the greater whole.
  • Green is a visually soothing color that also calms emotions. Healers often wear green for its ability to attract healing energy and to give psyches a warm, energetic, encouraging embrace. Green creates a loving balance between give and take. It helps people shamelessly reach out to each other for help, and also to help others without appearing patronizing.
  • Blue is perfect for creating genuine self-expression. It’s a calming color that helps people be themselves without eliciting negative reactions from other people. Blue gives people the energy and space to be who they are, and helps other people understand that who they are is all about them, rather than a statement about others.
  • Turquoise is similar to blue in that it’s all about self-expression. But turquoise is more fine-tuned and specific. Turquoise helps people express themselves through their job, career, or vocation by helping us find personal meaning through our work.
  • Purple is a highly spiritual color. It helps people feel more connected to the spiritual realm, including beings like angels and deceased loved ones. Therefore, purple is a good color to incorporate when you give or receive psychic readings, meditate, or sleep. Purple helps our dream connect more strongly to our optimum spiritual good.
  • White encompasses the complete color spectrum, so it includes all the characteristics of each color listed above. White also creates purity of intent and thought, and can help us find clarity and peace in life.

Finding Your Color

Are you unsure about which color is the right one for you? Most people feel inexplicably drawn to certain colors, sometimes quite strongly. If this describes you, rest assured; it’s not due to random coincidence. You feel drawn to the color for a specific reason. Follow your instincts, and incorporate more of that color in your life. Buy new clothes, paint your walls, acquire new accessories, create new paintings, or make changes to your digital world by changing your computer desktop or your tablet or smartphone wallpaper.

If you aren’t particularly drawn to a specific color, a psychic who specializes in color therapy and aura colors can help. Many psychics offer distance readings, so you won’t even have to drive or spend excess time to find somebody to help you. There are even experienced, top-rated online psychics who specialize in colors and color therapy.

Color therapy is a simple and affordable way to make positive adjustments to your daily mood. It’s practical, non-invasive, and very gentle. Even if you’re traveling far away from home, you can still benefit from it. Colors are everywhere. So simple acts like looking up at the sky when you need more blue, or walking in a park or a forest when you need more green, can help. Good luck, and enjoy your colorful new journey!

Why Do We Feel Drawn to Strangers?

Why Do We Feel Drawn to Strangers?

Why Do We Feel Drawn to Strangers?It’s common for people to feel drawn to others that they haven’t ever met. But why do we feel that way? Why do you feel like you need to see the person again? Why does the person seem so familiar?

We live in a technological world. Each day, we’re exposed to many souls that we may never meet in person, in our real lives. Things like TV and the internet easily connect us to one another. We get glimpses into a person’s thoughts through their writing. We can discern personal details about people by watching them in videos on YouTube.

There are lots of ways to form connections with other people. Though some of these connections will always be one-sided, your soul can remember people from the past. It holds on to all of the memories. But your mind needs to reach deeper to absorb the information in a logical way.

When you recognize somebody you knew in your past, your soul sends a signal to your mind. You begin feeling drawn toward the person because your soul knows him and your mind wants to know more about him.

Connections From Past Lives

The type of relationship you had with him must have mattered. You’ll feel stronger associations when you shared closer personal connections in past lives, such as a spouse, lover, sibling, dear friend, and so on. Your intimacy with that person in a previous life influences how intensely you feel drawn to him.

Past life connections are the primary reasons why you fall in love before even meeting the person. And it could be any person—even somebody on TV or in social media. You feel drawn to them and want to see them again.

Why Do We Feel Drawn to Strangers?The following signs will help you discern if you’ve found somebody from a past life.

  • A distinct sense of familiarity. From the first glance, you feel like you already know the person. The person may even live on another continent, so there’s literally no chance you’ve ever met. Yet you feel as though you’ve known them forever.
  • A feeling of peace. You feel an inexplicable sense of peace and calmness every time you see the person. The problems of the world seem to pause, and you feel at peace.
  • Empathy for their pain. The lives of many people who appear in mass media are like open books. Others can quickly know what’s happening in their lives. When you have past life connections, you begin feeling their pain.

I once read about one lady’s experience that was like this. She said she immediately started sobbing when she heard of the death a media personality’s father. Her bond with the person felt so strong that she can’t justify the depth of her emotional reaction.

  • He’s always in your thoughts. You can’t ever forget the person. They stay in your thoughts, and the connection amazes you. You can’t comprehend why you’re feeling that way, yet your mind demands an answer.
  • You want to find out more. You don’t want to stop at what you know about them now. You feel like you need to know more. Your soul knows him, and it wants to know how he is doing. Furthermore, you feel like you would use any means available to know more about him.

Soul-level connections are real, and they run deep. Now you don’t have to be surprised when you notice them.

How the Benefits of a Psychic Reading Can Change Your Life

How the Benefits of a Psychic Reading Can Change Your Life

When it comes to getting a psychic reading, you may not be aware of just how many benefits you can reap from that reading. And you may be surprised to find out that psychic readings can help you out in a vast amount of areas within your life. However, you may still be skeptical about getting a reading, wondering if it can truly benefit your life and change it in the process.

A psychic reading can help you feel like you have more control over your life, current circumstances, and help give you a positive outlook about your future. This is especially true if you’re facing an important decision. A psychic reading can help with clarifying your options and help guide you on the right path. If you’re going through a particularly uncertain or stressful time in your life, a reading can also help give you some much need reassurance and positive vibes to help you get on your way to a more positive future.

How the Benefits of a Psychic Reading Can Change Your LifeA Psychic Reading for Love and Relationships

Everybody wants to experience love and be in a devoted and loving relationship. So, whether you’re searching for the perfect match, or you’re having trouble in your current relationship, a psychic reading can really help guide you honestly and compassionately in your search for love. A reading can also help you with that age-old question of whether or not you’ve found your soulmate.

Those who are single and looking for a partner can benefit from a psychic reading when it comes to foreseeing who your next partner may turn out to be and even some hints as to what he or she might look like.

If you’re in a committed relationship, having a psychic reading can help you determine if your partner is who you’ll end up marrying, giving you insight into what the future holds with that person.

If you’re having trouble within your relationship and are wondering if you should end it, a psychic reading will definitely help you find clarity that and help you further determine if you should work on your relationship or break up.

A Psychic Reading for Work and Career

If you’re thinking of a career change or perhaps seeking a promotion in your current job, a psychic reading can help give insight as to what path you should take in regards to your career. A psychic can provide valuable insight into your current and future work situations as well as give you guidance as to what type of career you should be pursuing.

A Psychic Reading for Home and Family

Sometimes, life at home can seem too hectic and out of balance. And if things are out of balance at home, your love and work life will suffer as well. A psychic reading can help give you positive guidance on how to get the balance back and give you insight on how you can get your home life together and positively situated.

In conclusion, if you’re in need of guidance when it comes to your love life, work life, family life, or just life in general, a psychic reading can definitely be that assistance and guidance you’ve been looking for to help you get back on track.

Ways of creating more possibilities for yourself

Ways of creating more possibilities for yourself

If you allow yourself to stretch and grow in new ways then life possibilities become limitless.  Always have in mind that you’re in charge of your own destiny, therefore, remember this anytime you feel like exploring possibilities, need a change or when you don’t know what to do. You are able to create new opportunities for yourself be it professional, love or spiritual.

Find out how you can be successful and proud as you progress in life.  You can engage in the following 5 things at the moment if you want to create more possibilities for yourself:

  1. Research about New Avenues

Ways of creating more possibilities for yourselfStudy your life and allow yourself to freely imagine its possibility before you embark on a journey after knowing which direction you need to take. During that moment of brainstorming don’t worry about your financial status or what you need to do at the moment. Vision without being disturbed. You can now narrow your thoughts into reality after you’ve come up with many ideas as possible.

  1. Rediscover Your Passions

You can contemplate about things you used to love or things you aspired to do as part of both your deep thoughts and not so deep thoughts.  Find out what you like and contemplate whether achieving them can be possible at the moment. Is there any possibility? Taking your passion into consideration is important but we frequently forget what makes us happy when we are in difficult situations.

  1. Be a Yes Person

Anytime an interesting chance comes up and you always find excuses or you always hesitant when trying something foreign then its time to do away with those negative thoughts and be a yes individual. You can replace the no with a yes which will enable create more possibilities in your life mostly those unexpected ones. This can be scary but it will be worth it since you’ll achieve growth.

  1. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Ways of creating more possibilities for yourselfGet out of that relaxed situation if you want to realize more possibilities in your life. We frequently fear trying new things or ignore invitations due to the fact that dislike challenging what’s there. Even if it instills fear in you just be okay with getting uncomfortable. If you want to be cheered along then a friend, partner or family member can help you.  You can learn new things together and unlock your potentials.

  1. Link up with Potential Mentors and Guides

The most important way of realizing new possibilities is to get in touch with those who have traveled the same road you’re traveling in. you can check them out on social media to get familiarize yourself with their way of life. Though some individuals don’t keep it real on social media others do. You can, however, have a mentor already or get linked to one through a friend. Be confident and just request to have a coffee with them and have a talk about your future possibilities.

The Power of Manifesting Secrets

When it comes to manifesting the secrets within your spiritual self, there is a bit of truth to the notion that you are what you think. But thinking, however, is just one of the energetic pathways that can be used in manifesting your secrets. They pathways to manifesting your secrets are many, and positive thinking alone isn’t necessarily going to be enough when it comes to changing your reality. That can make for a slow and unsure path towards getting what you really want out of life. While thinking is a key step in manifesting the secrets, in actuality, feeling comes before thinking. Because we our feelings and emotions have been around long before our thinking abilities, feeling is the secret key when it comes to manifesting your reality. So how can you truly get what you want in life? Well, you can do that by manifesting on four different levels, or realities.

The Intellectual Mind

When it comes to the intellectual mind and how to use it to properly manifest, it’s important to acknowledge the darkness while you’re manifesting your positive thoughts. However, you shouldn’t dwell on the dark thoughts. Of course, they exist and can have power, but you don’t have to give them a lot of attention, therefore denying them the opportunity to amplify.

The Emotional Realm

The emotional realm is one that tends to be not accessed enough when you’re trying to manifest what you want. In using your feelings and direct energy, it’s essential to follow your emotional and passions. Focus on feelings of achievement and satisfaction. You can also use the emotional realm of thought to help others too while helping gain more positive connections.

The Physical World

When it comes to attaining your dreams and goals in life, taking physical action is one of the most important ways to manifest those secrets. Of course, we can spend endless amounts of time dreaming up fantasies as to what we’d like our life to be like. But if we don’t physically follow through and pursue those dreams…they will always remain as fantasies. No taking physical action within your life is a key step in your manifestation.

Invoking the Realm of the Spirit

In manifesting what you want in life, it’s important to keep in touch with your spiritual self. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation. In meditation your manifestation, you’ll be able to connect with a deeper level of consciousness, therefore sending yourself on a more destined path towards your wants and desires.

Manifesting your choices and desires in life comes from the power within yourself. So, it’s important to always work towards your dreams while working with as many levels or dimensions as you can. In working on these manifestations, you’ll be able to capture those dreams in life.

Why should we spend more time outdoors?

You do not have to go far from home to enjoy the many benefits of getting outdoors. Studies show that spending only 30 minutes each day to walk or cycle in a green or open space, can boost your physical and mental health.

Spending more time outdoors in wider and more rural landscapes can have even greater health impacts. It can improve memory, fight depression, and lower blood pressure. These benefits have been shown to have a longer lasting effect, even when you get back to your daily routine.

Here are some reasons to spend more time outdoors:

  • Being outdoors reduces stress and ease anxiety

Researchers have found that being outdoors in nature can reduce your stress and ease anxiety. That’s why walking meetings are becoming more and more popular.

Studies found that a 30-minute walk help human body have slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and reduced levels of stress. And these effects don’t disappear when you get home. Researchers found that these stress-busting benefits last for days and even up to a month.

  • Enhance your creativity

Spending some time in Nature is a great way to enhance your creativity, concentration, and problem-solving skills. Staying outdoors will help your brain and restores the reserves needed for critical thinking. It will boost your brainpower.

  • Spending more time in the fresh air boosts your energy

You should skip caffeine  and spend some time in the open air. It gives your brain an energy boost comparable to one cup of coffee.

  • Boost Immune system

Breathing fresh air produced by plants increases levels of white blood cells and helps fight off infections and diseases.

  • Amazing experience

The outdoors offers opportunities to spot wildlife, explore breath-taking views, walk to the mountains, take a long-distance cycling tour, spend great time with friends and family. You are far less likely to enjoy these experiences if you stay at home staring at your TV screen.

  • Boost confidence

Doing something challenging outdoors like mountain climbing will help boost your confidence levels. You will need to plan ahead to achieve these goals and overcome your fears, but the sense of achievement will maximize your elf-confidence.

  • Live healthier and longer

Studies have shown that living near green space means that residents have more opportunities for physical activity, less exposure to pollution, increased social engagement, and better mental health, all of which can decrease your risk of death.

  • A way to get super fit

Taking your workout outdoors also provides health perks that a gym can’t give you. Exercise in a gym is good, but it’s a kind of repetitive. Outdoor exercise like trail running or playing sports provides exposure to a wide variety of different challenges that we don’t experience in the gym.

You’ll also burn more calories outside than you would do in the gym, since you’re pushing off the ground to propel yourself forward rather than simply keeping pace on the moving surface of a treadmill. And whether you spend more time in forests or hike in mountains, exposure to sunlight (which delivers the mood and health-boosting benefits of vitamin D. These outdoor activities can lead to significant health benefits

Mourning over Friendship

Friendships are just as important as our romantic relationships. Despite the fact that a lot of films and books in well-known culture portray substantial love stories of our times, there are very essential lessons learned from friendship. These are dedication, honesty, and compromise. Sadly, all friendships don’t last. Others take time to end while others may crush immediately. It doesn’t matter how this takes place but there will always be that moment of mourning when an essential friendship comes to an end. As you look for new friendships, the following processes will help you start healing from your old friendships.

Process Your Feelings

You need to discover your feelings and understand them. This is the first action to take in any mourning process. Isolating yourself emotionally is not advisable as this can be exhausting therefore it is only through you that these emotions can pass and put them down on paper. Writing a letter to an old friend can help although you might not send it. This is a chance for you to let your heart out but at the same time take into consideration that both you and your friend need that personal space in order to heal.

Don’t Utter Bad Words

You might feel like you need to through words at your friend. Despite everything that led to you two falling apart it is respectable to just be silent to avoid being misinterpreted by your new friends. Do away with negative feelings and energy of the past if you want to attract healthier relationships in the future.

Remember Your Experiences Then Turn Around

Everything you did together (experienced) was genuine even though the friendship ended. Therefore make peace with your past although it might be emotional and psychical. You can look at their photos, presents etc. before finally doing away with them to mark the end of your friendship.

Engage in Activities that make you Happy

Recent research shows that happy and confident individuals attract other people more. When you are happy you feel more connected to yourself. Engage in activities that give you peace of mind and heart. Taking good care of yourself will make other people notice you and make them act positively towards that vitality.

Regrettably, sadness that results from a loss of a very important friendship cannot be ignored. Even if the reason why the friendship ended is still questionable you have no option but to move on. You will heal quickly and make new friends faster if you locate time for your own well-being and feelings while at the same time living positively.

Do you need deep, honest insight into your love life or career? Get a Psychic Reading!

How to attract wild and passionate love into your life

attract wild and passionate love into your life

There are certain magical strategies you can follow to attract wild passionate love as soon as possible. Here are some!

Know what you want

You can visualize your partner. You don’t have to get too specific and think of things like hair color, style, or favorite music band.

It is better not to pay much attention to small details to the extent that you find yourself making a long list of characteristics. Let’s be realistic, no one is perfect, and you are not trying to attract a perfect partner, what you are looking for is love. So don’t be too picky, and focus more on positive sides.

Forget about your EX

Many people find it difficult to forget about their EX. You can’t invite a new person to enter your life if your EX is still in your heart. And if you still keep your ex partner stuff like books, clothing, or objects you don’t use, then it’s time to give it away or may be sell it online. This approach helps you think about the future rather than the past.

Make a space for your new love

Get ready for the new love and create a space for new partner! Buy a king size bed, and a love sofa! And while you wait for your love to arrive, dedicate part of your home to your new partner. Adjust your home décor, and get new bed-covers that more fit for a couple than a single person.

Get out in the world where you can be found!

If you stay home, your new true love won’t come and ring your doorbell. You have to get out to be found! Join clubs that focus on stuff you’re interested in. Consider a volunteer work for a charity or sign up for a dance class!   Whatever it takes to get you out of your home to the world of romance!

Love yourself and buy yourself flowers.

Pretend that you’re already in love. Smile, listen to romantic music and buy yourself red flowers. Be romantic and feel the love.. Celebrate Valentine’s day even if you’re not in a relationship. Change your home decoration and add a romantic touch like red candles.

Keep your faith and listen to your heart

Be optimistic. Your real true love is coming. Don’t lose hope. Just listen to your heart and follow signs or messages telling us to keep our faith and take particular actions.

Love your life even if you are still single

How to expect someone to truly love you if you don’t? Love yourself because you deserve it. There are a lot of other beautiful things in the world to do rather than falling in love. Make new friends. Travel with them to new places. Who know? You  may meet your soulmate on the plane.


True love is a real thing and there is a person out there is waiting for you and only you. Yes, you will be loved because you deserve it.

Hope for Lost Relationships (checklist)

Don’t lose hope on Your Relationship Yet!

Now it’s not the time to give up on your relationship regardless of how you feel, i.e. moving on might be difficult but you can’t tell why. I have been able to assist many clients with relationship solutions for quite some time now and what brings them together is the fact that situations are never what they look like.

There are couples who get back together even after divorce, fighting over family assets and even after living with other people (as I foretold). Such outcomes are unexpected but they usually occur and clients don’t believe until they do after which they call back and says “I will never doubt you again.”

“Love is a promise; love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.”– John Lennon

There are quite a number of negative feelings that pile up over time. Partners tend to hurt each other leading to them even having restraining orders against each other. This is embarrassing. However, there are reasons as to why they experience this and there is always breakthrough at the end. Hope is there.

How to know if your relationship has a second, third, fourth or fifth chances

  1. When they contact you about something that’s not important.
  2. They contact you accidentally.
  3. They inquire about you from mutual friends.
  4. When both of you still split pets, assets or children.
  5. You parted ways sometime back and got back together.
  6. Feeling like you’re used to them, unlike others you’ve been with before.
  7. You know their vulnerabilities as well as yours.
  8. You take time to move on even after the break-up.
  9. You always fantasize about them.
  10. You unexpectedly meet with them

People have to find themselves, think about their lives and be aware of everything for them to get on the right relationship track.  It doesn’t matter what the other person says to you as long as you understand each other there is still hope.

What if you’re still “stuck” on a relationship?

Have a look at the checklist and identify if there is any sign of you reconnecting with your lover. This applies to people who find it difficult to move on yet they don’t know the reason why. Know that unexpected things happen even the impossible ones so your situation shouldn’t be any different.

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